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Proposal Authors: stop using Shortlink services!


Staff member
Please use PIVX Forum links directly, the excessive use of Shortlink services is both bad for Privacy and Security, and it damages the integrity of your proposal in lieu of permanance, since shortlinks often expire, and in many cases - they have, such as the PIVXCollaborationtr proposal.

To ensure PIVX Forum links fit: simply keep the post title below 20 characters, which guarantees the post's URL will fit within the 64 character limit.

For example, the PIVX Interactive Art proposal, although it uses the Forum... uses a title that exceeds the 64 character limit, and thus the PIVX Core wallet truncated the URL, it is now broken:

This is the policy PIVX Labs has used for the last 2 years, and I'm now asking others to do the same.
If you would like real-world examples, then please visit any proposals submitted by PIVX Labs, which have used this format for the last 2 years without issue.
i use bit.ly as a url shortener and have never had a link expire going back over 4 years. the only issues i've seen are when forum addresses actually change (happened when the forum url changed from `forum2` to `forum`)
Using URL shortners introduces unnecessary 3rd-parties, tracking, and conceals the end-destination, which should always be avoided.
generally yes, though there could be an argument made for having tracking data available to the creator of the link. that is what initially turned me on to bit.ly, i could see where my proposals were getting traction from