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Archived PIVX Social Media Lead/Content Creator, Exchange Liaison.

Still waiting for ANY proof of disrespect, or insults....

I thought you "stepped down"? This discussion is not for you then. It's only for the social manager. She herself said when poker was ready, it would at least get a tweet. I really don't understand the discussion here.

"Because I am one of the very few still willing to both communicate with you and call you out. AFAIK, no one else will tell you what you need to know. You're welcome"

This sounds disrespectful to me no? Very condescending. And what do I NEED to know? That my efforts to bring adoption and a usecase to this drowning coin are for naught?

Are YOU the committee who decides what gets promoted or not? Or what's good for PIVX?

STILL waiting for a shred of proof I have been "disrespectful" or insulted anyone.

There were none that would warrant a ban just heated discussions and people refusing to see it from another view point and huddling round the person with most of the votes view point.
Still waiting for ANY proof of disrespect, or insults....

I thought you "stepped down"? This discussion is not for you then. It's only for the social manager. She herself said when poker was ready, it would at least get a tweet. I really don't understand the discussion here.

"Because I am one of the very few still willing to both communicate with you and call you out. AFAIK, no one else will tell you what you need to know. You're welcome"

This sounds disrespectful to me no? Very condescending. And what do I NEED to know? That my efforts to bring adoption and a usecase to this drowning coin are for naught?

Are YOU the committee who decides what gets promoted or not? Or what's good for PIVX?

STILL waiting for a shred of proof I have been "disrespectful" or insulted anyone.


Yes. I stepped down. But, I made a point to clarify I am not leaving, that I am staying invested, and I will still vote.

I am sorry the truth hurts. I can't help that. Unless I just remain quiet, which is what most people do. But, like I said, I have no problem calling you out. At least that way, you have the chance to learn something.

I never said I get to decide. In fact, I said the exact opposite. I directed you to speak with Core.

Each of the above 3 points demonstrate you need to improve your reading comprehension and/or listening skills.
I think you will find there was and even the screenshot of my phone from above that someone else shared a link to the pivx community channel shows this tweet is unavailable...

No point trying to defend something that is blatantly obvious that was the problem why I wasn't seeing anything. So wind your neck back in and just accept that was the reason.

I won't ask for an apology on your social media incompetence as I don't really care what you or anyone thinks. I say it how it is and don't need your approval or words of advice because from my view and alot of other people's view see what is being said differently.

Just because you don't like hearing another view point does not mean it is wrong. Silencing it doesn't mean it was wrong for myself or anyone else who got banned for voicing our opinions. Tides turn, votes change, people get removed. I'll keep reminding everyone of that next time the messages come in needing votes.
Tweets get deleted sometimes for a variety of reasons. Maybe there was a serious typo that needed to be corrected for example. But, that effects everyone, and is not a ban specific to you. This is obvious to anyone with experience on Twitter.

So, you just demonstrated again that you don't understand Twitter at all. Please keep replying .... each time you do, it supports the points I am making. At the same time, it increases my reputation, and weakens yours.
Tweets get deleted sometimes for a variety of reasons. Maybe there was a serious typo that needed to be corrected for example. But, that effects everyone, and is not a ban specific to you. This is obvious to anyone with experience on Twitter.

So, you just demonstrated again that you don't understand Twitter at all. Please keep replying .... each time you do, it supports the points I am making. At the same time, it increases my reputation, and weakens yours.
Wow can't you accept that your wrong? If someone is blocked you then can not see their posts so won't show up in latest or top which is why up until the removal of the block I can see them again.

I can accept I am wrong, when I am wrong. But, you've done absolutely nothing to show that I am. All you have done is 'assert' that I am wrong.

Conversely, throughout this thread, I have used facts and your own words, to show you have made huge mistakes.

