Title: PIVX Dev Funding (May-July 2019)
Name: PIVX-Dev-MayJul2019
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 27,500 PIV
Total Amnt: 82,500 PIV
Author: Fuzzbawls
Receiver: Fuzzbawls
Address: TBA
Created: 2019-05-06
Status: Pre-Proposal
This document outlines the funding for the PIVX Dev Team, including who is to be paid, their position, and the amount they are expected to be paid each cycle. Additionally, new term and format commitments for all future Dev Team proposals are included.
Term and Format Commitment
Given the fluctuations in PIVX and BTC prices, and taking into considerations that people’s schedules can change, or a change number of people intended to be covered by this document, the PIVX Dev Team will only be submitting proposals with a maximum term of three (3) cycles.
This means more frequent proposal submissions, and more responsibility from voters to actually vote, but also allows for any changes to the team’s structure, members, positions, or duties to be assessed and formalized more frequently.
The format for these proposals will be as follows:
- Each member of the team will be listed
- Their position will be listed
- Their expected monthly salary will be listed
- Any member notes, changes, exceptions will be listed
- Extra funds (if any) will be rationalized
PIVX Dev Funding
The PIVX Dev Team is proposing the following funding be made by the DAO’s budget:
- Fuzzbawls - Core Dev & Team Manager (6000 PIV)
- Furszy - Core Dev (6000 PIV)
- Random Zebra - Core Dev (6000 PIV)
- Warrows - Core Dev (6000 PIV)
- Mrs-X - Core Dev (2000 PIV)
- Blondfrogs - As Needed/As Available (0 PIV)
All Core Devs are expected to participate in the issue/pull request review process, as well as attend internal team meetings with reliable frequency. Individual salaries are subject to internal adjustment and rebalancing if deemed appropriate at the time of salary payout.
Total Per Month: 27500 PIV
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