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Archived PIVX Social Media Lead/Content Creator, Exchange Liaison.

"Let's get back to the proposal. How can not having atleast 1 daily automated post/tweet be considered sufficient amount of work for the social channel? 22nd June was last one for twitter. Binance has cancelled the delisting for some eu privacy coins. There's your extra spur of the moment tweet @LeacyMcK"

Perhaps you should take a Twitter 101 course or something. Your suggestion to Tweet the Binance cancellation of de-listing PIVX in EU markets, was Tweeted the same day it was announced, 2 days ago. Here it is since you have difficulty finding it.

Also, I just did a quick scan and found Tweets for the following days. I see a few days missing, but they are on weekends, and perhaps that's a poor time to Tweet. Regardless, what I see is proof of extremely regular daily Tweets.

June 26
June 24
June 23
June 22
June 21
June 20
June 19 x 2
June 18
June 16
June 15
June 14 x 3
June 13
June 12 x 3
June 11
June 9
June 8
June 7

The fact you don't see these indisputable facts, that are there plain as day for anyone to see, and come to some alternate reality conclusion, is beyond me. This is not the first time. In fact, I think you ignore facts that don't support your narrative. That's another reason I don't trust anything you say.
Oh ... also .... stats show that Twitter and Instagram are where the value is. Others, not so much.

I know you mentioned Jim Draper being skilled to help. He has been working on TikTok since March 20. (98 days ago)

But, I am only seeing 11 posts. That is approx 1 every 9 days. https://www.tiktok.com/@officialpivx

That's on just 1 platform too. Is that acceptable to you? Has he proven himself?
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Oh ... also .... stats show that Twitter and Instagram are where the value is. Others, not so much.

I know you mentioned Jim Draper being skilled to help. He has been working on TikTok since March 20. (98 days ago)

But, I am only seeing 11 posts. That is approx 1 every 9 days. https://www.tiktok.com/@officialpivx

That's on just 1 platform too. Is that acceptable to you? Has he proven himself?
LOL - YIKES. @Borris I think Eric might just have you here! What have you got to comeback with?
"Let's get back to the proposal. How can not having atleast 1 daily automated post/tweet be considered sufficient amount of work for the social channel? 22nd June was last one for twitter. Binance has cancelled the delisting for some eu privacy coins. There's your extra spur of the moment tweet @LeacyMcK"

Perhaps you should take a Twitter 101 course or something. Your suggestion to Tweet the Binance cancellation of de-listing PIVX in EU markets, was Tweeted the same day it was announced, 2 days ago. Here it is since you have difficulty finding it.

Also, I just did a quick scan and found Tweets for the following days. I see a few days missing, but they are on weekends, and perhaps that's a poor time to Tweet. Regardless, what I see is proof of extremely regular daily Tweets.

June 26
June 24
June 23
June 22
June 21
June 20
June 19 x 2
June 18
June 16
June 15
June 14 x 3
June 13
June 12 x 3
June 11
June 9
June 8
June 7

The fact you don't see these indisputable facts, that are there plain as day for anyone to see, and come to some alternate reality conclusion, is beyond me. This is not the first time. In fact, I think you ignore facts that don't support your narrative. That's another reason I don't trust anything you say.
Who control's the official as you like to call it then?

As far as I can see that hardly ever gets updated? Social media lead. Usually the main twitter gets updated first? Or am I missing something? Is it wrong to expect a tweet/post from someone getting paid on all platforms that can be automated to do just that 🤔

Fill me in if I'm missing something?
Who control's the official as you like to call it then?

As far as I can see that hardly ever gets updated? Social media lead. Usually the main twitter gets updated first? Or am I missing something? Is it wrong to expect a tweet/post from someone getting paid on all platforms that can be automated to do just that 🤔

Fill me in if I'm missing something?

There are 2 main Twitter accounts for PIVX, each for a different target audience.

