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Awaiting Feedback Pre-Proposal Discussion: DAO Community Coach Role – Shaping Our Future Together

The problem is I don't see what I'm doing that is so offensive? I've just been very blunt with my questions which has obviously upset his feelings. I kept the questions short, did them under the quoted area, nothing was insulting unless you can enlighten me on where it was?
If you continue to choose to not respect the rules as they have been pointed out, so be it, but there is no complaints for the consequences of your actions when you have been sufficiently warned
Please quote my message that is against the rules because I fail to see any part of my questioning that could ever be seen as nothing more than trying to get answers.
What are your educational and social work qualifications? Your navigating of my views of leacy's proposal was not navigated well and were just trying to change my mind. If this is your way of navigating I think we can pass on needing anything.
Explain your coaching please and how that would help PIVX. It almost reminds me of brainwashing, trying to change peoples views. Mental well being in my view is weak minded people. Catering for people who cant take on roles to reduce stress is basically saying your not up to the job and they should be removed from that role.

I see leacy's thread is still locked from scrutiny. I'd start with that one. Then work on unbanning everyone with the opposing views from discord. Then maybe we can start to foster a broad range of views across the community or is that not what this role is about?

I hate the word diversity. You clearly don't want that anyway else why would there be so many bans, locked posts and a complete shut down of other peoples views, myself included. I CBA to go back and quote you trying to convince me to change my view. Heres the thread for anyone who wants to read. https://forum.pivx.org/threads/cont...ho-cannot-reply-to-questions-gone.2522/page-2

Note also you have banned my random viewing account from your twitter. Your a great role model there for open discussions. I had never even commented on anything you had posted.

The role is not needed.
You all shut down communication you don't like or disagree with the opposing view.
This proposal would be a cash grab for a pointless role that will have no effect on PIVX bar trying to align people with your view. Kind of like the education system has a left leaning learning narrative. You would be slotting in to say this is the direction and ignore/shutdown anyone that thinks differently. It has already been proven and is ongoing that a different view is shut down.
Do you not see this as particularly pointed to the aggression gleaned from it? The inclusion of others is making it messy. While we know this is a sore point, not everyone needs to be beaten over the head with it.
Where is a different view shut down currently? We allow you to say what you want, we just say that it cannot be this pointed.
The problem is you have already assumed you have the moral high ground and how you engage with people is the correct way and are trying to change how I engage with people. I'm blunt, straight to the point and don't care about people's mental health and diversity.

So whatever I don't need you answer questions. You are nothing to do with pivx bar a paid shiller currently.

The masternode owners control the budget so you either answer questions or not, it doesn't effect me but it will effect you if you try to put through a proposal. The choice is yours.
He felt attacked, and the response was "I don't give a f". Why are we standoff-ish from the start? He explained he felt it was not constructive, and offered a way to address it.
It's not aggressive it's just how your reading it. As I said I'm being straight to the point, asked the questions. I don't need to know the answers if he doesn't want to answer them but then that is reflected in votes.

I prefer everything to be open here for others to see and they can make their own minds up. Plus it gives people a chance to read over what they wrote and not just jump on something that can be misinterpreted.

My questions were direct and to the point. Leacy is only just holding on because she refuses to engage in conversations if that's the route you go down that's fine.

I won't be changing my questioning to cater for your feelings, your view on diversity or any other of that left wing, liberal, Marxist controlling tactics. Ive been blunt and straight to the point and that will not change. I don't change my values to appease people who can't take questioning in a way that they dont like.
Why does someone else have to affect his proposal for the team working together? Why go political? This makes it an aggressive statement, showing emotion has become involved. I agree with you that DEI has a different meaning nowadays, but diversity in itself is not bad. A broad range of people supporting this project worldwide is not a bad thing. I can assure you that the focus is not on anything in this regard, we will not allow this. Marxism is inherently against privacy.
Please quote my message that is against the rules because I fail to see any part of my questioning that could ever be seen as nothing more than trying to get answers.
I have quoted them, I just doubt you agree. lol
@SiggeB I think more organization and team building will do wonders for PIVX, it is just about trying to go ahead in a decentralized manner and not make things feel corporate. How do you propose to avoid the feeling of making it more 'corporate'?

Thank you for the great question!

I completely agree that team building and organization must align with PIVX’s decentralized nature to avoid any semblance of rigid, corporate-style structures.

