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Archived Web Development and Design 2021-Q1


Well-known Pivian
Title: Web Development and Design 2021-Q1
Name: WebDevDes-2021-Q1
Term: 2 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 2000 PIV
Total Amnt: 4000 PIV
Author: Eric Stanek
Receiver: Kyeno
Address: DCWyebqBSdCfWqhsQ7boKM1T5kucuHvryF
Created: 2021-01-21
Status: Active
Vote Hash: 8ba06a23dfc074394227fcbe64aba4d03b0334cb3189f8acaa289a2e28e9af9a


The purpose of this proposal is to ensure that continuously ongoing Web Design and Development efforts are funded in advance, to avoid delays to source funding, when we often need to react quickly.


The PIVX Community has long understood we need to support Core Development each and every month. However, for reasons explained later, we have ignored the fact that we need to support Web Design and Development, and Graphic Design every month too. (The same can be said for Marketing, and Business Development but that is outside the scope of this proposal.)


This proposal spans ongoing efforts not easily categorized into a single task (Unlike the PIVXcentral integration to PIVX.org) for the following skill sets:

Web Development:PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, GitHub, Sys Admin, Internationalization Support.
Web Design:Layout, HTML, CSS (SASS).
Graphic Design:Photoshop, Branding, Creative Assets.

Grouping Tasks:

Web Design and Web Development would normally be separated from Graphic Design into separate projects. However, given the PIVX.org site is very new, and we refreshed the brand, we are currently seeing quite a bit of overlap. Graphic Design completed now, to support Twitter etc. usually requires changes to the PIVX.org site too. Also, I think the efforts compliment themselves from a budget planning point of view. Graphic Design can take priority due to requests typically being urgent, but when there is extra budget available, it can be spent on Web Development, which while important, can usually be delayed for a few weeks.

Also, I do NOT think that the current level of funding available from the Treasury is sufficient to support these efforts to the point where they will not require private funding. As such, while the funding level requested is low, and until it can increase to the level it deserves, these tasks are best combined. Hopefully soon there will be sufficient funding available such that they can be separated into different proposals to avoid a ‘Super Proposal’ scenario.


Many people are of the impression that once a website is published, Web Design and Development is done and all effort stops. This is simply not true at all. That approach had us limping along with a WordPress site that could not be upgraded or migrated to a faster server, for almost 2 years. At any point during that time, PIVX.org could have crashed, and we would have been without a website for many weeks. We simply can not let ourselves get into that massive technical debt scenario again.

For Creative Graphic support in the past, we relied on highly skilled people to volunteer their time, with zero funding support, for extended periods of time. This created an unsustainable scenario as they had to turn away projects from paying clients and their business suffered greatly. Perhaps more importantly, getting awesome images created fast, for free, sent the wrong message to the Community. It created and supported the assumption that impressive images took 20 mins each to prepare. The truth is, that depending on the message the image needed to communicate, it could take anywhere from 2 to 8 hrs per image. Often more for complex topics. For example, large info-graphics could take many days.

Work Flow:

The team will likely use a Discord channel as their ‘in-box’ for requests. It will be up to the team to decide on priorities and when they need clarification, they can request guidance from the PIVX Core Team. In other words, anyone will be able to make a request, but it is not a given that all requests can be filled.

A Google sheet will be maintained to document all the requests and to combine duplicates. For strategic reasons, this will not be public, but Read-Only access will be granted to selected trusted PIVians for monitoring and to solicit feedback on priorities etc.

Below is an example of recently completed tasks and how they were organized for priority etc.



Kyeno:Web Development / Sys Admin.Paid
MeerkatPower:Web Design.Paid
MeerkatPower:Graphic Design.Paid
Eric Stanek:Project Management.Not paid


Ultimately, I would like to see the funding level reach $6,000 to $8,000 USD per month. The Treasury simply can’t support that right now, and we need to find ways to pay the Core Developers more first. But, I wanted to point out how large the gap is compared to where we need to get to. This much larger amount would allow for significant Graphic Design support to support requests from Marketing and Business Development teams. But, we are still forming a Marketing team, and things are quite dynamic with the Business Development team right now.

This proposal will not ask for the 50 PIV proposal submission fee to be refunded.

This proposal will only be for 2 months, to align with the balance of Q1.

Future proposals will be 3 months each, to align with each quarter.

We hope to be able to increase the dollar value of this proposal quickly, to close the gap.

Initially, for this proposal, we are asking for 2,000 PIV per month, for 2 months.