@_PIVX gets fewer Tweets, but important ones. So, people who want to make sure they are informed of super important stuff, like new Core Wallet updates, or new Exchange Listings etc., but do not want too much 'information overload', they follow that account.

@PIVXcommunity has far more Tweets, plus it re-Tweets what is posted to @_PIVX. Those people what want to know everything happening at PIVX, and are OK with lots of information, follow that account.

If you sincerely didn't know this ... that's OK. But, then please do NOT imply you have any clue about what is happening with PIVX on Twitter. Maybe search on Twitter for the #PIVX hashtag to get a better idea.

There are 2 main Twitter accounts for PIVX, each for a different target audience.

@_PIVX gets fewer Tweets, but important ones. So, people who want to make sure they are informed of super important stuff, like new Core Wallet updates, or new Exchange Listings etc., but do not want too much 'information overload', they follow that account.

@PIVXcommunity has far more Tweets, plus it re-Tweets what is posted to @_PIVX. Those people what want to know everything happening at PIVX, and are OK with lots of information, follow that account.

If you sincerely didn't know this ... that's OK. But, then please do NOT imply you have any clue about what is happening with PIVX on Twitter. Maybe search on Twitter for the #PIVX hashtag to get a better idea.
I think I know the prob! It's because she has blocked me from seeing it! I see nothing on pivx hashtag which I search often. Its one of my click on bookmarks on my phone.


Borris, a screen shot of your bookmarks tells us nothing. Please provide the actual link for that bookmark, and then maybe we can help you solve this puzzle.

Please provide the actual link for that bookmark, and then maybe we can help you solve this puzzle.

The screen shots give us a solid clue to what the actual link is, because we see most of the URL and the fact it brings you to 'latest'. But, there are other parameters that could be in that URL, that would be helpful, that we can't see.


That link brings you to a search page for TOP results for the hashtag #pivx.
Your screen shots show the same list, but for LATEST results.
I presume you are clicking the bookmark, and then clicking 'Latest'.

LeacyMcK does a great job getting the word out about PIVX. In fact, she does such a great job, there are MANY MANY people talking about PIVX and using the #pivx and other related hashtags. As a result, what she posts gets absolutely BURIED in the TOP and LATEST search results.
That's AWESOME!!!! That is the entire objective!!! But, that's probably why you are missing so many of her posts.

So, the fact that you are using those pages to check her work, and NOT seeing her daily posts, is actually an excellent data point showing how hard she is working, how long she has been at that pace, and how effective that effort is.

If you specifically want to see only the posts she does for @_PIVX and for @PIVXcommunity, you should go to those specific pages and the Tweets tab. Here they are for reference.

When you look at older Tweets listed there, you will see she also engages with the comments when appropriate. Engagement is super important, and we can ALL help with that.

Now, what you absolutely should be doing if you support PIVX is FOLLOW THE ABOVE 2 ACCOUNTS!! Twitter shows you follow 99 accounts, but only lists 79. So, while not conclusive, it does not appear you are following the 2 PIVX Twitter accounts yet. Frankly, that's unacceptable for someone tracking PIVX on Twitter to vote on a Social Media proposal.

Then you can simply have your bookmark point to https://twitter.com/home and you can choose between your For you or Following timelines. For you shows Tweets based on recommendations of accounts you follow or topics you're interested in. Your Following timeline displays Tweets from only the accounts you follow.

In closing, I am not sure how to say this, but Borris, through this thread you have perfectly demonstrated that you have near ZERO Twitter expertise, to the point that you have no ability to judge the social media efforts of anyone. All I can do to help you is state, that I was at that level too, and it took me a long time to figure things out. To me, Twitter is not intuitive at all. The BEST way to get up the learning curve, is to grow your own following list, organically. That means create content and engage with posts, to get people to follow you. Do NOT BUY followers. That teaches you nothing, and adds no value.

Good luck!
Just think of all the good work that could have been achieved by actually working towards the greater good of PIVX, instead of having to answer to all these mostly baseless accusations. Maybe it would be more effective to come up with solutions instead of (mostly made-up) problems might do the trick.
So it was a block why I wasn't seeing any posts? They've suddenly appeared and I can see those accounts now...