The key difference lies in creating a collaborative ecosystem rather than enforcing top-down hierarchies. Corporate structures often rely on command-and-control dynamics that stifle creativity, discourage open dialogue, and fail to resonate with the values of today's contributors, especially younger generations. These individuals seek meaningful engagement, autonomy, and alignment with a shared vision, not directives or toxic environments. Creating and maintaining a consensus-driven collaboration is very important to me.

To be direct, a public statement by a prominent whale that they are "blunt, straight to the point, and don’t care about people’s mental health or diversity" is damaging—not only to our community morale but also to our reputation. Such comments deter talented volunteers and professionals from joining or staying, and they raise red flags for exchanges and investors. In short, this behavior is a threat to PIVX’s growth and sustainability. And it needs to be dealt with.

My role as a Community Coach would be to address these challenges head-on. I want to unite the community behind a vision and overarching goals that reflect our shared values—empathy, respect, and collaboration—while fostering an environment where all voices feel valued. This includes creating spaces for constructive communication and ensuring that our decentralized governance remains fair and non-toxic.

I also welcome ongoing discussions about how we can further decentralize PIVX to minimize the risks coming from from toxic voting behavior or power imbalances. This is essential if we are to maintain both efficiency and trust within our ecosystem. I believe that by aligning our community around a positive culture and shared purpose, we can make PIVX a thriving, innovative project that attracts the best people and ideas.
Do you not see this as particularly pointed to the aggression gleaned from it? The inclusion of others is making it messy. While we know this is a sore point, not everyone needs to be beaten over the head with it.
Where is a different view shut down currently? We allow you to say what you want, we just say that it cannot be this pointed.

He felt attacked, and the response was "I don't give a f". Why are we standoff-ish from the start? He explained he felt it was not constructive, and offered a way to address it.

Why does someone else have to affect his proposal for the team working together? Why go political? This makes it an aggressive statement, showing emotion has become involved. I agree with you that DEI has a different meaning nowadays, but diversity in itself is not bad. A broad range of people supporting this project worldwide is not a bad thing. I can assure you that the focus is not on anything in this regard, we will not allow this. Marxism is inherently against privacy.

I have quoted them, I just doubt you agree. lol
And that's the great thing about the dao! Everyone can view things differently but I wouldn't shut someone's view down and refuse to engage with them because I don't like the way they word questions that upset feelings 😭

We can agree to disagree on it I suppose but thanks for pointing out your view of how you think it sounds.

I went political because it reminded me of reeducation camps. I think that's the direction he is aiming for especially with this "coaching". Trying to educate people on a view point others reject whole heartily.
Thank you for the great question!

I completely agree that team building and organization must align with PIVX’s decentralized nature to avoid any semblance of rigid, corporate-style structures.

The key difference lies in creating a collaborative ecosystem rather than enforcing top-down hierarchies. Corporate structures often rely on command-and-control dynamics that stifle creativity, discourage open dialogue, and fail to resonate with the values of today's contributors, especially younger generations. These individuals seek meaningful engagement, autonomy, and alignment with a shared vision, not directives or toxic environments. Creating and maintaining a consensus-driven collaboration is very important to me.

To be direct, a public statement by a prominent whale that they are "blunt, straight to the point, and don’t care about people’s mental health or diversity" is damaging—not only to our community morale but also to our reputation. Such comments deter talented volunteers and professionals from joining or staying, and they raise red flags for exchanges and investors. In short, this behavior is a threat to PIVX’s growth and sustainability. And it needs to be dealt with.

My role as a Community Coach would be to address these challenges head-on. I want to unite the community behind a vision and overarching goals that reflect our shared values—empathy, respect, and collaboration—while fostering an environment where all voices feel valued. This includes creating spaces for constructive communication and ensuring that our decentralized governance remains fair and non-toxic.

I also welcome ongoing discussions about how we can further decentralize PIVX to minimize the risks coming from from toxic voting behavior or power imbalances. This is essential if we are to maintain both efficiency and trust within our ecosystem. I believe that by aligning our community around a positive culture and shared purpose, we can make PIVX a thriving, innovative project that attracts the best people and ideas.
This whole statement shows you should not be in any role to do with shaping pivx.

Your putting yourself above everyone thinking you are above people and trying to educate people to only show and believe in your view.

I should Be dealt with for opposing your Liberal views? Red flag. No one should be dealt with just accepted that other people have different views. This is the problem with people like you. Socialist Marxist who thinks your view is right and will try and change others views to suit your agenda. Where myself and other "right" leaning people will accept that people have different views but would not shut down conversations and try to find a middle ground.

