Title: PIVX Slush Fund Sept 2023
Name: Slush-Fund-2023-09
Term: 1 Cycle
Cycle Amount: 2000 PIV
Total Amount: 2000 PIV
Author: leacymck
Receiver: leacymck
Address: D8mZcFxqxa44LUS1qNNz5i81SU4aX29ee4
Created: Sept 6, 2023
Status: Active
Back Story:
This proposal is a continuation from the previous Slush Fund proposal in May 2023 where 2000 PIV was awarded and was given out to Community Members, who have entered in the many contests held via PIVXcommunity Official Twitter account. As there is only 95 PIV left I thought it was time to submit another proposal for an additional 2000 PIV. Please see the prior Slush Fund proposal to see the detailed list of where the 1905 PIV was given out. May slush fund.
Having a pool of PIV to use to tip community members that step up when needed is a necessity so the core team can acknowledge their work, and to let them know they are appreciated. Giving prizes of PIV to the recipients of contests has proven to be beneficial for PIVX as 99% of the winners stay and become active community members!
I wish to have the 50 PIV reimbursed to me from submitting this proposal. I will keep track of all expenses again in the replies so that everyone can see where the funds go.
Therefore the remaining 1950 PIV will be used to help pay for winnings on upcoming PIVXcommunity contests, reward long-time active social team members and to reward supporters on socials.
Thank you,
Name: Slush-Fund-2023-09
Term: 1 Cycle
Cycle Amount: 2000 PIV
Total Amount: 2000 PIV
Author: leacymck
Receiver: leacymck
Address: D8mZcFxqxa44LUS1qNNz5i81SU4aX29ee4
Created: Sept 6, 2023
Status: Active
Back Story:
This proposal is a continuation from the previous Slush Fund proposal in May 2023 where 2000 PIV was awarded and was given out to Community Members, who have entered in the many contests held via PIVXcommunity Official Twitter account. As there is only 95 PIV left I thought it was time to submit another proposal for an additional 2000 PIV. Please see the prior Slush Fund proposal to see the detailed list of where the 1905 PIV was given out. May slush fund.
Having a pool of PIV to use to tip community members that step up when needed is a necessity so the core team can acknowledge their work, and to let them know they are appreciated. Giving prizes of PIV to the recipients of contests has proven to be beneficial for PIVX as 99% of the winners stay and become active community members!
I wish to have the 50 PIV reimbursed to me from submitting this proposal. I will keep track of all expenses again in the replies so that everyone can see where the funds go.
Therefore the remaining 1950 PIV will be used to help pay for winnings on upcoming PIVXcommunity contests, reward long-time active social team members and to reward supporters on socials.
Thank you,