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Archived Socials-Design-Feb-Mar


Name: SocialsDesign-FebMar
Term: 2 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 3800
Total Amnt: 7600
Author: sh_rn
Receiver: sh_rn
Address: DFzQ33QM1SG9Hz9G6M6S1qbpSNQQ89LgHE
Created: 18-Feb-2024
Status: Active
Vote Hash:

Hi all,

This is my proposal for continuing to produce the graphics needed for social media marketing. Please see the examples attached of the work done in this current cycle.

My experience:
My design background is in web, UI/UX, social- and digital-design. As well as previously working as a lead designer, I have also worked in Project and DesignOps Management roles, and Product Coordination/Management, having lead design and marketing teams for crypto, blockchain and ‘traditional’ companies and projects.

This proposal is to continue my work on any design-related duties that are needed for our official social media content, such as visuals for tweets, blog post banners, profile assets etc.

Examples of my recent work for PIVX are attached at the bottom of this post.

Thanks for reading!

Amount requested: 3800 PIVX / cycle (reduced from previous to last cycle)

To vote yes:
“mnbudgetvote many yes”

To vote no:
“mnbudgetvote many no”

Previous design proposals:


  • pivx-travala-winbig-twitter-EN.png
    354.2 KB · Views: 553
  • pivx-hans-kaffy-feb2024-Instagram-EN.png
    504.5 KB · Views: 554
  • pivx-8th-birthday-twitter-EN.png
    943.3 KB · Views: 562
  • pivx-xmr-zec-pivx-twitter-05012024.gif
    218.7 KB · Views: 555
355 votes against this proposal, and not one comment on the forum 🤷‍♂️
Probably from the same MNOs that demand proposals have excessive detail and regular reports with lots of detail too. Because without that, they claim they can't possibly decide how to vote. However, in yet another massive double standard, they expect you to know what you are doing wrong (assuming they have a valid critique in the first place - they rarely do) and correct for it.

PLUS! They expect that this approach helps PIVX? Ugh. So much logic fail. And they wonder why they get no respect.
Really REALLY wish the masternode holders that are voting this proposal down would let Shorn and the rest of us know why. :(
All of this complaining but I never got an explanation on why my proposals got voted down. Everyone knows this is a possibility. And probably will happen again. To me seems like a flaw in the whole masternode vote thing.
@Gerrald any reason you voted down my proposals without explanation? i’ve worked at pivx for a year on graphics and now my last two proposals are voted down. what’s up?
@Gerrald any reason you voted down my proposals without explanation? i’ve worked at pivx for a year on graphics and now my last two proposals are voted down. what’s up?
Because you asked so nicely. Your post shows 4 pictures that you have done to warrant the cycle. If 4 pictures warrants $1700 per month I'm in the wrong profession.

As I said previously. I don't get told anything, I refuse to ask question's to dig for info that you should show in your report. So the question is with the info shown is it worth it? My answer and others...let's make that clear its not just me, but its a no, this is multiple people who I don't know who's voting also who agree. Great that the dao works atleast to an extent.

We also have multiple people doing graphics, how many do we need? Take a look at meerkat report of what she's been doing. Great display to show work being doing
Last edited:
Because you asked so nicely. Your post shows 4 pictures that you have done to warrant the cycle. If 4 pictures warrants $1700 per month I'm in the wrong profession.

As I said previously. I don't get told anything, I refuse to ask question's to dig for info that you should show in your report. So the question is with the info shown is it worth it? My answer and others...let's make that clear its not just me, but its a no, this is multiple people who I don't know who's voting also who agree. Great that the dao works atleast to an extent.

We also have multiple people doing graphics, how many do we need? Take a look at meerkat report of what she's been doing. Great display to show work being doing

they are examples of my work @Gerrald not everything I've done. sometimes i can't share recent graphics on the forum when i submit my proposal as they haven't been published on twitter yet!

there are multiple devs working on code because they all work on different tasks and projects. this was the same for PIVX designers as both myself and meerkat were working part time on different social media and other graphics.

> We also have multiple people doing graphics, how many do we need?

you didn't think to ask me this question before you voted?
I said I wasn't going to ask question's and vote for what i see as thats all i do vote. I'm ignored through every discussion, banned from Discord chats so what I see is exactly what you have wrote. It's not for me to fish for answers so if you feel you have done more include it next time.

No one has been paid out anyway so you havent missed out. I suspect someone's head should role but won't jump to conclusions.