Have my words upset you? If so grow a pair and live in the real word where people get called all sorts. I don't have to ponder to your weak mind because you may take offense.
On computer now so I can break down the points abit better than on my phone.
Thank you for the great question!

I completely agree that team building and organization must align with PIVX’s decentralized nature to avoid any semblance of rigid, corporate-style structures.

The key difference lies in creating a collaborative ecosystem rather than enforcing top-down hierarchies. Corporate structures often rely on command-and-control dynamics that stifle creativity, discourage open dialogue, and fail to resonate with the values of today's contributors, especially younger generations. These individuals seek meaningful engagement, autonomy, and alignment with a shared vision, not directives or toxic environments. Creating and maintaining a consensus-driven collaboration is very important to me.
Again who sets this alignment. You are not the messiah although judging from your hair your going for that look (a joke, o no dont get offended) and have not been around in PIVX long enough to even know the divisions that are here.
To be direct, a public statement by a prominent whale that they are "blunt, straight to the point, and don’t care about people’s mental health or diversity" is damaging—not only to our community morale but also to our reputation. Such comments deter talented volunteers and professionals from joining or staying, and they raise red flags for exchanges and investors. In short, this behavior is a threat to PIVX’s growth and sustainability. And it needs to be dealt with.
No one should be dealt with. RED FLAG. Your pushing to shun a view of someone that has been here since the start of DNET. Your trying to shut down all opposition to your absolutely dreadful brainwashing scam. Your coaching probably hasn't prepared you for someone that will call your rubbish out. O no your hurting my feelings. TUFF man up. What you say I find offensive so you are not allowed to say that. TUFF man up. Stop with the TUFF man up stuff, be inclusive to not offend people. Absolutely ridiculous. This is how you sound in my head anyway. Come back down to the real world and talk normally!
My role as a Community Coach would be to address these challenges head-on. I want to unite the community behind a vision and overarching goals that reflect our shared values—empathy, respect, and collaboration—while fostering an environment where all voices feel valued. This includes creating spaces for constructive communication and ensuring that our decentralized governance remains fair and non-toxic.
Who says what is toxic? You cant even engage with me and I am being polite with my questioning. Maybe a few sarcy comments but that's just me. You cant engage with people who have a different view so you would be useless as a community liaison so I recommend knocking this on the head, but its your choice. I don't shut down conversations or other peoples views but I will call out and be the opposition. Without opposition there is nothing but a yes sir no sir and wont call out terrible ideas or things people are doing wrong.
I also welcome ongoing discussions about how we can further decentralize PIVX to minimize the risks coming from from toxic voting behavior or power imbalances. This is essential if we are to maintain both efficiency and trust within our ecosystem. I believe that by aligning our community around a positive culture and shared purpose, we can make PIVX a thriving, innovative project that attracts the best people and ideas.
This is the only part I agree with. I would love the DAO to be more open to everyone voting and less in control of a few. We already have looked into this multiple times. There is a git hub for it somewhere? Im sure @Liquid369 knows where it is, looking at the different options.

Anyway I thought I would expand on points!
And that's the great thing about the dao! Everyone can view things differently but I wouldn't shut someone's view down and refuse to engage with them because I don't like the way they word questions that upset feelings 😭

We can agree to disagree on it I suppose but thanks for pointing out your view of how you think it sounds.

I went political because it reminded me of reeducation camps. I think that's the direction he is aiming for especially with this "coaching". Trying to educate people on a view point others reject whole heartily.

No one is shutting down your view, they are requesting a way to work better with you because the conversation tone makes it difficult to work with you. Nowhere in any of this have I said any of the questions are out of line but what gets into. Did I take your breaking down his qualifications as a problem? No, they can be questioned. Just did it need the parts past that? No.

Just put this perspective in, when we want to grow PIVX this is how intensely someone gets questioned is this environment one that makes people want to submit a proposal?
The focus here is the growth of PIVX, and to do so we are asking for you to not lean into the "but it's just me", we do not need to add these little jabs and can remain direct.

This whole statement shows you should not be in any role to do with shaping pivx.

Your putting yourself above everyone thinking you are above people and trying to educate people to only show and believe in your view.

I should Be dealt with for opposing your Liberal views? Red flag. No one should be dealt with just accepted that other people have different views. This is the problem with people like you. Socialist Marxist who thinks your view is right and will try and change others views to suit your agenda. Where myself and other "right" leaning people will accept that people have different views but would not shut down conversations and try to find a middle ground.

Have my words upset you? If so grow a pair and live in the real word where people get called all sorts. I don't have to ponder to your weak mind because you may take offense.

