I intentionally wrote that "this behavior is a threat to PIVX’s growth and sustainability. And it needs to be dealt with.". It's the behavior, not the person.
Staying in the bubble would be fine, as long as there will evolve a team representative or Hub representative (to avoid calling them 'lead') that makes sure that the important information flow is happening.
I only have ideas, that I'd love to share along the path. The current idea is that we have 4 or 5 Hubs, which consist of teams. Individuals can absolutely be part of multiple Hubs or Teams. I will suggest to introduce Hub Cuddles, where Hubs representatives inform others about their successes, challenges, and dreams. Others will contribute with praise, support, and suggestions. The idea is to boost collaboration and out-of-the-silo-thinking.
Regarding buzzwords, don't focus on words. Words are just placeholders, variables. We will come up with words that we can live with, along the way
I'd love to. Which ones would you like to talk about?
It looks like a big task, until it's not

Creating a space where everyone feels valued is important for our community. Gerrald is undoubtedly an important part of PIVX, and his concerns should absolutely be heard and respected. However, respect needs to go both ways for meaningful dialogue to occur.
I’ve invited Gerrald to discuss things in a more constructive and respectful way. Unfortunately, it seems he’s not yet ready to engage in that way. As long as his behavior continues to be hurtful and dismissive of others, it creates challenges in fostering a respectful and collaborative environment.
To address this, I suggest to use a third person, or tools like AI to help defuse emotionally charged comments. It’s been made clear by many that this is not about silencing anyone but about creating a space where all voices can be heard without fear of hostility or disrespect.
Ultimately, the door is always open for Gerrald to engage respectfully, and I remain hopeful that we can find a path forward together. Building mutual respect and understanding will take time, but it’s always worth the effort. If even Gerrald could see the greater good of PIVX and act accordingly, this could become reality.
Let me know which specific 'leftist' and 'marxist' ideas you'd like to discuss