Vote Yes:
mnbudgetvote many 8ba06a23dfc074394227fcbe64aba4d03b0334cb3189f8acaa289a2e28e9af9a yes

Vote No:
mnbudgetvote many 8ba06a23dfc074394227fcbe64aba4d03b0334cb3189f8acaa289a2e28e9af9a no
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Those guys deserve be paid 6k-8k per month, as they prepare awesome job! I really hope that soon with price increase we will have that option.
Here is an update on Web Design and Development tasks completed since the last update, and as of Feb 28th. The list is NOT comprehensive. There are many tasks that were simply recently done ASAP under pressure without tracking documentation because of urgency supporting the Biz Dev Blitz efforts as priority.


Please note that anyone can make a request to myself or directly to Kyeno and Meerkat for anything related to Creative Graphics and Website changes. However, they will be prioritized with other requests and completed as budget allows.

Below is a portion of a 'Daily Diary' that @Kyeno maintains for time tracking purposes. This portion only represents 9 days. It includes a few items that are out of scope of this proposal, but are included for completeness. Also of note, is that there are many Linux System Administration tasks in there too. That is a 'necessary evil' for Web Design and Development, as well as required when running a website and maintaining infrastructure. The main reason this is presented, is to communicate to people that Linux Sys Admin, Web Design and Web Development are not a 'Set it and Forget it' type of project. There is always ongoing effort. Again, this is only for 9 days, and also, this will not be presented in each report. It is for example purposes and reference only.

Tue Feb 16
- Cleanup DNS pollution @ PIVX.org
- Updated Symfony dependency stack to avoid conflicts on `composer update`
- Staging fixed
- Post-deployment script updated
- Updated mailer for pivx.org
- Updated pivx.org production

Wed Feb 17
- Revamped c3.js to support better responsiveness
- Revamped proposal.js driver to show/hide extra chart features on resizing
- Proposals: Sanity fix for NOTEs rendering
- Proposals: Modified Proposal entity and value grabber to render percentages with 1 decimal
- Proposals: Net Yes table option
- News reorder in Sonata Admin

Thu Feb 18
- Proposals: Research on DataTables responsiveness
- Attempts to reach out to Jeffrey
- Backing up PIVX central code

Fri Feb 19
- Call with Eric
- Adding functionality to ContactEmail on Sonata
- Passing no-reply email data to Jeffrey, managing it, etc
- Helping Terrik get his email address
- Community support/debugging
- Proposals: Changing consensus not to require isEstablished to render
- Coin Specs: Enabling nice number tweening
- Proposals: Experimenting on DataTables responsiveness

Sat Feb 20
- Getting Cloud servers' accesses

Sun Feb 21
- Helping Meerkat with responsive DataTables
- Trying to resolve broken deps for Composer2
- Updating prod with improved DataTables

Mon Feb 22
- Getting us deal on CleanTechnica articles
- Cloud: Reading the docs and custom options, playing with servers a little bit

Tue Feb 23
- Monitoring servers realtime~
- Multiplay prod deployments~
- Tweaking minor things on proposals
- Enabling prod db on dev servers (for Meerkat)
- Normalizing JS stack
- Translations: Validating French translation for PM (5 errors + old data for pivxcentral), updating
- Cloud: Prepairing grounds

Wed Feb 24
- Cloud: Asking for server cloning
- Stats: Creating branch, playing with deps
- Securing funds for Benni's articles
- Helping Meerkat with some of her updates
- Stats: Core


If you have any questions related to the above, please feel free to ask, but note that I will only address 'high level' questions. Anything that crosses the line into 'Micro Managing' will be ignored.
Borris, there are many of us that do a ton of volunteer work for PIVX. That is the nature of a DAO.
I would bet that aside from Core Development, 90% of what gets done is volunteer, and only 10% is supported by the treasury.
Attacking volunteers is not the way to make this (or any) project succeed.
Please step up and do some volunteering yourself. That way you will learn what really goes on.

I didn't want to Project Manage this proposal, or the new website this past summer/fall. I am trying very hard to step back and retire. But, no one else was stepping up.
Further, the people involved, were very happy with how I executed my responsibilities. They specifically asked for me. That is the only reason I am involved in this proposal.

You present no rational logic to support your positions. It makes no sense, but it seems you want things to fail.
Power is in the people that bleed purple for PIVX. From my view, you just don't understand that.
I would also add - there is a ton of activity, in many different groups, that I am not involved in. You don't know this, because you are not involved in anything other than personal attacks. You just assume I am on every 'team'. I am not. Again, the people that bleed purple here know this. Having said that, there is nothing wrong with me being involved - or anyone for that matter. The more people involved in any given effort, the more decentralized it is.

