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Draft pivx wallet addresses domain names


New Pivian
Greetings PIVIANS, I have a problem that bothers me. Pİvx is much more up to date in the current market compared to its time and new projects, and it is developing even more in this regard. We have many features that make it easier to use, but we do not have domain names for wallet addresses. Can we talk about the possibility of this happening? Can't we get a domain name like ens .id for each wallet address?
I'm pretty sure the reason it hasn't been discussed much, is that it can break privacy. But perhaps that has been resolved, because I think something along those lines is part of v6.0, but I am not certain of that at all. @Liquid369 or @fuzzbawls , do either of you have more info?
Bunu ben de düşündüm ancak kendi adınıza ait bir alan adı satın alma kesintileri yalnızca gizliliğinize zarar verir. Çoğu toplulukta herkesin anonim bir adı ve herkesin bir karakteri vardır. Alan adını buna göre alırsak bu bir sorun olmayacak. Mesela alan adı alırken AEK yerine PIVIANS alan adını alıyorum ve kimse benim olduğumu bilmeyecek ama bir alan adıma sahip olacağım. @Eric_Stanek
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I thought about this too, but buying a domain name in your own name will only harm your privacy. In most communities, everyone has an anonymous name and everyone has a persona. This won't be a problem if we get the domain name accordingly. For example, when buying a domain name, I buy the PIVIANS domain name instead of AEK and no one will know it is me, but I will have a domain name.

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I thought about this too, but buying a domain name in your own name will only harm your privacy. In most communities, everyone has an anonymous name and everyone has a persona. This won't be a problem if we get the domain name accordingly. For example, when buying a domain name, I buy the PIVIANS domain name instead of AEK and no one will know it is me, but I will have a domain name.

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sorry i thought i wrote this in english @Cryptosi 🤣
by the way, yes I also agree with you, Privacy is optional on PIVX so names could exist, the issue would likely be wallet adoption. I'm going to assume that we could have wallet addresses using some inscription based naming system, however no such system exists yet for BTC based chains, the all exist on Smart contract chains such as ethereum and cosmos. I'd be interested to hear @Liquid369 view on this as I'm quite sure he's considered this already
Bu arada, evet ben de sana katılıyorum, PIVX'te Gizlilik isteğe bağlıdır, bu nedenle isimler mevcut olabilir, sorun büyük olasılıkla cüzdanın benimsenmesi olacaktır. Yazıt tabanlı bir adlandırma sistemi kullanarak cüzdan adreslerine sahip olabileceğimizi varsayacağım, ancak BTC tabanlı zincirler için henüz böyle bir sistem mevcut değil, hepsi Ethereum ve Cosmos gibi Akıllı sözleşme zincirlerinde mevcut. Zaten bunu düşündüğünden oldukça emin olduğum için @Liquid369'ın bu konudaki görüşünü duymak isterim
I contacted a person from the Fio team and the answers I got were that we could partner for domain names.
I think we should talk to the fio team and ask about our cost for domain integration into wallets.