Was this necessary? It reads like a rant at this point and again it gets political. Right now the problem is you are entering the conversation very bullheaded and he is addressing things softly, can we match the energy? Not in the bullheadness! How do you expect someone to respond with this in a way that would not be a "f you"? Yes in the real world people get called all sorts, but that does not mean that's what we should engage in casually.

On computer now so I can break down the points abit better than on my phone.

Again who sets this alignment. You are not the messiah although judging from your hair your going for that look (a joke, o no dont get offended) and have not been around in PIVX long enough to even know the divisions that are here.

No one should be dealt with. RED FLAG. Your pushing to shun a view of someone that has been here since the start of DNET. Your trying to shut down all opposition to your absolutely dreadful brainwashing scam. Your coaching probably hasn't prepared you for someone that will call your rubbish out. O no your hurting my feelings. TUFF man up. What you say I find offensive so you are not allowed to say that. TUFF man up. Stop with the TUFF man up stuff, be inclusive to not offend people. Absolutely ridiculous. This is how you sound in my head anyway. Come back down to the real world and talk normally!

Who says what is toxic? You cant even engage with me and I am being polite with my questioning. Maybe a few sarcy comments but that's just me. You cant engage with people who have a different view so you would be useless as a community liaison so I recommend knocking this on the head, but its your choice. I don't shut down conversations or other peoples views but I will call out and be the opposition. Without opposition there is nothing but a yes sir no sir and wont call out terrible ideas or things people are doing wrong.

This is the only part I agree with. I would love the DAO to be more open to everyone voting and less in control of a few. We already have looked into this multiple times. There is a git hub for it somewhere? Im sure @Liquid369 knows where it is, looking at the different options.

Anyway I thought I would expand on points!

Removing the extra comments then this is not a problematic response. If that was done for all the others then I could be more inclined to side with him needing to toughen up. Do you see where I am going with this? The last three messages have OK questions but have unnecessary jabs following them up. That is not having a constructive conversation about something. Please do not take my direction of moderation as a stamp of approval for this proposal.

As far as having a GitHub, I will look for it but I do not have it at the moment. We had recently discussed some potential options for reviving the project tango with some new ideas.
Thank you for the great question!

I completely agree that team building and organization must align with PIVX’s decentralized nature to avoid any semblance of rigid, corporate-style structures.

The key difference lies in creating a collaborative ecosystem rather than enforcing top-down hierarchies. Corporate structures often rely on command-and-control dynamics that stifle creativity, discourage open dialogue, and fail to resonate with the values of today's contributors, especially younger generations. These individuals seek meaningful engagement, autonomy, and alignment with a shared vision, not directives or toxic environments. Creating and maintaining a consensus-driven collaboration is very important to me.

To be direct, a public statement by a prominent whale that they are "blunt, straight to the point, and don’t care about people’s mental health or diversity" is damaging—not only to our community morale but also to our reputation. Such comments deter talented volunteers and professionals from joining or staying, and they raise red flags for exchanges and investors. In short, this behavior is a threat to PIVX’s growth and sustainability. And it needs to be dealt with.

My role as a Community Coach would be to address these challenges head-on. I want to unite the community behind a vision and overarching goals that reflect our shared values—empathy, respect, and collaboration—while fostering an environment where all voices feel valued. This includes creating spaces for constructive communication and ensuring that our decentralized governance remains fair and non-toxic.

I also welcome ongoing discussions about how we can further decentralize PIVX to minimize the risks coming from from toxic voting behavior or power imbalances. This is essential if we are to maintain both efficiency and trust within our ecosystem. I believe that by aligning our community around a positive culture and shared purpose, we can make PIVX a thriving, innovative project that attracts the best people and ideas.

I am not sure this is a good method of being voted in, by mentioning someone that is a voter needs to be dealt with 😂

I agree with collaboration and not a top-down hierarchy, which we already do have for the most part. I think our largest struggle is just the larger intercommunication because some don't mind staying in their 'bubbles'.

With the proposal I do see great ideas, but what do you have as concrete example implementations for these things you want to do? I do find them a bit of what we call "buzzwordy". I also think this will address more of the concerns that @Gerrald finds "leftist" or "marxist".

Also understand what you are proposing, for voices to feel valued @Gerrald does not, as a first thing how would you make him feel valued? Big task!
Without a paid proposal, I would like to see the Community answer these 2 questions first, to help everyone work together better.

1) Do we need a BIG common goal? (Pretty certain everyone says 'YES')
2) What exactly is that goal? (This will take a lot of discussion.)