So we both were correct? She has been posting but I was unable to see them which is why I assume she was doing nothing or very minimum posts.

Great when people communicate ain't it? Now if that ban/block wasn't there think of all the time we'd of all saved debating. Everyone should have access to discord, social accounts, all of these communication lines then things like this don't happen.
So it was a block why I wasn't seeing any posts? They've suddenly appeared and I can see those accounts now...

So we both were correct? She has been posting but I was unable to see them which is why I assume she was doing nothing or very minimum posts.

Great when people communicate ain't it? Now if that ban/block wasn't there think of all the time we'd of all saved debating. Everyone should have access to discord, social accounts, all of these communication lines then things like this don't happen.
No. There was no block ever. If there was, it would be plainly obvious to you. Below is an example of what you would see if you were blocked by an account. I'm sure if you saw such a message, you would have said something.

This issue is 100% due to your social media incompetence, ignorance, and refusal to listen. It is all your fault.

It is your inability to communicate properly that got you banned from Discord. Your standard position is to insult and disrespect others, with no just cause. You constantly blame others, and continue even when proven wrong. All you are doing in this thread is giving more examples of why that ban should remain in place.

In my opinion (I am not part of Core - so this is exactly that - just my opinion), if you want to get unbanned from Discord, you will need to change your ways dramatically, and maintain that new 'character' for some time before you can even hope the ban will be lifted.

The first step would be a detailed and sincere apology to LeacyMcK and the Community as a whole. Probably best you research the components of a proper apology first. Because a simple "I'm sorry." is not going to be enough. Not even close.

Good Luck

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Yea so when are ANY of the Twitter accounts going to promote poker? I still haven't received an answer.
Similar to Borris, all you have ever done is spew insults and disrespect at LeacyMcK for the work she does.

My question is, if you think she does such a terrible job, and others could do so much better, why haven't you asked someone else to promote your Poker project?

What we have learned so far, is that very few PIVians are poker players. Crypto people outside of PIVX likely feel better playing Poker using the coins/tokens they are passionate about. So, maybe the most effective approach is to advertise to poker players specifically, and make it easy for them to buy PIVX to play? (tPIV option maybe?) But, if you go that approach, you should find someone familiar with Poker to help spread the word.

Now, if I have that wrong, and you feel LeacyMcK can do a great job promoting PIVX Poker, then you also should start with an apology.

Next step after that, might be getting Core to agree to promote gambling. I know that was an issue in the past. I have no idea what the status is now.

Good Luck
How do you know there aren't many poker PiVians? Why are you front and center in this discussion? Know your role man. You obviously have no idea but you persist. The social media manager doesn't need a white knight.

I would actually like to see where I insulted or disrespected the social manager. It has nothing to do with her, but moreso she holds the keys to the account. The PIVX community Twitter should be used for this, I can almost understand why not use _PIVX.

Seriously though, please provide proof of my "insults and disrespect". If it's "all you've ever done", should be easy.
Similar to Borris, all you have ever done is spew insults and disrespect at LeacyMcK for the work she does.

My question is, if you think she does such a terrible job, and others could do so much better, why haven't you asked someone else to promote your Poker project?

What we have learned so far, is that very few PIVians are poker players. Crypto people outside of PIVX likely feel better playing Poker using the coins/tokens they are passionate about. So, maybe the most effective approach is to advertise to poker players specifically, and make it easy for them to buy PIVX to play? (tPIV option maybe?) But, if you go that approach, you should find someone familiar with Poker to help spread the word.

Now, if I have that wrong, and you feel LeacyMcK can do a great job promoting PIVX Poker, then you also should start with an apology.

Next step after that, might be getting Core to agree to promote gambling. I know that was an issue in the past. I have no idea what the status is now.

Good Luck
"How do you know there aren't many poker PiVians?"

