Title: PIVX Starter - Easy & Transparent Crypto Crowdfunding
Name: PIVX Starter - Easy & Transparent Crypto Crowdfunding
Term: TBD
Cycle Amnt: TBD
Total Amnt: 3920$
Author: ChekaZ
Receiver: Blockcurators GmbH
Address: TBD
Status: Pre-Proposed, In Review, Awaiting Feedback
Dear PIVX-Community,
Iam presenting a Tool called PIVX Starter, the idea started by Boris, Rhubabarian and others about 1 year ago. It got privately funded by Boris to a state where it could be used, but still needed a lot of development to bring it into the current state.
PIVX Starter is a Community Crowdfunding Tool which makes it able to easily donate to projects. All funds are escrowed and can be released on Milestones, so no "running with funds" or "scams" easily possible.
PIVXStarter is designed within the PIVX corporate identity guidelines. I'll display which features the page has, a lot of them is already implemented, some specific tasks about KYC and managing registered user funds is still open as its more pivx specific.
Basic Feature List
- Login/Register/Create Project/Discover Project/Discover Footer MenuBar
- FAQ/Rules Landing Page
- Display Campaigns with Picture or Video/Goal/Short-text/Funding/Title/Who set it up
- Display Total Campaigns/Amount/Funded - SearchBar ( Tags )
Profile Page:
- Deposit
- Withdraw
- Create Campaign
- Name
- Balance
- Projects listed ( Self and Donated )
Project Page:
- Title - Author
- Topic
- Project-Text
- Picture
- Funding Goal
- Project Address
- Amount of Donators
- Percentage Graphic of Funding
- Comment section
- Update Section Rules/How it works:
- Register is needed to create or donate to a project
- Deposit needs to be done on profile page in order to donate
- Contributions in PIVX are off-chain ( Database sending )
- All Projects are escrowed
- Creating a project, autofills a generated address ( Foundation has control over the wallet ) - Refunding when project didnt succeed.
- Releasing Funds (Manually)
- Projects can be "tagged" ( tech, social, medical ) for discovery
- Needs to be logged in to comment
Extended Feature Summary
+ User Roles:
- Creator: Require registration
- Project payout: Require KYC
- Donator: Require registration
+ Create a Page where a user can enter KYC Information Steps:
- Upload: Government Issued Identification
- Upload: selfie that must contain four random Characters that are displayed before
- Enter: Full Name
- Enter: Date of Birth
- Enter: Email Address
- Enter: IP from Account
- Upload: Proof of Address + Modify Project creation to…
- Allow to add different Milestones to Projects. The milestone exists of a goal, title and description
+ Modify Project display page to..
- Contain a Donation Button that links to their management site
- Allow Admins to approve and block a single Project
+ Money released on Milestones
- Set PIVX weight on milestones + Create an Admin Page that…
- Displays New Projects
- Shows Creators log IP addresses
- Shows Account Creation log IP Addresses in first place
- Shows a Message when KYC review is needed
- Allows to Upload Files/Reports for Foundation/Coreon the Admin Page for KYC Purposes
- Has a Search Bar for Users to review
- That allows admins to manage the projects
- Allows to released Money on Milestones + Implement security Measurements..
- for KYC that encrypts the KYC Files on the Server. The Key is only available to Foundation/Core
- for Admins users that requires to use 2fa-Authentification
I would like to get community feedback on these points as well as on the topic overall. The money will be used to finalize the development of PIVXStarter with all specs mentioned above.
This product will be delivered on-premise.
Kind regard,