After they have been answered, then it might make sense to have someone champion making it happen.

EDIT: Following added.

The goal should be a 'Big Hairy Audacious Goal'. (BHAG)
I don't yet have solid feedback on the proposal, there's a lot of nuance to it that I need more time to think about, but in general I will say, particularly for PIVX Core and the DAO as a whole, such a role, performed correctly, is a BIG boost to community cohesiveness, skill utilisation and morale - which PIVX (as a whole) is LACKING as of right now, I would say the closest we've had to this is Snappy, who did that job in particular exceptionally well.

At this time, the DAO does not have any kind of figurehead or, as once said "Tribe Shaman", etc, nobody acting as the 'glue' to an otherwise exceptional team, and having such a person is NOT a bad thing, it is about cohesiveness and spirit, not control, albeit it can be easy to mix up the two, if one overlooks the details of how team workflows and morale works.

I would argue the reason Labs has been so incredibly productive, is because of the top-down hierarchy it has been designed with, there is INTENT with our structure, there are sane but challenging deadlines, direct designations, well-planned resource management, with lots of genuine love/morale injected - obviously, a DAO doesn't have this same architecture, it's "flat" and purely meritocratic, but even a flat architecture needs it's "Hubs" in both human and department forms for max efficiency, otherwise we have a hundred directionless DAO workers flailing around without a solid roadmap; the difference is simply morale-motivated and suggested collaboration, rather than direct management with assigned "tasks" and "jobs" . Sigge's proposal seems to fit this idea to me, a person that can act as the "glue" in this missing-cohesion that the PIVX Community has been missing for a long time.

I'd also add, to partially combat this idea of "If your not motivated and need help from someone your not ready to be in that role whatever it maybe." - this is an extremely unrealistic expectation. Despite being someone myself (and Labs having a handful of folks) that does this, there are people who are highly skilled; yet require some nudges, assignments, and 'paperwork' handled for them in order to utilise their skills to the max, because stress reduces output A LOT. Again, something Snappy did brilliantly, he was able to de-esculate well, put good minds in the right places, and bring out people's talent through good morale, that is what a DAO needs.

This is why I handle the task assignments and proposal-side of Labs, many team members are not comfortable using this system (and as you will notice, this is why many Labs developers are NOT on the forum, they want to WORK, not deal with this), my alternative allows them to work on PIVX without the added stress, and these are some VERY skilled folks, the same ones who brought you PIVCards. If the DAO only seeks purely self-motivated Elon-Musk-like superpower folks, I'm afraid the DAO will have less than 20% of it's current workforce.

If Sigge is the one to bring good morale and cohesion to the DAO, maximising output by helping encourage the right people in the right places, then I'd rather have him, than nobody, and let his results speak for the proposal at hand - results are always the final indicator. In my opinion: let's give it a try.
Without a paid proposal, I would like to see the Community answer these 2 questions first, to help everyone work together better.

1) Do we need a BIG common goal? (Pretty certain everyone says 'YES')
2) What exactly is that goal? (This will take a lot of discussion.)

After they have been answered, then it might make sense to have someone champion making it happen.

EDIT: Following added.

The goal should be a 'Big Hairy Audacious Goal'. (BHAG)

The goal should be to find a consensus of how the DAO should work that reflects everyone's views. Not your trying to portray it now that causes all these discussions. No one needs to be coached on how their view should be, so lets get that one out of there now. I welcome other peoples views to say how they think the dao should work. My first question was to explain how @SiggeB views the Dao and how it works but browsing over comments and replies is why I see him as a Marxist dictator who will try to change peoples views instead of working with them. People have to have their own opinions, views, ways of expressing this as well. Diversity! Inclusion, all these buzz words that you don't even believe in yourself judging from your replies. You keep screaming that but its only diversity if it suites your view. Not be shut down and be told YOU NEED TO BE DEALT WITH. That is why unless you can convince me otherwise you have no place being in a community liaison role.
I don't yet have solid feedback on the proposal, there's a lot of nuance to it that I need more time to think about, but in general I will say, particularly for PIVX Core and the DAO as a whole, such a role, performed correctly, is a BIG boost to community cohesiveness, skill utilisation and morale - which PIVX (as a whole) is LACKING as of right now, I would say the closest we've had to this is Snappy, who did that job in particular exceptionally well.

At this time, the DAO does not have any kind of figurehead or, as once said "Tribe Shaman", etc, nobody acting as the 'glue' to an otherwise exceptional team, and having such a person is NOT a bad thing, it is about cohesiveness and spirit, not control, albeit it can be easy to mix up the two, if one overlooks the details of how team workflows and morale works.