You seem to be pissed off you have little power. Well, that is entirely in your control to correct. Real power comes from the DAO. To be part of that, you need to be respectful and add value. At every opportunity, you are being disrespectful and trying to remove value. THAT is why you are not part of the DAO and have no power.

Once you figure that out, and change your ways, then you will make the progress you desire.

Good luck!
I would also add - there is a ton of activity, in many different groups, that I am not involved in. You don't know this, because you are not involved in anything other than personal attacks. You just assume I am on every 'team'. I am not. Again, the people that bleed purple here know this. Having said that, there is nothing wrong with me being involved - or anyone for that matter. The more people involved in any given effort, the more decentralized it is.

You seem to be pissed off you have little power. Well, that is entirely in your control to correct. Real power comes from the DAO. To be part of that, you need to be respectful and add value. At every opportunity, you are being disrespectful and trying to remove value. THAT is why you are not part of the DAO and have no power.

Once you figure that out, and change your ways, then you will make the progress you desire.

Good luck!
The votes is the power. Your view of the dao is completely different to mine but I am not the only one who sees it that way.

A basic examples to show my view is the correct one to some degree atleast is if devs are not funded and voted out are they still pivx devs? Would they class themselves as it? Very much doubt it. That is the dao. The vote.

Just because a group of you has clawed together, control the budget with a huge whale with silly number of votes, positioned yourselves in admin status which new comers will come in and think they have control. But that is completely wrong and an abuse of power.

Zetty being admin, being voted out 3 times, no funding, still admin, abuses his admin status deleting posts and changing my avatar. You then expect me to give someone like that any respect at all? All roles should be voted on. Once your voted in on that role you can be voted out. That is how it should work. You fail to get budget you should be demoted to basic user, don't call yourself official pivx unless you are being voted in, you are then a normal user volunteer with no admin powers or any control over any decisions.
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We've been over these Governance points you make multiple times.

Going to set some new rules.

1. Comments made on proposals should be specific to the proposals themselves.
2. Comments should be constructive criticism, or applicable questions.
3. Comments should always be respectful.
4. Comments related to the PIVX Governance System should be made in the PIVX Governance Discussion section of the forum.

Failure to follow these rules will prompt various outcomes, escalating if appropriate, or immediately to a full ban if needed, and decided on a case-by-case basis.
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Hello everyone! This is the likely the final update to this proposal which completes at the next super block. A new proposal will reference this proposal and as such, we want to have the report current for those deciding how to vote on it.

Here is a copy of the tasks completed since the last report that were tracked and managed by us as a team. It is important to know that there are many daily tasks/requests that typically don’t get tracked as they seem so small at the time. Often, they take more time than expected and in hindsight, they are way more than was expected. The Web Team is making changes to track things better to make reporting more comprehensive in the future. Further below you see 'Daily Diaries' that demonstrate this by listing things not in this matrix.


Here is a partial list of activities from @Kyeno’s ‘Daily Diary’ from Feb 25 thru Mar 31 that were not managed in the matter above, but were completed. Note that many were removed as they are Sys Admin tasks and would reveal OpSec details if listed. Others were removed as they are minor, and complex to explain.

Thu Feb 25:
Call with Eric:
Discuss new methods to organize translations empowering Community volunteers.

Mon Mar 01:
Begin work to migrate Cloud.PIVX.org, Forum.PIVX.org and ‘Projects’ servers.

Tue Mar 02:
Cloud: Setting up projects-new server (nextcloud and more)
Cloud: Synchronizing server1.pivxprojects.com's cloud "data" directory with new machine (43GB)

Wed Mar 03:
Cloud: working on projects-new server;
debugging MySQL issues
fine tuning configs
testing with Meerkat and Eric

Thu Mar 04:
Cloud: finetuning
Projects: analyzing, agreeing on course of action
Projects: migrating forums

Fri Mar 05:
Cloud: debugging, finetuning
Cloud: testing with Snappy, Meerkat, PalmTree
Projects: migrating forums cd

Mon Mar 08:
Cloud: Flipping the DNS
Forum: Optimizing nginx conf for speed, putting it out for user testing
Cloud: Troubelshooting with PalmTree
Forum: Flipping the DNS

