Title: PIVX Slush Fund May 2023
Name: Slush-Fund-2023-05
Term: 1 Cycle
Cycle Amount: 2000 PIV
Total Amount: 2000 PIV
Author: leacymck
Receiver: leacymck
Address: D8mZcFxqxa44LUS1qNNz5i81SU4aX29ee4
Created: April 28th, 2023
Status: Active
Back Story:
For the past 4 years I have been donating piv out of my own pocket towards: contests, PIV rewards to social team members and managers, PIV tips to longtime active supporters on socials, as well as new members and followers. There was 1 donation on behalf of the PIVX community to a charity, as well as tips within the PIVX Discord.
I felt fortunate to have been able to do this. Unfortunately, 2 months ago I stopped this practice and then relied on the PIVX slush fund to help pay for achainofblocks, the YouTube crypto-content video creator's fee, and payment for the QOTD community project that resulted in a series with 8 graphics. 8 winners received 50 PIV. The slush funds are now gone so I decided to create one myself.
I wish to have the 50 PIV reimbursed to me from this proposal.
Therefore the remaining 1950 PIV will be used to help pay for winnings on a upcoming PIVXcommunity contest, reward long-time active social team members, reward supporters on socials. When price increases I hope to also pay for a PIVX article (not chosen yet) to be published on a major crypto publishing acct. with this amount. I would like to add to this slush fund when/if excess PIV is left over at the end of a cycle, so that others can benefit when they have small expenses they need covering.
Please note, not all of the 1950 PIV will be needed for May and will be used in the following months, only exception would be in the event the paid advertising takes up most of the amount.
I will keep an updated accounting of all expenses so everyone can see where it went. I will add links or screenshots.
Thank you for reading this proposal, feel free to leave comments or ideas below and I will reply.
leacymck Proud PIVX Aunty.
Name: Slush-Fund-2023-05
Term: 1 Cycle
Cycle Amount: 2000 PIV
Total Amount: 2000 PIV
Author: leacymck
Receiver: leacymck
Address: D8mZcFxqxa44LUS1qNNz5i81SU4aX29ee4
Created: April 28th, 2023
Status: Active
Back Story:
For the past 4 years I have been donating piv out of my own pocket towards: contests, PIV rewards to social team members and managers, PIV tips to longtime active supporters on socials, as well as new members and followers. There was 1 donation on behalf of the PIVX community to a charity, as well as tips within the PIVX Discord.
I felt fortunate to have been able to do this. Unfortunately, 2 months ago I stopped this practice and then relied on the PIVX slush fund to help pay for achainofblocks, the YouTube crypto-content video creator's fee, and payment for the QOTD community project that resulted in a series with 8 graphics. 8 winners received 50 PIV. The slush funds are now gone so I decided to create one myself.
I wish to have the 50 PIV reimbursed to me from this proposal.
Therefore the remaining 1950 PIV will be used to help pay for winnings on a upcoming PIVXcommunity contest, reward long-time active social team members, reward supporters on socials. When price increases I hope to also pay for a PIVX article (not chosen yet) to be published on a major crypto publishing acct. with this amount. I would like to add to this slush fund when/if excess PIV is left over at the end of a cycle, so that others can benefit when they have small expenses they need covering.
Please note, not all of the 1950 PIV will be needed for May and will be used in the following months, only exception would be in the event the paid advertising takes up most of the amount.
I will keep an updated accounting of all expenses so everyone can see where it went. I will add links or screenshots.
Thank you for reading this proposal, feel free to leave comments or ideas below and I will reply.
leacymck Proud PIVX Aunty.
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