I demonstrated with facts that:

1. You were looking in the wrong spot for tweets.
2. You thought there was only 1 PIVX Twitter account.
3. You have not followed either PIVX Twitter account.
4. You were wrong to say LeacyMcK doesn't Tweet often.
5. Your implication that Jim Draper does a better job was wrong.
6. You think the work can be automated, when just the time the 'Publish' button gets clicked can be.
7. You think that LeacyMcK doesn't engage when she does.
8. There is a different audience for the 2 PIVX Twitter accounts.
9. Hashtags can't be blocked.
10. There is a difference between searching for the #pivx hashtag, and see what has been Tweeted by the PIVX accounts.
11. When a person is blocked, it is plainly stated as such. I gave an example. You never provided such an example.
12. A deleted/unavailable Tweet is not the same as being blocked. It can be because a Tweet was replaced due to a typo etc.
13. ....... I am probably missing many other points.

So, in typical style Borris, you are now 'Projecting' again.


Re: "Wow can't you accept that your wrong?"

Where am I wrong?

I am absolutely certain you have no clue how to properly use Twitter.

I am also certain LeacyMcK is doing an amazing job.

I have presented facts and logic to support these points.

You are simply 'asserting' the opposite with no facts, and using logic similar to a 12 year old yelling; "But my Daddy is bigger than your Daddy!"

So, if you want me to believe I am wrong, you're going to have to improve your argument significantly.
This discussion has become WAY too personal, with tons of hurt feelings. This doesn't help PIVX a bit, in contrary it hurts PIVX. None of you wants that.

All of you guys really should try to focus on both how to communicate whatever you want to say, and not taking things personal, in case insults happen.

Why don't you all take a step back from your egos for a moment and try to observe what really is important for PIVX?
What is important for PIVX, is that MNOs, especially whales, make informed decisions when they vote.

If we let people spread factually incorrect information, and we don't counter it with truth, causing people to vote incorrectly, that hurts people and it hurts PIVX.

Honestly, I am certain Borris will never change. Many PIVians have expressed that view to me. I agree with them. But, what we can do, is point out the constant errors in his logic, and his total lack of supported facts. Even then, he likely will continue to have the same opinion, and that is his right. However, others who have been following his advice and voting as he does, hopefully will see what is really going on and use all the information provided to decide how to vote.

I have no clue who the other MNOs are, that listen to Borris for direction on how to vote. Perhaps they would be prompted to do their own due diligence if I were to simply say to Borris; "You shouldn't comment on social media proposals until you know a little bit about Twitter." But, that likely won't even hit their radar. If we want to ensure it hits their radar, we need lots of drama and noise. Sad that's how it works - but it is what it is.

Plus, maybe they REALLY REALLY believe Borris is a Twitter expert, or was blocked? If so, then the only way I can be certain to get the facts to them, is to blatantly point out his incompetence. Given how poorly he has treated people for years, I really don't give a care in the world how 'hurtful' it may be to him. He has brought this on himself, since he bases his decisions purely on emotion, and has no ability to think critically.

I also don't care what people think of my approach to this issue. No one else has shown a solution that works, and very few people are correcting him when his comments are demonstrably wrong. That has given him 'free reign' to hurt people and PIVX. Not cool. I get not everyone is in a position to help in their way. But, I don't mind being the 'bad cop'. So, here I am.

Thank You @Cryptosi for pointing out the similarity to the 'Eric vs S3v3nh4cks' battle from years ago. I agree. This is that important. I'm just getting started. Bring it.
Great to finally be seeing what isbeing said when searching for #pivx. Who'd of thought an unban would then show things that have resulted in useless bickering.
This is that important. I'm just getting started. Bring it.
I don't even remember having a platform before or even now. Is what I have been saying from the start changed your way of thinking? The votes control? Not heard any of this talk, back and forth, proposal people messaging since somehow the power has shifted that maybe your vote might not be the right one?

I remember when reports were a red word that angered some of you.

Unity is the key to a dao. Openness and discussions between every side of a discussion. You fail to see that and so these events happen which I said would from the start.

On another theory it's you Eric changing votes around to create the image of a voting system when in fact you control every vote and it is all an illusion. Maybe you get off on drama? You need summit to spice your life up? I don't know...whatever tickles your fancy I spoke, I'll try everything twice.

