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Awaiting Feedback Pre-Proposal Discussion: DAO Community Coach Role – Shaping Our Future Together


Hello PIVX Community,

I’ve been part of the PIVX community since 2019, and many of you may know me from my activity on X (formerly Twitter), where I work to raise awareness about PIVX and its values. Over the years, I’ve deeply appreciated this community’s resilience, innovation, and commitment to decentralization.

Now, I’d like to take my involvement a step further by proposing the role of DAO Community Coach—a role aimed at strengthening our community through better communication, collaboration, alignment, and professionalism.

My Background

My diverse background provides me with a unique perspective that I believe can greatly benefit the PIVX community:

  • Banking Industry: With 12 years in banking, I bring a deep understanding of professional environments, strategic thinking, and organizational structure.
  • Education and Social Work: My teaching and counseling experience have honed my ability to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics and foster collaboration among diverse groups.
  • Professional Coaching: As a certified coach, I specialize in helping individuals and teams achieve their goals, reduce stress, and create environments that prioritize mental well-being and motivation.

This experience equips me to support the various PIVX departments, helping align efforts, improve communication, and foster collaboration across the community.

My Vision

Working in this role within a DAO is a new and exciting challenge for me. I see this as an opportunity to learn and grow alongside the community while serving as a:

  • Facilitator to ensure collaboration among departments and align our efforts toward a common purpose.
  • Motivator to inspire contributors by recognizing their efforts and highlighting the impact they make.
  • Catalyst for shared success by driving communication, cohesion, and professionalism to new levels.

I strongly believe in creating an environment where members can contribute at their own pace and in their own way. The strength of a DAO lies in its diversity, and my goal is to harness that diversity to move us forward together.

Why I’m Reaching Out

Your input is crucial as I shape this proposal. I’d love to hear your thoughts on:

  • What would you expect or appreciate from someone in this role?
  • What challenges have you faced in communication or collaboration?
  • What would help you feel more engaged and connected to the PIVX community?
  • Which three personal values would you like to see reflected in PIVX’s values?

Why This Role Matters

This role is about serving the entire PIVX community. As a DAO, we can define bold, meaningful goals that reflect our shared values and ambitions. These goals will unite us and give us something impactful to work toward as a team.

PIVX is made up of diverse departments (which I'd suggest to call Hubs), each contributing in valuable ways. However, decentralized systems can sometimes struggle with aligning efforts and maintaining cohesion. As a DAO Community Coach, I aim to bridge those gaps, helping departments work seamlessly together to achieve our shared vision.

My focus will be on improving communication, building cohesion, and enhancing professionalism to benefit everyone in the PIVX community—from newcomers to masternode owners.

My Commitment

This role is all about facilitating, supporting, and uniting in the true spirit of the PIVX DAO. I draw inspiration from philosophies that highlight the power of belief, trust, and collaboration when people come together for a shared purpose. These principles will guide how I approach this role and support the community.

Let’s Start the Conversation

I’d love to hear your thoughts, ideas, and expectations. What would make this role valuable to you? What would help us grow as a community? And if you don't want to write, just leave an emoji indicating your mood after reading this pre-proposal. Please share your input below—I’m here to listen and learn from you.

Best regards,

Sigge Baskero
Can we list the 'Hubs' you describe? My guess is that they are:

1. Community.
2. Business Development.
3. Software Development.
4. Marketing.
5. Treasury/MNOs.

Am I missing any? Should the list be more granular?
My list so far:

Community, including Outreach, International Ambassadors
Development, including Business, Core, Non-Core (Website, PIVXLabs)
Marketing & Design

That would be about 10 hubs, some of which which we could condense so it doesn't get to cluttered.

I see the start of a conversation about these hubs as one of the first tasks for the first month(s).

A suggestion for a new and lighter structure would be:

Outreach & Engagement Hub
Focus on building and maintaining connections with the external community, including communication, education, and fostering a sense of belonging.

  • Socials (social media campaigns and presence).
  • Community Outreach (public relations and event organization).
  • International Ambassadors (regional outreach and local engagement).

Development & Innovation Hub

Drive technical and strategic growth, including software development, infrastructure, and exploratory projects.

