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PIVXAmbassadors.org Website 2.0


This is not a formal pre-proposal.
It is an inquiry as to whether or not there is interest from the PIVX community in a refreshed https://pivxambassadors.org website.
And whether it is worthy of a proposal or better suited as a crowd-funded project?

This idea was inspired by recent problems with the website (now fixed) which was caused by Google Maps changing it's terms.

Based on the current structure, overall design, and purpose of the website, I believe I can make significant improvements in a refreshed version. Site admin would also be significantly easier.

Key changes:
  • Switch from Wordpress to Grav CMS
  • Significantly faster loading
  • No reliance on Google Services (unless analytics is added)
  • No reliance on third party data sources (CDN, etc)
  • All open source (maps using openstreetmap)
  • Visually pleasing and welcoming
  • Uniform display of data
  • Ability to send messages to Ambassadors without revealing email address
  • Easy administration (further info below)
A picture is worth a few words:

The top block is current site performance test, the bottom block is the new site,
note the google page speed and the overall kb of page.


Of note is that a single ambassador profile page currently uses over 1800 lines of code to produce the page, my mockup demo currently sits at 209 lines, in the end it still will probably be under 300 lines.

Here is a side by side screenshot attempting to show a cleaner, more purposeful layout (new one is on the left, I'm hoping that was obvious)


Again, same as above but for the homepage

Regarding administration, the workflow:
  • Ambassador fills in an application form
  • Email sent to 1 or more persons notifying application sent
  • Peer reviews the submitted data with ability to alter or clean it up
  • New page is then enabled with all formatting and uniform with all other profiles
This is a lot for a screenshot, but, comparing the admin interfaces, clearly showing an easier, simplified interface


These are my ideas for the site, but of course layout modifications would be welcome and recommended if it goes to further stages.

I look forward to your comments
I'm all in for the new portal and the speed bump it adds. Maybe a new refreshed design could be possible?
Considering the new privacy and all we could have a new look and feel for the site.
One thing i really dont like today is the color of the text and the white background. I'm maybe getting old but its hard on the eye.
In general i like darker background and white text. Even this forum when on darkmode looks much much nicer.
Welcome to the dark side...A work in progress, lol!


Also another page performance test comparing current ambassadors site (top) and demo site (bottom) on my slow home server, optimizing images should bring performance into the green zone!

It's getting a bit better... SEO will hit 100 once on a real host, the negative hit is because of robots.txt disallow all on my home server! Performance will only get better by removing unneeded CSS and JS. The biggest hit comes from the maps which need to get loaded from external sources.


Here's a bit more work on the visual layout... A little less CHUNKY compared to post above...

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