Tue Mar 09:
Cloud, Forum: Obsoleted *-new.pivx.org addresses (CloudFlare + nginx + configs)
Podcast: Setting up Palmtree's account, copying
Podcast: Fighting with nginx conf for it
Podcast: Waiting for PalmTree
MyPivxWallet: Setting up DNS with Snappy, migrating domain to CloudFlare Free plan
MyPivxWallet: Hosting, configuring
MyPivxWallet: *WALL* troubleshooting crazy ass cyclic redirect
Podcast: Consulting and checking up with PalmTree, providing him access, awaiting confirmation
MyPivxWallet: Wall resolved, CloudFlare SSL settings are crazy...; site hosted, https://mypivxwallet.org/
Projects: Copying files for: pivxgives, pivxambassadors, pivxfoundation, pivxplaces, kanban
Projects: Hosting non-PHP+SQL sites quickly: paperpiv.org,
Projects: Flipping DNS for paperpiv.org
Projects: Exporting/reimporting databases for Wordpress sites
WIP Projects: Writing nginx rules for Wordpress sites

Wed Mar 10:
Call with Eric

Thu Mar 11:
Projects: Creating more secure environment for Wordpress hosting (duh)

Sun Mar 14:
Projects: Improving Wodpress' nginx configs

Mon Mar 15:
Projects: Working more on Wordpress' nginx configs
Podcast: Flipping the DNS, removing obsolete entry
Projects: Flipping the DNS for pivxfoundation.org
Projects: PIVXAmbassadors, PIVXPlaces: Fighting with Wordpress issues...
Projects: Flipping the DNS for pivxplaces.com and pivxambassadors.org
Projects: Shutting down the old server

Tue Mar 16:
Podcast: Getting report from PalmTree, working with him to finetune everything
Podcast: Recompiling PHP with FreeType2 support
PIVX: Building core for Sports Ambassadors

Wed Mar 16:
PIVX: Further coding for Sports Ambassadors
Call with Eric~

Thu Mar 17:
PIVX: Core fixes

Fri Mar 19:
PIVX: Sports Ambassadors mechanics done
PIVX: Reading GitHub docs various release fetches (including -rc or -test)

Mon Mar 22:
PIVX: FIX for 32/64bit sorting in Downloads
PIVX: Rebuilding GitHub release fetching logic, adding support for -rc, -test, whatever unstable

Tue Mar 23:
PIVX: Rebuilding GitHub release display logic with support for unstable ones
Consulting with team
PIVX: Working on wording for -rc and -tr (duhh....)
Reporting to the team
FIX: Sports Ambassadors META

Wed Mar 24:
PIVX: Playing with stat core

Thu Mar 25:
Call with Eric~
Work on Investors page

Fri Mar 26:
PIVX: Updating Sports Ambassadors META
PIVX: Playing C3.js to enable linear charts without increasing the size too much

Tue Mar 30:
PIVX: Fixing price decimals bug... WALL HIT, left for other time
PIVX: Working on Stats

Wed Mar 31:
PIVX: Working on Stats

Similarly, here is a partial list of items from @Meerkat's Daily Diary:


Press Room CSS fixed
Contact Info and Form changes
News Tags fix

Contact Info changed again
PIVX Calling Images for Social Media
Coin Specs link added to Dropdown Nav, Mobile Nav and Footer
Economics Chart background fix
Homepage Social Proof links for Bitcoinist, Bitcoin.com and BTC Manager articles
Exchanges update - Block DX added
Wallets - Third Party Wallet (XLite Wallet) added
More CSS cleanup

Proposal Table changes and fixes
More CSS cleanup

Homepage Social Proof link for AMB Crypto and NewsBTC articles
Proposal Table background fix
HEAD fix - Liquid367 to Liquid369

Generic images and image fixes for migrated News Articles

Proposal Table CSS fix for mobile
More CSS cleanup

04 - 06.03:
Women's Day Images

06 - 09.03:

Homepage Social Proof link for HackerNoon article

Get Started section Developers (Discord) broken link fixed
Subpage feature boxes heights fixed for i18n (desktop)
Continuing work on the Newsletter template

Exchanges BlockDX text fix
More CSS cleanups

Continuing on Newsletter
Conceptual work for v5.1.0 promotion
Conceptual work on PIVX merch

PIVX Sports Ambassadors fixes
Wallets subpage revamp
Finishing up Newsletter template

Graphics support for PIVX Brasil

Graphics for v5.1.0 RC promo
Powerded by PIVX graphics
Fixing News Articles
Conceptual work on PIVX merch


If you have any questions related to the above, please feel free to ask, but note that I will only address 'high level' questions. Anything that crosses the line into 'Micro Managing' will be ignored.