  • Core Development (protocol and blockchain).
  • Non-Core Development (Website, PIVXLabs (Note: Maybe PIVXLabs would rather be a hub of its own? Let's brainstorm)).
  • Business Development (partnerships, payment providers).

Marketing & Design Hub

Enhance the DAO’s visibility and brand identity through marketing campaigns, branding, and creative design.

  • Marketing (strategies for outreach and brand awareness).
  • Design (graphics, branding, and visual communication).
Let me be clear right at the beginning:

I’m here to help facilitate collaboration, bring fresh ideas to the table, and connect the dots between amazing minds in our community. I don’t see this as a management role, and I wouldn't be good at that. I’m here to support and amplify your work, acting more like a catalyst or a cross-thinker who helps unlock new possibilities.
Now, I’d like to take my involvement a step further by proposing the role of DAO Community Coach—a role aimed at strengthening our community through better communication, collaboration, alignment, and professionalism.
Who decides the alignment? My and others views are completely different of how the DAO should be working. My view is the voters decide the alignment of who is in which job role but atm it has already been stated that the voters don't control who is in charge of what and if your voted out it means nothing they will still be in that role. Please elaborate your views.
  • Banking Industry: With 12 years in banking, I bring a deep understanding of professional environments, strategic thinking, and organizational structure.
  • Education and Social Work: My teaching and counseling experience have honed my ability to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics and foster collaboration among diverse groups.
  • Professional Coaching: As a certified coach, I specialize in helping individuals and teams achieve their goals, reduce stress, and create environments that prioritize mental well-being and motivation.
What was your role in the banking industry? We have a chancellor in the UK now who said she was an economist and turns out she worked in the complaints department so has little to 0 knowledge of how business works as is now becoming apparent.
What are your educational and social work qualifications? Your navigating of my views of leacy's proposal was not navigated well and were just trying to change my mind. If this is your way of navigating I think we can pass on needing anything.
Explain your coaching please and how that would help PIVX. It almost reminds me of brainwashing, trying to change peoples views. Mental well being in my view is weak minded people. Catering for people who cant take on roles to reduce stress is basically saying your not up to the job and they should be removed from that role.
This experience equips me to support the various PIVX departments, helping align efforts, improve communication, and foster collaboration across the community.
I see leacy's thread is still locked from scrutiny. I'd start with that one. Then work on unbanning everyone with the opposing views from discord. Then maybe we can start to foster a broad range of views across the community or is that not what this role is about?
My Vision

Working in this role within a DAO is a new and exciting challenge for me. I see this as an opportunity to learn and grow alongside the community while serving as a:

  • Facilitator to ensure collaboration among departments and align our efforts toward a common purpose.
  • Motivator to inspire contributors by recognizing their efforts and highlighting the impact they make.
  • Catalyst for shared success by driving communication, cohesion, and professionalism to new levels.
Who is setting this alignment view.
If your not motivated and need help from someone your not ready to be in that role whatever it maybe.
I strongly believe in creating an environment where members can contribute at their own pace and in their own way. The strength of a DAO lies in its diversity, and my goal is to harness that diversity to move us forward together.
I hate the word diversity. You clearly don't want that anyway else why would there be so many bans, locked posts and a complete shut down of other peoples views, myself included. I CBA to go back and quote you trying to convince me to change my view. Heres the thread for anyone who wants to read. https://forum.pivx.org/threads/cont...ho-cannot-reply-to-questions-gone.2522/page-2

Note also you have banned my random viewing account from your twitter. Your a great role model there for open discussions. I had never even commented on anything you had posted.
Why I’m Reaching Out

Your input is crucial as I shape this proposal. I’d love to hear your thoughts on:

  • What would you expect or appreciate from someone in this role?
  • What challenges have you faced in communication or collaboration?
  • What would help you feel more engaged and connected to the PIVX community?
  • Which three personal values would you like to see reflected in PIVX’s values?
The role is not needed.
You all shut down communication you don't like or disagree with the opposing view.
This proposal would be a cash grab for a pointless role that will have no effect on PIVX bar trying to align people with your view. Kind of like the education system has a left leaning learning narrative. You would be slotting in to say this is the direction and ignore/shutdown anyone that thinks differently. It has already been proven and is ongoing that a different view is shut down.
Why This Role Matters

This role is about serving the entire PIVX community. As a DAO, we can define bold, meaningful goals that reflect our shared values and ambitions. These goals will unite us and give us something impactful to work toward as a team.

