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Search results

  1. SiggeB

    Active DAO Community Coach

    Proposal: DAO Community Coach Introduction: Laying the Foundation for Unity and Progress PIVX has consistently demonstrated resilience, adaptability, and innovation, thriving in the decentralized space despite challenges. However, like any complex and decentralized organization, the lack of a...
  2. SiggeB

    Awaiting Feedback Pre-Proposal Discussion: DAO Community Coach Role – Shaping Our Future Together

    Hello PIVX Community, I’ve been part of the PIVX community since 2019, and many of you may know me from my activity on X (formerly Twitter), where I work to raise awareness about PIVX and its values. Over the years, I’ve deeply appreciated this community’s resilience, innovation, and commitment...
  3. SiggeB

    Active SiggeB2024 (You may now vote on "renewal 1" proposal!)

    Proposal to PIVX Treasury: Support for Continued PIVX Advocacy on Social Media Introduction: As "Sigge Baskero" on X (formerly Twitter), link https://x.com/siggebaskero, I have been one of the most active voices promoting PIVX since 2019, growing my reach organically to almost 1400 followers...
  4. SiggeB

    Archived PIVX Twitter Blitz

    Introduction: Known under the pseudonym Sigge Baskero on Twitter, I have been and am one of the most active promoters of PIVX since 2019, organically attracting 1800 followers. I now seek support from the PIVX community to conduct an additional activity to further promote PIVX on Twitter. As...
  5. SiggeB

    Looking for a coach to help you overcome obstacles and achieve your personal and professional goals?

    Looking for a coach to help you overcome obstacles and achieve your personal and professional goals? Look no further! As a professional coach in training, I am dedicated to helping individuals reach their full potential. I specialize in several niches, including Life Purpose Coaching...
  6. SiggeB

    Translations proposal ideas

    Hello girls and boys :) Ok, I am starting with the work to get the translations proposal through. Following I will jot down some of my ideas, and I am thankful for your ideas and thoughts. Translations will be needed not only for the website and changes there. Also recurring news features...