There was an effort to find PIVians to try PIVX.poker. Only a few showed up.

"Why are you front and center in this discussion?"

Because I am one of the very few still willing to both communicate with you and call you out. AFAIK, no one else will tell you what you need to know. You're welcome.

"Know your role man. You obviously have no idea but you persist. The social media manager doesn't need a white knight."

It is the role of all PIVians to engage with others. True, I have no idea about poker. But, that and the fact few here do, leads to the logical conclusion that PIVX.poker should be marketed outside of PIVX, and perhaps outside of crypto too.

"I would actually like to see where I insulted or disrespected the social manager."

LOL. That's funny. Are you seriously telling me you feel you haven't? Well then. Much more of my response to Borris applies to you too then. Including why you were banned from Discord. You need to work on your communication skills ... big time!

Good Luck!
Still waiting for ANY proof of disrespect, or insults....

I thought you "stepped down"? This discussion is not for you then. It's only for the social manager. She herself said when poker was ready, it would at least get a tweet. I really don't understand the discussion here.

"Because I am one of the very few still willing to both communicate with you and call you out. AFAIK, no one else will tell you what you need to know. You're welcome"

This sounds disrespectful to me no? Very condescending. And what do I NEED to know? That my efforts to bring adoption and a usecase to this drowning coin are for naught?

Are YOU the committee who decides what gets promoted or not? Or what's good for PIVX?

STILL waiting for a shred of proof I have been "disrespectful" or insulted anyone.

"How do you know there aren't many poker PiVians?"

There was an effort to find PIVians to try PIVX.poker. Only a few showed up.

"Why are you front and center in this discussion?"

Because I am one of the very few still willing to both communicate with you and call you out. AFAIK, no one else will tell you what you need to know. You're welcome.

"Know your role man. You obviously have no idea but you persist. The social media manager doesn't need a white knight."

It is the role of all PIVians to engage with others. True, I have no idea about poker. But, that and the fact few here do, leads to the logical conclusion that PIVX.poker should be marketed outside of PIVX, and perhaps outside of crypto too.

"I would actually like to see where I insulted or disrespected the social manager."

LOL. That's funny. Are you seriously telling me you feel you haven't? Well then. Much more of my response to Borris applies to you too then. Including why you were banned from Discord. You need to work on your communication skills ... big time!

Good Luck!
No. There was no block ever. If there was, it would be plainly obvious to you. Below is an example of what you would see if you were blocked by an account. I'm sure if you saw such a message, you would have said something.

This issue is 100% due to your social media incompetence, ignorance, and refusal to listen. It is all your fault.

It is your inability to communicate properly that got you banned from Discord. Your standard position is to insult and disrespect others, with no just cause. You constantly blame others, and continue even when proven wrong. All you are doing in this thread is giving more examples of why that ban should remain in place.

In my opinion (I am not part of Core - so this is exactly that - just my opinion), if you want to get unbanned from Discord, you will need to change your ways dramatically, and maintain that new 'character' for some time before you can even hope the ban will be lifted.

The first step would be a detailed and sincere apology to LeacyMcK and the Community as a whole. Probably best you research the components of a proper apology first. Because a simple "I'm sorry." is not going to be enough. Not even close.

Good Luck

View attachment 978
I think you will find there was and even the screenshot of my phone from above that someone else shared a link to the pivx community channel shows this tweet is unavailable...

No point trying to defend something that is blatantly obvious that was the problem why I wasn't seeing anything. So wind your neck back in and just accept that was the reason.

I won't ask for an apology on your social media incompetence as I don't really care what you or anyone thinks. I say it how it is and don't need your approval or words of advice because from my view and alot of other people's view see what is being said differently.

Just because you don't like hearing another view point does not mean it is wrong. Silencing it doesn't mean it was wrong for myself or anyone else who got banned for voicing our opinions. Tides turn, votes change, people get removed. I'll keep reminding everyone of that next time the messages come in needing votes.