PIVX is made up of diverse departments (which I'd suggest to call Hubs), each contributing in valuable ways. However, decentralized systems can sometimes struggle with aligning efforts and maintaining cohesion. As a DAO Community Coach, I aim to bridge those gaps, helping departments work seamlessly together to achieve our shared vision.

My focus will be on improving communication, building cohesion, and enhancing professionalism to benefit everyone in the PIVX community—from newcomers to masternode owners.
Again who is setting this shared vision if not the masternode owners and votes? But again this view is completely shut down.
My Commitment

This role is all about facilitating, supporting, and uniting in the true spirit of the PIVX DAO. I draw inspiration from philosophies that highlight the power of belief, trust, and collaboration when people come together for a shared purpose. These principles will guide how I approach this role and support the community.
You haven't been doing that for free, why should you be paid for it?
Let’s Start the Conversation

I’d love to hear your thoughts, ideas, and expectations. What would make this role valuable to you? What would help us grow as a community? And if you don't want to write, just leave an emoji indicating your mood after reading this pre-proposal. Please share your input below—I’m here to listen and learn from you.

Best regards,

Sigge Baskero
My list so far:

Community, including Outreach, International Ambassadors
Development, including Business, Core, Non-Core (Website, PIVXLabs)
Marketing & Design

That would be about 10 hubs, some of which which we could condense so it doesn't get to cluttered.
To much segmentation of departments. Adding middle managers for each department would be needed. I agree someone needs to be in a role to make sure everyone's pulling their weight. Good example is social media. We cant even get the posts across all platforms. Maybe if you donate your time to sort that out on a voluntary basis as you all like to say you need to prove yourself first we can then come back and discuss other departments and funding.
I see the start of a conversation about these hubs as one of the first tasks for the first month(s).

A suggestion for a new and lighter structure would be:

Outreach & Engagement Hub
Focus on building and maintaining connections with the external community, including communication, education, and fostering a sense of belonging.

  • Socials (social media campaigns and presence).
  • Community Outreach (public relations and event organization).
  • International Ambassadors (regional outreach and local engagement).

Development & Innovation Hub

Drive technical and strategic growth, including software development, infrastructure, and exploratory projects.

  • Core Development (protocol and blockchain).
  • Non-Core Development (Website, PIVXLabs (Note: Maybe PIVXLabs would rather be a hub of its own? Let's brainstorm)).
  • Business Development (partnerships, payment providers).

Marketing & Design Hub

Enhance the DAO’s visibility and brand identity through marketing campaigns, branding, and creative design.

  • Marketing (strategies for outreach and brand awareness).
  • Design (graphics, branding, and visual communication).
Maybe start a list of who is already in these roles and why we need a middle person. We have started one for social https://forum.pivx.org/threads/who-controls-the-socials.2568/ . We can then look at and talk as a community on where the problems are.

Look forward to your reply.
@SiggeB The main issue I see, is that we need to get the Community to agree to a set of common goals. Until we can do that, any coaching will have little value.

With a set of common goals, everyone can use them to shape their proposal outcomes, and the entire team can be measured together, to see where we are missing focus.

In the past, there was an effort to define our Mission and Vision statements. Ideally this would define common goals at a high level. We didn't want the flowery corporate-speak type statements. We wanted hard hitting, in your face style characteristics we wanted to strive for. Things like the importance of Freedom and Privacy etc. I am not sure what happened to the Mission and Vision statements, but I did note that the PIVX Manifesto is now renamed to "PIVX Mission and Vision". That's fine, but we still don't have high level goals define. At least nothing measureable, or with milestones.

Currently, proposals are doing very well at all going the same direction, because everyone knows at a high level, albeit vague, what we are trying to achieve. But rather that everyone aiming in the general direction of 'North', it would be great if we all knew the exact target to aim for together in that direction.