Either way thanks for unblocking me leacy! I'll be sure to keep an eye on #pivx more often now I can see what is to be the discussions account? Can you expand on why the main one would post most things and the need for so many on one platform?
Let's look at the facts.

"I don't even remember having a platform before or even now."

You've always had the ability to vote with your MNs. However, you typically never did. That's on you.

"I remember when reports were a red word that angered some of you."

There has never been a problem discussing reports. However, you wanted to 'force' reports. That's different. We tried to explain that is not possible. It is in a proposal owner's best interest to do reports, but they are free to ignore reporting if they wish. The other issue is that when people did report in detail, you refused to see the facts, and spread misinformation. Similar to what you have done with this social media proposal. That actually created a reason for people to NOT submit a report. They found it easier to give you no info - because then there was nothing for you to 'spin'.

"when in fact you control every vote"

The last few cycles when you finally started voting, proves this wrong. You are 'Projecting' again.

"Either way thanks for unblocking me leacy! "

This is a perfect example of your hubris.

1. You have never been blocked on Twitter.
2. If you were, it would be plainly obvious. You would see a 'You are blocked!' message. Anyone who uses Twitter has seen others show screen shots of this when they are blocked. You NEVER have. Why? Because you never were. We all know you would love to splash evidence of that everywhere if you had it. But, you don't
3. You are stating your hashtag search has been blocked. AFAIK, that isn't even technically possible. See below.
4. You confuse someone deleting a Tweet due to a bad typo etc. (which affects everyone) to you being blocked.
5. This has all been explained to you, yet you still refuse to acknowledge you are mistaken. Instead, you blame LeacyMcK.

Let's see what Chat-GPT says about the hashtag block issue:


Very interesting. Chat-GPT agrees.

Rather than ignoring all this and just repeating your assertion your hashtag search was blocked, please show me how to block a specific user from searching on a specific hashtag.

Or, you can admit you were not blocked at all.

Aside: You STILL have not started Following @_PIVX or @PIVXcommunity. Why not?
Defo was blocked but nvm. There showing now! And look im following so maybe its you who doesnt understand twitter?

anyway let's see how it goes 🫠
Thanks for following @PIVXcommunity! LeacyMcK just got the notification that you just clicked the 'Follow' button.

Would be great if you followed @_PIVX too. Perhaps you have and that notification hasn't trickled thru yet.

I just started following you too. :)
Time to agree to disagree and focus on the points that we do agree on and then move forward? perhaps there is too much focus on the small facts that we dont agree on?
Time to agree to disagree and focus on the points that we do agree on and then move forward? perhaps there is too much focus on the small facts that we dont agree on?
Sorry. There is nothing small about a whale voting in complete ignorance of the facts, due to incompetence. I am not going to 'agree to disagree' on such an important topic. Every single time, I am going to point out the factual mistakes. He may have a different view outcome of those facts, but ignoring the facts, or lying about them, hurts PIVX and PIVians involved. Not cool.

What we have seen indirectly, is that there is someone (or multiple people) following Borris and voting the same way. I have no expectation that Borris will ever change his mind, but I do expect that when I make LOTS of NOISE (drama), the issue lands on the radar of the mystery proxy voter(s). Thus informed, I would expect that they vote based on the facts, to best serve PIVX and their investment, and not to continue to blindly follow Borris' lead.

Also unacceptable, is someone attempting to extort a completely separate action from one person, by voting down all the proposals from the Community. Such an action is childish at best, and illegal at worst.
I have talked to a couple of the core team and they don't care if the poker is promoted by PIVX_community. I would run a poll if I was still on discord.

All I see is one guy telling people off.

This deserves a legit discussion that just didn't happen. You can reply Eric but it's just more of the condescending tone "I've already explained, work on your listening comprehension" or anything like that you think you deserve to say on your little playground forum to me.

I want to have a legit discussion about the poker stuff, and honestly without people who have NO IDEA about the subject.