I would argue the reason Labs has been so incredibly productive, is because of the top-down hierarchy it has been designed with, there is INTENT with our structure, there are sane but challenging deadlines, direct designations, well-planned resource management, with lots of genuine love/morale injected - obviously, a DAO doesn't have this same architecture, it's "flat" and purely meritocratic, but even a flat architecture needs it's "Hubs" in both human and department forms for max efficiency, otherwise we have a hundred directionless DAO workers flailing around without a solid roadmap; the difference is simply morale-motivated and suggested collaboration, rather than direct management with assigned "tasks" and "jobs" . Sigge's proposal seems to fit this idea to me, a person that can act as the "glue" in this missing-cohesion that the PIVX Community has been missing for a long time.

I'd also add, to partially combat this idea of "If your not motivated and need help from someone your not ready to be in that role whatever it maybe." - this is an extremely unrealistic expectation. Despite being someone myself (and Labs having a handful of folks) that does this, there are people who are highly skilled; yet require some nudges, assignments, and 'paperwork' handled for them in order to utilise their skills to the max, because stress reduces output A LOT. Again, something Snappy did brilliantly, he was able to de-esculate well, put good minds in the right places, and bring out people's talent through good morale, that is what a DAO needs.

This is why I handle the task assignments and proposal-side of Labs, many team members are not comfortable using this system (and as you will notice, this is why many Labs developers are NOT on the forum, they want to WORK, not deal with this), my alternative allows them to work on PIVX without the added stress, and these are some VERY skilled folks, the same ones who brought you PIVCards. If the DAO only seeks purely self-motivated Elon-Musk-like superpower folks, I'm afraid the DAO will have less than 20% of it's current workforce.

If Sigge is the one to bring good morale and cohesion to the DAO, maximising output by helping encourage the right people in the right places, then I'd rather have him, than nobody, and let his results speak for the proposal at hand - results are always the final indicator. In my opinion: let's give it a try.
Snappy had the gift of the gab, I liked him. @SiggeB after viewing his replies just chats 💩. He is a vessel of everything I blame the problems in the world atm. Someone trying not to upset peoples feelings with harsh words and questions he doesn't want to answer. The questions are still there...he could answer them now but don't get to upset when I throw a differing opposite opinion. I'm not here to cater for your needs or feelings. This is what's wrong with the world. To scared to just say it to peoples faces because of the thought of offending someone.
I am not sure this is a good method of being voted in, by mentioning someone that is a voter needs to be dealt with 😂

I intentionally wrote that "this behavior is a threat to PIVX’s growth and sustainability. And it needs to be dealt with.". It's the behavior, not the person. :)

think our largest struggle is just the larger intercommunication because some don't mind staying in their 'bubbles'.

Staying in the bubble would be fine, as long as there will evolve a team representative or Hub representative (to avoid calling them 'lead') that makes sure that the important information flow is happening.

but what do you have as concrete example implementations for these things you want to do? I do find them a bit of what we call "buzzwordy".

I only have ideas, that I'd love to share along the path. The current idea is that we have 4 or 5 Hubs, which consist of teams. Individuals can absolutely be part of multiple Hubs or Teams. I will suggest to introduce Hub Cuddles, where Hubs representatives inform others about their successes, challenges, and dreams. Others will contribute with praise, support, and suggestions. The idea is to boost collaboration and out-of-the-silo-thinking.

Regarding buzzwords, don't focus on words. Words are just placeholders, variables. We will come up with words that we can live with, along the way :)

I also think this will address more of the concerns that @Gerrald finds "leftist" or "marxist".

I'd love to. Which ones would you like to talk about?

Also understand what you are proposing, for voices to feel valued @Gerrald does not, as a first thing how would you make him feel valued? Big task!

It looks like a big task, until it's not :) Creating a space where everyone feels valued is important for our community. Gerrald is undoubtedly an important part of PIVX, and his concerns should absolutely be heard and respected. However, respect needs to go both ways for meaningful dialogue to occur.

I’ve invited Gerrald to discuss things in a more constructive and respectful way. Unfortunately, it seems he’s not yet ready to engage in that way. As long as his behavior continues to be hurtful and dismissive of others, it creates challenges in fostering a respectful and collaborative environment.

To address this, I suggest to use a third person, or tools like AI to help defuse emotionally charged comments. It’s been made clear by many that this is not about silencing anyone but about creating a space where all voices can be heard without fear of hostility or disrespect.

