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Awaiting Feedback Pre-Proposal Discussion: DAO Community Coach Role – Shaping Our Future Together

Sigge is great and has always upheld the PIVX name high even when thrown under by trolls on X or other platforms. He never once faulted and I’ve always liked that about him. I will be honest that this proposal is slightly out of my understanding but that’s only because I haven’t yet dabbled with this. I see potential and benefit with a unified team and in fact it is what I’ve tried with the team meeting we had which I plan on hosting more. It was succesful and actually motivated me. So if you’re up to the challenge and feel you can make a difference @SiggeB then show them what you’re made of and let’s get it done. There is always things to improve but let’s be civil and respect everyone and continue to build PIVX.

You guys are my heroes and heroines, and I'm not exaggerating. I have always looked up to you all, no one named, no one forgotten, how you managed to keep this baby flying even under the most difficult circumstances.

I can't describe how much it means to me to read these positive words from you guys. It motivates me a lot, and it is proof for me that our potential as a DAO is in fact limitless.

Thank you from my heart, to all of you!
About Resilience and My Philosophy

I remember very well when I first read the news about the Zerocoin vulnerability. I was shocked. But then I listened to a podcast—I'm not sure who it was with, but it could very well have been Snappy. In that moment, I found my confidence in PIVX restored. The 50% price drop wasn't important anymore. What I took away from that experience is something that has shaped my outlook: Shit happens, but you only lose if you don’t learn from it. Resilience isn’t just about bouncing back—it’s about growing stronger and wiser because of the challenges we face.

PIVX has proven time and again to be incredibly resilient. And so have all the individuals—or, as I like to think of them, the cells—who come together to make this organism what it is.

My Vision for PIVX as an Organism

In the same way that cells in a body need a healthy environment to thrive, so do the contributors of a DAO. Dr. Bruce Lipton often describes this beautifully: every cell in our body has a specific task that not only keeps it alive but also helps the entire organism flourish. But here’s the catch: if the environment the cells live in—our blood—becomes unhealthy, they struggle. Their ability to perform their task weakens, and over time, this impacts the surrounding cells and, eventually, the entire body.

For a DAO like PIVX, the “environment” is the culture we create, the communication we nurture, and the support we provide to one another. When the environment is good, we thrive. When it’s not, we start to feel drained, disconnected, and disheartened.

The Importance of a Clear Goal

One of the most remarkable features of the body as an organization of cells is its ability to coordinate millions of unique, specialized tasks toward a shared purpose: keeping the organism alive and thriving. Every cell, from the smallest to the most complex, understands its role and how it contributes to the bigger picture. This alignment doesn’t happen by accident. It’s the result of clear communication—signals traveling through the body to ensure that every cell knows what the organism is working toward.

In a DAO, the same principle applies. A clear, well-communicated goal allows every member to see how their contributions matter. Whether it’s developing new technology, fostering community, or spreading the word about our shared mission, each effort builds toward a greater purpose. When members feel connected to this purpose, they are inspired to give their best and collaborate more effectively.

Without a shared goal, confusion and disconnection can arise. The organism (or organization) loses its direction, and cells (or members) may end up working at odds with one another. Clear goals act as a guiding star, ensuring that every effort is aligned and every action meaningful.

Dealing with Challenges to the Environment

In any thriving organism, all cells have their unique roles and contribute to the collective well-being. Occasionally, however, a cell might become misaligned with the organism's overall health, consuming more resources than it gives back or even causing harm to nearby cells. This is something completely normal and happens in every organization.

The body has natural mechanisms to address this. It first tries to send signals to correct the behavior, ensuring the cell has the right support and information to realign with its purpose. If the issue persists, the body prioritizes the health of the organism as a whole. Sometimes, this means isolating the problematic cell to prevent further harm or redirecting energy to strengthen the surrounding cells.

The lesson here is that a healthy system prioritizes the collective good while seeking to guide and heal individual parts whenever possible. When we nurture an environment of clarity, accountability, and mutual respect, we create the conditions for all members to thrive—or, in rare cases, recognize when it’s time to step back for the health of the whole.

The Importance of Emotional Safety in a DAO

In a healthy organism, the brain sends signals to cells based on what it perceives in the outside world. If there’s danger, the body enters fight-or-flight mode. Growth tasks shut down because survival becomes the priority. Similarly, in a DAO, when members feel stressed, undervalued, or overwhelmed, it’s like the body being stuck in survival mode. Progress halts, and we can’t focus on the creative and meaningful work that helps us grow.