The Swarmwise document from Rick Falkvinge says;

"Keep Everybody’s Eyes On Target, And Paint It Red Daily."

Right now, if you asked 10 PIVians what that target is, no one would be able to answer, let alone answer the same.

So, I think the 1st step is simply to ask the Community if they think we should have a well defined, quantifiable target. If they agree, then we can work on defining that target, along with measureable milestones along the way.

Hope that makes sense!
@SiggeB The main issue I see, is that we need to get the Community to agree to a set of common goals. Until we can do that, any coaching will have little value.

With a set of common goals, everyone can use them to shape their proposal outcomes, and the entire team can be measured together, to see where we are missing focus.

In the past, there was an effort to define our Mission and Vision statements. Ideally this would define common goals at a high level. We didn't want the flowery corporate-speak type statements. We wanted hard hitting, in your face style characteristics we wanted to strive for. Things like the importance of Freedom and Privacy etc. I am not sure what happened to the Mission and Vision statements, but I did note that the PIVX Manifesto is now renamed to "PIVX Mission and Vision". That's fine, but we still don't have high level goals define. At least nothing measureable, or with milestones.

Currently, proposals are doing very well at all going the same direction, because everyone knows at a high level, albeit vague, what we are trying to achieve. But rather that everyone aiming in the general direction of 'North', it would be great if we all knew the exact target to aim for together in that direction.

The Swarmwise document from Rick Falkvinge says;

"Keep Everybody’s Eyes On Target, And Paint It Red Daily."

Right now, if you asked 10 PIVians what that target is, no one would be able to answer, let alone answer the same.

So, I think the 1st step is simply to ask the Community if they think we should have a well defined, quantifiable target. If they agree, then we can work on defining that target, along with measureable milestones along the way.

Hope that makes sense!

I completely agree that defining clear, measurable targets is essential for aligning our efforts and driving PIVX forward. A shared "North Star," as referenced in Swarmwise, is crucial to ensuring everyone understands exactly where we’re headed. However, I don’t believe we need to wait for complete alignment before making progress.

As I see it, the strength of PIVX lies in its community members and their unique contributions. That’s why I believe goals should begin at the individual level rooted in each person’s values, and with a vision at the top level that can be adjusted if needed. These individual goals then influence and align with Hub-level goals, creating a natural pathway to a future PIVX-wide goal that aligns with the PIVX vision, that we can all stand behind when the time is right. This doesn't neccessarily mean that I need to talk with each individual community member about their individual goals. But if neccessary to help people find their path forward, I'd love to do that.

This approach not only empowers individuals to work toward what they believe in but also ensures that our collective direction emerges organically from the contributions of everyone involved. This is why, in my initial post, I asked for individual values. They’re the foundation upon which personal goals, Hub goals, and ultimately DAO-wide goals are built.

At the same time, we must ensure that these goals serve the greater good of PIVX. I see my role as supporting community members in achieving their goals, as long as they align with PIVX’s overarching vision. My focus is on facilitating, listening, and helping to remove blockers, not managing or directing anyone. Respectful communication and collaboration are key to maintaining a thriving, supportive community.

On the rare occasion when ego-driven actions disrupt the greater good of PIVX, we may need to address such behavior so that the majority can continue working productively toward our shared mission. Our vision should remain a unifying force. Here’s one suggestion for the vision we might adopt:

“PIVX’s vision is to be universally acknowledged as the real people’s money, delivering unparalleled privacy, innovative and modern use cases, and effortless usability for everyone, all within a welcoming, open, and supportive community.”

This is just a starting point for discussion. If it resonates with the community, we can refine it further together.

To make this vision actionable, I propose we focus on creating clear and measurable goals at every level:

  1. Individual Goals: Aligned with personal values and contributions.
  2. (Sub units to Hubs, suggestion: Teams, or Circles: Team Goals, focused on their unique objectives.)
  3. Hub Goals: Focused on the unique objectives of each Hub.
  4. PIVX-Wide Goals: A long-term, shared target that brings all efforts together.

Edited to make my idea of approach clearer.
Last edited:
Once there are Community Goals, then we can come up with Milestones. Then, perhaps we can have a Community Roadmap.