Ultimately, the door is always open for Gerrald to engage respectfully, and I remain hopeful that we can find a path forward together. Building mutual respect and understanding will take time, but it’s always worth the effort. If even Gerrald could see the greater good of PIVX and act accordingly, this could become reality.

Let me know which specific 'leftist' and 'marxist' ideas you'd like to discuss :)
I intentionally wrote that "this behavior is a threat to PIVX’s growth and sustainability. And it needs to be dealt with.". It's the behavior, not the person. :)

Staying in the bubble would be fine, as long as there will evolve a team representative or Hub representative (to avoid calling them 'lead') that makes sure that the important information flow is happening.

I only have ideas, that I'd love to share along the path. The current idea is that we have 4 or 5 Hubs, which consist of teams. Individuals can absolutely be part of multiple Hubs or Teams. I will suggest to introduce Hub Cuddles, where Hubs representatives inform others about their successes, challenges, and dreams. Others will contribute with praise, support, and suggestions. The idea is to boost collaboration and out-of-the-silo-thinking.

Regarding buzzwords, don't focus on words. Words are just placeholders, variables. We will come up with words that we can live with, along the way :)

I'd love to. Which ones would you like to talk about?

It looks like a big task, until it's not :) Creating a space where everyone feels valued is important for our community. Gerrald is undoubtedly an important part of PIVX, and his concerns should absolutely be heard and respected. However, respect needs to go both ways for meaningful dialogue to occur.

I’ve invited Gerrald to discuss things in a more constructive and respectful way. Unfortunately, it seems he’s not yet ready to engage in that way. As long as his behavior continues to be hurtful and dismissive of others, it creates challenges in fostering a respectful and collaborative environment.

To address this, I suggest to use a third person, or tools like AI to help defuse emotionally charged comments. It’s been made clear by many that this is not about silencing anyone but about creating a space where all voices can be heard without fear of hostility or disrespect.

Ultimately, the door is always open for Gerrald to engage respectfully, and I remain hopeful that we can find a path forward together. Building mutual respect and understanding will take time, but it’s always worth the effort. If even Gerrald could see the greater good of PIVX and act accordingly, this could become reality.

Let me know which specific 'leftist' and 'marxist' ideas you'd like to discuss :)
The door is always open to you answering questions already asked...

You are so condescending it's unbelievable. You are no one in my eyes so don't try to be above me or anyone else. I've asked about your qualifications and your involvement in banking and this "coaching" you haven't even replied/engaged to that...most people when they put a preproposal in are willing to share their experiences. Your not even willing to engage. Let the community judge with proof of your experiences and past accomplishments.

This is isn't safe space for your emotions and feelings. This is a business world and everything that happens effects mine and everyone else's funds, so excuse me if I don't want people who clearly have no clue setting the direction.

We have been operating very successfully before you came along and you are asking for this position yet refuse to volunteer the evidence to substantiate your claim to a paid position within the community.

Thank you for the offer of the door is always open. I will be more than happy to move forward with you when you have answered the questions OUR community would like answering. Ive seen the greater good from the start of DNET so if you can answer the above points posed to you in a none aggressive way as requested, we might believe what your proposing is attainable and for the greater good.

But let us not forget I'm already in the door.

You could just buy a large amount of pivx if you believe your own strategy will work and then set your own direction, as the votes control it and always will.
In an effort to stay on point, I will simplify my post even further.


Do we need a common 'Big Hairy Audacious Goal' (BHAG) for the community to follow to work together better?

Please answer just YES/NO.

Once we have an answer, we can then move forward with what that goal is. If we can't reach an answer, I don't think it makes sense to proceed.

I don't yet have solid feedback on the proposal, there's a lot of nuance to it that I need more time to think about, but in general I will say, particularly for PIVX Core and the DAO as a whole, such a role, performed correctly, is a BIG boost to community cohesiveness, skill utilisation and morale - which PIVX (as a whole) is LACKING as of right now, I would say the closest we've had to this is Snappy, who did that job in particular exceptionally well.

At this time, the DAO does not have any kind of figurehead or, as once said "Tribe Shaman", etc, nobody acting as the 'glue' to an otherwise exceptional team, and having such a person is NOT a bad thing, it is about cohesiveness and spirit, not control, albeit it can be easy to mix up the two, if one overlooks the details of how team workflows and morale works.