On the other hand, when the environment signals safety and positivity, the body heals and grows. In a DAO, this translates to members feeling supported, respected, and inspired. This is the state we want to strive for—a place where every contributor feels empowered to do their best work because the environment allows them to thrive.

My Philosophy as a Community Coach

My long-term vision for PIVX is to create and sustain an environment where every “cell” of our DAO can be in a state of growth most of the time. Sure, there will be moments when we need to act quickly and respond to challenges—that’s normal and necessary. But those moments should be temporary, not the default.

By fostering collaboration, clear communication, and mutual support, I believe we can nurture an ecosystem that not only achieves great things but also feels good to be part of. My role as a Community Coach isn’t to tell anyone what to do—it’s to nurture the environment so that everyone feels empowered to contribute their unique talents and ideas.

When each member feels connected to our shared purpose, understands their unique role, and thrives in a supportive environment, PIVX will continue to grow as a vibrant, innovative, and resilient community.
We want to build the heck out of PIVX. So here is my goals for PIVX

•Be listed on Binance perpetuals
•Be listed on atleast 6 of top 10 exchanges in both perps and spot
•Have our team regularly attend conferences and fly the PIVX brand high
•Have PIVX as the most recognised cryptocurrency for payment and securing privacy.

We can do this. Having a unified team that aligns their goals and work ethic is key.
These are great line items for 'The Impossible List', because I know implying something is impossible is a great motivator for you!

But, I am thinking of a much larger goal. One that everyone PIVian can push us towards.

We should start a separate thread for 'The Impossible List'.
As someone who has been actively involved in a number of DAOs through my work as a writer and reporter, I can confidently say that one of the factors that kill DAOs fast is not having a clear-cut vision. And this is where I agree with @Eric_Stanek's push to have a BHAG. It should be clearly stated for all to see. With this, we can further break it down to hub goals, where every segment is pulling their weight to achieve the overall vision.

I have seen countless DAOs fail, some with the most novel ideas. While people are bound to disagree, we must look for a way cater to the needs of the vast majority. Regular milestone reviews should be incorporated into our operations and teams should have solid KPIs, all geared towards the BHAG.

That said, although this proposal needs some of finetuning, it is a step in the right direction to ensure cohesiveness.
That said, although this proposal needs some of finetuning, it is a step in the right direction to ensure cohesiveness.

I'd love to listen to your ideas on finetuning. You can post your ideas here, or we could have a text, voice or video chat in the coming days. Let me know what you prefer :)
A BHAG will determine where efforts will be channeled to and provide a metric for measuring our work. For instance, if the goal is to become "the crypto payment option for everyday transactions," we know that efforts should be geared towards grassroot adoption and local integrations. This can now be further streamlined to having 1 million unique PIVX wallets in 2025.

While we may want to hold on to the decentralized euphoria, experience has thought me that there must be some level of organization and leadership for things to work. Measures should also be put in place to avoid hijacking and all bottlenecks that come with having a somewhat centralized team.
I'd love to listen to your ideas on finetuning. You can post your ideas here, or we could have a text, voice or video chat in the coming days. Let me know what you prefer :)
Sure... I am still in my retreat season. But I'll be sharing ideas as a drop.
re: Pre-proposal: I love the idea of building and aligning Community Goals. Of course they would flex and shift based on the environment and events and community feedback. However, it would help to align marketing and educational goals for the the year. It would be ideal to have a manager to help reach out to the community as a whole, allowing them (the Community) to have a voice in the direction and content of the material being sent out to the world. I believe the key to this is productive feedback. Some of the community may simply read and absorb and others may actively interact. Both are ok, I think the important thing is to have the opportunity to provide constructive feedback. It would be wonderful to hear more from the community on what they see as a need and how we can help. This can take significant time and is a large first step. I think if we all work together we can outline a role to test for @Sigge and adapt as needed.
re: Pre-proposal: I love the idea of building and aligning Community Goals. Of course they would flex and shift based on the environment and events and community feedback. However, it would help to align marketing and educational goals for the the year. It would be ideal to have a manager to help reach out to the community as a whole, allowing them (the Community) to have a voice in the direction and content of the material being sent out to the world. I believe the key to this is productive feedback. Some of the community may simply read and absorb and others may actively interact. Both are ok, I think the important thing is to have the opportunity to provide constructive feedback. It would be wonderful to hear more from the community on what they see as a need and how we can help. This can take significant time and is a large first step. I think if we all work together we can outline a role to test for @Sigge and adapt as needed.
Thanks for this valuable input. One idea I included in the live proposal is to have public Community Pods, for increased transparency. It would absolutely make sense to increase the educational content to flatten the curve or threshold to get started with PIVX. Let's keep this in mind, definitely!