Heck, imagine what the Business Development items in the Community Roadmap would look like now, if we started this when the rewards increased and Jeffrey started working his magic 2+ years ago, or when Labs formed with JSkitty going full time on PIVX.

We would then have a long string of milestones achieved, visible for the world to see, easily proving PIVX is growing massively. That would pump everyone up, provide lots of ammo for social posts etc., and our price would be way higher than it is now. Then there is the huge energy it would spread among the PIVX Community.

Lots to think about and discuss.

Share your thoughts!
We would then have a long string of milestones achieved, visible for the world to see, easily proving PIVX is growing massively. That would pump everyone up, provide lots of ammo for social posts etc., and our price would be way higher than it is now. Then there is the huge energy it would spread among the PIVX Community.

Let's manifest that, and use more present tense:

We have achieved a long string of milestones and continue to do so, visible for the world to see, easily proving PIVX is growing massively. That pumps everyone up, provides lots of ammo for social posts etc., and our price will be way higher than it is now. Then there is the huge energy which spreads among the PIVX Community.
Who decides the alignment? My and others views are completely different of how the DAO should be working. My view is the voters decide the alignment of who is in which job role but atm it has already been stated that the voters don't control who is in charge of what and if your voted out it means nothing they will still be in that role. Please elaborate your views.

What was your role in the banking industry? We have a chancellor in the UK now who said she was an economist and turns out she worked in the complaints department so has little to 0 knowledge of how business works as is now becoming apparent.
What are your educational and social work qualifications? Your navigating of my views of leacy's proposal was not navigated well and were just trying to change my mind. If this is your way of navigating I think we can pass on needing anything.
Explain your coaching please and how that would help PIVX. It almost reminds me of brainwashing, trying to change peoples views. Mental well being in my view is weak minded people. Catering for people who cant take on roles to reduce stress is basically saying your not up to the job and they should be removed from that role.

I see leacy's thread is still locked from scrutiny. I'd start with that one. Then work on unbanning everyone with the opposing views from discord. Then maybe we can start to foster a broad range of views across the community or is that not what this role is about?

Who is setting this alignment view.
If your not motivated and need help from someone your not ready to be in that role whatever it maybe.

I hate the word diversity. You clearly don't want that anyway else why would there be so many bans, locked posts and a complete shut down of other peoples views, myself included. I CBA to go back and quote you trying to convince me to change my view. Heres the thread for anyone who wants to read. https://forum.pivx.org/threads/cont...ho-cannot-reply-to-questions-gone.2522/page-2

Note also you have banned my random viewing account from your twitter. Your a great role model there for open discussions. I had never even commented on anything you had posted.

The role is not needed.
You all shut down communication you don't like or disagree with the opposing view.
This proposal would be a cash grab for a pointless role that will have no effect on PIVX bar trying to align people with your view. Kind of like the education system has a left leaning learning narrative. You would be slotting in to say this is the direction and ignore/shutdown anyone that thinks differently. It has already been proven and is ongoing that a different view is shut down.

Again who is setting this shared vision if not the masternode owners and votes? But again this view is completely shut down.

You haven't been doing that for free, why should you be paid for it?

To much segmentation of departments. Adding middle managers for each department would be needed. I agree someone needs to be in a role to make sure everyone's pulling their weight. Good example is social media. We cant even get the posts across all platforms. Maybe if you donate your time to sort that out on a voluntary basis as you all like to say you need to prove yourself first we can then come back and discuss other departments and funding.

Maybe start a list of who is already in these roles and why we need a middle person. We have started one for social https://forum.pivx.org/threads/who-controls-the-socials.2568/ . We can then look at and talk as a community on where the problems are.

Look forward to your reply.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns. I’ve reflected on your comments for some time, considering how best to respond in a way that fosters meaningful dialogue and benefits the PIVX community.

While some parts of your message might come across as provocative or critical, I choose to see beyond that. I believe there’s a genuine passion and a wealth of experience behind your words—both of which could contribute positively to PIVX's growth and success.

One of the strengths of a decentralized community like PIVX is diversity, not just in backgrounds and perspectives, but also in how we approach and resolve disagreements. Respect, empathy, and open communication are key to turning that diversity into a collaborative advantage. I believe we can create more value together by focusing on shared goals rather than differences.