I would argue the reason Labs has been so incredibly productive, is because of the top-down hierarchy it has been designed with, there is INTENT with our structure, there are sane but challenging deadlines, direct designations, well-planned resource management, with lots of genuine love/morale injected - obviously, a DAO doesn't have this same architecture, it's "flat" and purely meritocratic, but even a flat architecture needs it's "Hubs" in both human and department forms for max efficiency, otherwise we have a hundred directionless DAO workers flailing around without a solid roadmap; the difference is simply morale-motivated and suggested collaboration, rather than direct management with assigned "tasks" and "jobs" . Sigge's proposal seems to fit this idea to me, a person that can act as the "glue" in this missing-cohesion that the PIVX Community has been missing for a long time.

I'd also add, to partially combat this idea of "If your not motivated and need help from someone your not ready to be in that role whatever it maybe." - this is an extremely unrealistic expectation. Despite being someone myself (and Labs having a handful of folks) that does this, there are people who are highly skilled; yet require some nudges, assignments, and 'paperwork' handled for them in order to utilise their skills to the max, because stress reduces output A LOT. Again, something Snappy did brilliantly, he was able to de-esculate well, put good minds in the right places, and bring out people's talent through good morale, that is what a DAO needs.

This is why I handle the task assignments and proposal-side of Labs, many team members are not comfortable using this system (and as you will notice, this is why many Labs developers are NOT on the forum, they want to WORK, not deal with this), my alternative allows them to work on PIVX without the added stress, and these are some VERY skilled folks, the same ones who brought you PIVCards. If the DAO only seeks purely self-motivated Elon-Musk-like superpower folks, I'm afraid the DAO will have less than 20% of it's current workforce.

If Sigge is the one to bring good morale and cohesion to the DAO, maximising output by helping encourage the right people in the right places, then I'd rather have him, than nobody, and let his results speak for the proposal at hand - results are always the final indicator. In my opinion: let's give it a try.

I feel deeply and honestly honored and humbled by your reply. Thank you! Even only considering putting me near Snappy is a big thing for me. I don't have the ambition to ever fill the hole Snappy left , if that's even possible. But I will definitely do whatever I can to be a good glue for the team.
Reducing stress, working with mindsets, increasing resilience and being the glue that unites us towards a common goal is what I would love to do, in fact it would be my dream job doing this for PIVX.
Edit: But one step at a time. Let's star with a common goal and a modernized structure.
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In an effort to stay on point, I will simplify my post even further.


Do we need a common 'Big Hairy Audacious Goal' (BHAG) for the community to follow to work together better?

Please answer just YES/NO.

Once we have an answer, we can then move forward with what that goal is. If we can't reach an answer, I don't think it makes sense to proceed.

View attachment 2366

Yes, and I have a suggestion prepared for the actual proposal.
There is a big divide indeed as our team is a decentralised one based on the DAO. Managing it collectively is a massive task in its own but as the saying goes, it’s only impossible until it’s done.

Now as for the replies here you must all understand that this is a public forum. It’s not your right to be here, it is a privilege and that privilege will easily be revoked if you don’t upstand to the rules of the forum. This is not the place to attack others or belittle them even if you feel their answer isn’t sufficient. What’s sufficient to others may not be sufficient to you and that’s okay. My final statement on this is that if there is a massive disagreement in place then please speak to the relevant party and agree on a private chat.

Sigge is great and has always upheld the PIVX name high even when thrown under by trolls on X or other platforms. He never once faulted and I’ve always liked that about him. I will be honest that this proposal is slightly out of my understanding but that’s only because I haven’t yet dabbled with this. I see potential and benefit with a unified team and in fact it is what I’ve tried with the team meeting we had which I plan on hosting more. It was succesful and actually motivated me. So if you’re up to the challenge and feel you can make a difference @SiggeB then show them what you’re made of and let’s get it done. There is always things to improve but let’s be civil and respect everyone and continue to build PIVX.

From here on this chat will be moderated by the rules of the forum.
In an effort to stay on point, I will simplify my post even further.


Do we need a common 'Big Hairy Audacious Goal' (BHAG) for the community to follow to work together better?

Please answer just YES/NO.

Once we have an answer, we can then move forward with what that goal is. If we can't reach an answer, I don't think it makes sense to proceed.

View attachment 2366
We want to build the heck out of PIVX. So here is my goals for PIVX

•Be listed on Binance perpetuals
•Be listed on atleast 6 of top 10 exchanges in both perps and spot
•Have our team regularly attend conferences and fly the PIVX brand high
•Have PIVX as the most recognised cryptocurrency for payment and securing privacy.

We can do this. Having a unified team that aligns their goals and work ethic is key.