To that end, I’d like to invite you to a one-on-one video chat on a platform of your choice. This would give us a chance to discuss your ideas, clarify any concerns, and explore how your perspectives can help shape the future of PIVX. I’m confident this conversation will be constructive and mutually beneficial.

Please let me know a time that works for you, along with your preferred platform. You can reach me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you and continuing this conversation in a productive and respectful way, with the best for PIVX as our guiding beacon.

Best regards, Sigge
I'd prefer to keep things public and not talks behind closed doors from people, which is how i see the dao work. I tried to bullet proof and be specific in my questions above about your proposal.
I'd prefer to keep things public and not talks behind closed doors from people, which is how i see the dao work. I tried to bullet proof and be specific in my questions above about your proposal.

Open discussions are indeed a cornerstone of a healthy DAO, and I welcome dialogue that reflects PIVX's values of mutual respect, diversity, and collaboration.

That said, constructive dialogue requires a shared commitment to respectful communication. While I appreciate your passion for this community, your repeated style of personal attacks and dismissive language detracts from the opportunity to have a meaningful and productive exchange. By focusing on accusations rather than ideas, we risk missing the chance to create solutions that benefit everyone.

You’ve often critiqued the lack of openness in the community, yet your responses do not embody the openness you demand. By conflating constructive critique with hostility and sarcasm, you undermine your own argument for fostering diverse opinions. Creativity and diverse perspectives cannot thrive in an environment of hostility—they require mutual respect, a willingness to listen, and a focus on solutions rather than conflict.

The PIVX DAO is a workplace for many creative individuals who deserve to work in an environment that fosters creativity, mutual respect, openness, and diversity. These values are essential to the collaborative spirit of our community. Anyone willing to uphold these values is welcome to contribute, and I believe we can only thrive as a DAO by working together in this way.

To ensure a productive conversation that aligns with PIVX’s ethos, you have been repeatedly encouraged to maintain a tone that is respectful and solution-oriented. Critiques are welcome, but they must focus on the proposal and its merits, not on individuals.

If you’re willing to engage in this spirit, I’m happy to participate in a public discussion.
You've got the questions. If you choose to answer them that's up to you!

I’ve received your questions, but this is not just about answering them. It’s about engaging in a constructive and respectful dialogue. Questions asked in a tone of hostility and sarcasm do not create an environment where meaningful exchange can take place.

You’ve raised valid concerns in the past about openness and inclusion within the community, yet your approach directly contradicts these principles. Hostility and personal attacks discourage participation and undermine the very openness you say you value. If we’re going to have a discussion, it must be rooted in mutual respect and focus on solutions rather than conflict.

I’ve made it very clear that I am open to engaging publicly, but only if the discussion aligns with PIVX's core values of mutual respect, diversity, and collaboration. This is a non-negotiable boundary. If you’re unwilling to adjust your tone to foster a productive exchange, then this conversation cannot move forward.

The choice is yours, Gerrald. I am here to engage in a way that benefits the community as a whole, provided we uphold the standards of communication that allow creativity and diverse perspectives to thrive. If you’re ready to engage respectfully and focus on solutions, I’m here. If not, this conversation ends here.

Best regards,

The problem is you have already assumed you have the moral high ground and how you engage with people is the correct way and are trying to change how I engage with people. I'm blunt, straight to the point and don't care about people's mental health and diversity.

So whatever I don't need you answer questions. You are nothing to do with pivx bar a paid shiller currently.

The masternode owners control the budget so you either answer questions or not, it doesn't effect me but it will effect you if you try to put through a proposal. The choice is yours.
The problem is you have already assumed you have the moral high ground and how you engage with people is the correct way and are trying to change how I engage with people. I'm blunt, straight to the point and don't care about people's mental health and diversity.

So whatever I don't need you answer questions. You are nothing to do with pivx bar a paid shiller currently.

The masternode owners control the budget so you either answer questions or not, it doesn't effect me but it will effect you if you try to put through a proposal. The choice is yours.
Why does this need to feel so aggressive though? His goal is to talk vs text so things do not get misconstrued. How about for the call you guys can record it and we can transcribe it? This way nothing is left out and you can feel like it is not trying to be a 'backdoor meeting'?

I like the idea of the proposal but think the idea of the values discussion should come up. We should talk about the overall goal and synergies here to make sure if you are going to try to align people more, we get that point across now to all be on the same page.

@SiggeB I think more organization and team building will do wonders for PIVX, it is just about trying to go ahead in a decentralized manner and not make things feel corporate. How do you propose to avoid the feeling of making it more 'corporate'?
It's not aggressive it's just how your reading it. As I said I'm being straight to the point, asked the questions. I don't need to know the answers if he doesn't want to answer them but then that is reflected in votes.

I prefer everything to be open here for others to see and they can make their own minds up. Plus it gives people a chance to read over what they wrote and not just jump on something that can be misinterpreted.

My questions were direct and to the point. Leacy is only just holding on because she refuses to engage in conversations if that's the route you go down that's fine.

I won't be changing my questioning to cater for your feelings, your view on diversity or any other of that left wing, liberal, Marxist controlling tactics. Ive been blunt and straight to the point and that will not change. I don't change my values to appease people who can't take questioning in a way that they dont like.
It's not aggressive it's just how your reading it. As I said I'm being straight to the point, asked the questions. I don't need to know the answers if he doesn't want to answer them but then that is reflected in votes.

I prefer everything to be open here for others to see and they can make their own minds up. Plus it gives people a chance to read over what they wrote and not just jump on something that can be misinterpreted.

My questions were direct and to the point. Leacy is only just holding on because she refuses to engage in conversations if that's the route you go down that's fine.

I won't be changing my questioning to cater for your feelings, your view on diversity or any other of that left wing, liberal, Marxist controlling tactics. Ive been blunt and straight to the point and that will not change. I don't change my values to appease people who can't take questioning in a way that they dont like.

Grow up over the political stuff man. Im not a leftist, I am absolutely right wing. The difference is I am also a moderator. My job is to keep you guys from looking like you are fighting. So theres an issue here. I have a job to do, I have asked you to respect said rules. You have said you wont respect the rules. What shall be the next course of action?

Dog with a bone sir. Leacy isnt in this and has no reason to be brought up. There needs to be a standard set on how to interact here. You cannot piss all over the place.
Wasn't even referring to you being left wing. Was siegge. See how things get interpreted wrong?

Again who sets the standard? It was one of my questions...

I feel how I direct my questions it's fair and wouldn't take offence if someone was blunt and to the point with myself. So my way of question in my view is fine.

If we want a diverse group of people with different views etc sometimes your not going like how someone verbalise their views but that's diversity for you...isn't it great! Trick with alot of you everything is taken to heart and you need to be able to take one on the chin every now and then.

Leacy is an example of what happens if you don't engage and votes reflect it. It's right to bring it up.
Wasn't even referring to you being left wing. Was siegge. See how things get interpreted wrong?

Again who sets the standard? It was one of my questions...

I feel how I direct my questions it's fair and wouldn't take offence if someone was blunt and to the point with myself. So my way of question in my view is fine.

If we want a diverse group of people with different views etc sometimes your not going like how someone verbalise their views but that's diversity for you...isn't it great! Trick with alot of you everything is taken to heart and you need to be able to take one on the chin every now and then.

This is why the call would help! And then we would post the transcript here so everyone is aware of what was discussed so that can be clarified.

The standard is simple manners. You and Eric were both informed of what it is moving forward. So lets say I set them, and that's that.

It does not matter if you do not take offense, what matters is how it looks from an outside perspective of those wanting to invest/join/contribute to PIVX. This kind of stuff drives people away not attracts them.

I am taking one on the chin, I am here saying to someone who thinks they can do whatever they like because they vote, that they cannot do whatever they like because they vote. Most in my position would not give you push back because of your position. But alas, my job is to fall on the sword for everyone. That is why I am even here now, I read, it was coming off as inappropriate, and so I am here to moderate.

If you continue to choose to not respect the rules as they have been pointed out, so be it, but there is no complaints for the consequences of your actions when you have been sufficiently warned.