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Staff member
Name: Ofcl-SocialApr2024
Term: 2 cycle
Cycle Amount: 6890
Total Amount: 13780
Author: @LeacyMcK
Receiver: @LeacyMcK
Address: D9F4WAiarYFHZEHTcipSZc8aRJ49WYUgQp
Created: April 15, 2024
Status: Active

Weekly tasks
- Lead for PIVX official, PIVXcommunity, Medium and Instagram.
- All weekly tasks can be found here. https://forum.pivx.org/threads/pivx-social-media-lead-content-creator-exchange-liaison.1468/
- Timewise these weekly tasks take approx. 10 - 20 hours each week.
- Checking in with social team regularly. Scouting for new social team members. Mentoring and giving support when needed to the social team, and PIVX community account leads.
- Latest request from Binance this month requesting we make sure that the Twitter account is following safe procedures. eg. 2fa, passwords only given to lead of account and 1 other active member.

Monthly tasks
Complete and submit Binance report. ( In response to Binance's request for more comprehensive information regarding our completed work, I have secured the developers' commitment to independently document their contributions. This collaborative effort ensures that their work will be prepared and included in the report I will submit to Binance within the specified timeframe.) Both PIVX Core and PIVX Labs work is shared.
- Update PIVX.org when needed at times. eg. Edit roles, add articles/blogs
- Update Discord Monitor auto-mod and support when needed.
- Monthly PIVX Masternode updates
- Contact privacy advocates aka team members involved in privacy projects and invite them to participate as guests in a privacy roundtable discussion. I collaborate with Reuben, CryptoGuard, yenechar and Joskey to address current and trending privacy-related subjects for the show.

February and March Highlights
You can find these here: https://forum.pivx.org/threads/content-strategist.1940/post-5017
Along with,

- Privacy Roundtable hosted by BasicSwapDEX along with co-hosts PIVX, Firo and Particl. Special guest: Alex Romanov from Beam Privacy

-Community Twitter Polls

-Using AI more for privacy quotes.

-To ensure the community is well-informed about PIVX available support options and various avenues to obtain assistance, I regularly publish weekly posts featuring PIVX support tools. These posts include helpful resources such as the PIVX tool box and links to informative guides.

-Freedom or Privacy? Why not both? (re-circulated old material showing it in a new light so to speak.)

Why do you PIVX? Successful Community Contest where community was encouraged to comment on how they use PIVX in their lives. 4 prizes of 50 PIV each to winners.

Birthday Giveaway Week - I held daily contests x 4 days which brought many new followers to the community account. With each event 50 PIV was given away, paid out of my pocket.

-Planned and cross-marketed posts with BetAltcoins.

-Planned and worked with community member xbeliea666 and Hans Koning on a podcast hosted by Passive Income Pilots. Recording planned for April 15th with PodCast being published on April 23rd. Excited about this as it's a new audience.

-Continuing to work with the talented Meerkat in creating copy and ideas for graphics that she then designs for PIVX. Lately working on a series of "Privacy shouldn't be hard" themed posts as community polls indicate that followers seemed to be worried about two things, Government regulation and privacy coin's protocol being too hard to use.

-Reached out to a local college in an email asking if they know of any knowledgable C++ devs that would like to work, preferably with cryptocurrency/blockchain knowledge.

-Maintaining ongoing collaboration with Jeffrey and Liquid to enhance our communication practices, ensuring a smooth workflow among active PIVX members.
-Working alongside Jeffrey with exchanges and events ongoing.
-Cross-marketed and worked with DefiNation in promoting their gift card platform and making the community aware of integrating PIVX into it.

Whats coming up:

-Privacy Roundtable April 24th, PIVX hosting. Special Guest: Douglas Tuman host of MoneroTalks and MoneroTopia. May's event being worked on presently, sent out new requests for guest speaker.
-Working with Travala.com on a cross-marketing idea.
-Working with CryptoGuard on a new post and maybe an event for BasicSwapDEX/PIVX.
-More articles for Medium for April/May
-Planning contest with community accounts for May
-Meeting with Liquid and Jeffrey planned for late April. Topics to include PIVX's growth, roadmap items, development updates and business plans.

If the Community members and Masternode owners don't mind, I want to keep the premium subscription for one more month which will make it 3 months in total that it has been running. Ongoing talks with Twitter support and trying different methods to get our posts out further seems to be working a little bit as individual tweet metrics are more favourable of late. Tested the new article writing format from Twitter which obviously needs to be worked on more because one can't access the links shown without signing back in again. Related this to Twitter support.

Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal. I have decided to leave the comments section open, hoping that anyone who has questions or comments will express them respectfully and constructively, avoiding any threatening remarks. :)

Metrics to follow this evening or latest on April 16th.
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I work independently mostly but when I need to rely on others to help support my work, I am very appreciative when they do. @Meerkat is crazy busy now but has never missed a deadline or not completed work I have requested. Mutual respect and appreciation for each others work goes a long way when we are under deadlines. I have found being proactive and planning ahead of time for graphics I need, works well and benefits both Meerkat and I, as well it keeps the flow going out on Socials. Up until 1 year ago, PIVX official didn't have daily posts, now they do. This is possible because of how we work together. :) Images below are of how we get it done.


  • Meerkat and leacy.png
    Meerkat and leacy.png
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  • meerkat and leacy 2.png
    meerkat and leacy 2.png
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-Reached out to a local college in an email asking if they know of any knowledgable C++ devs that would like to work, preferably with cryptocurrency/blockchain knowledge.

I program in C++, but I have no knowledge of blockchain, what advice do you have for taking my first steps with the pivx community?
Do we have any specific study material?
I program in C++, but I have no knowledge of blockchain, what advice do you have for taking my first steps with the pivx community?
Do we have any specific study material?
Reach out in discord and let them know in the general channel.
I had hoped last evening that the Twitter analytics page would be working this morning but....
I showed some metrics here: https://forum.pivx.org/threads/content-strategist.1940/#post-5017 In the next couple of days I will look into individual tweets and share some of those metrics.

View attachment 1619
Please find PIVX official Twitter metrics below, though still a little inaccurate it shows more than my prior attempt at retrieving them. Even when Twitter finally gets their analytics set up to read properly, they will always be a little behind due to my choice to not enable cookies and tracking on my laptop while retrieving.


  • PIVX analytics 04:24.png
    PIVX analytics 04:24.png
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Twitter Metrics remain lower than usual. Did a little researching and supposedly many accounts are experiencing lower than usual metrics over the past few months. I asked AI if there were issues because it will accumulate all tweets that mention having issues on Twitter, then compiles them into categories. The complaints lead to one factor being that Elon has been 'throttling traffic' to certain websites which somehow slows down views to other accounts. Will follow up with this in a couple of weeks.

One good thing, Twitter accepted my application to their beta job board where I will post the advert for a C++ Developer today or Wednesday May 8th at the latest.
- Advert posted to PIVX official Twitter.
Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 11.07.50 AM.png
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@Gerrald Last evening against my better judgement I had PIVX official and PIVXcommunity accounts follow you so that you could comment on the posts, just as you said you wanted to be able to do when talking with another member.. Only you used it to attack my work, "No replies or comments on any social channels on @_PIVX and @PIVXcommunity I thought social media's were for talking looks like the content person is failing this cycle so maybe next person likes discussions and interaction. "

That isn't talking or giving me constructive criticism, especially on socials where you feel YOU will get the most attention. It's just YOU being YOU again. Threatening to take my role away. I posted metrics and have been telling the truth about metrics being hit by Twitter restrictions only you have changed the truth to your narrative again, and out on socials as an attack against me. Have you even looked at other accounts on socials? Have you seen how they are doing?

And your ignorant comment about hashtags once again shows your lack of understanding how socials work. We look at trending hashtags along with others that are applicable to our posts, we have used #BTC in the past and will use it again BUT not all of the time.

Instead of being lazy and just attacking me, go and scroll through the past couple of years of posts.
- Look at when the posts started not getting viewed as much.
- Look at the hashtags on all posts.
- Look at other well known accounts during the same time frame.
- Look to see how both accounts have posts everyday, something of which hasn't been done up until the last 1 1/2years ago.

Stop jeopardizing PIVX with your on again/off again support which is always due to you not being able to join PIVX Discord again. YOU did that to yourself and as everyone knows by now, its Discord rules you broke not just PIVX's.

I now have no choice but to unfollow you from the 2 accounts mentioned above. Anyone else that spams PIVX posts to make it look like we are not the professional project we are, usually gets blocked. Is that what you want next? I have also stopped comments on here again. Silly me thinking you could be trusted to be a non-emotional, non-prejudicial MN owner who will make comments to better PIVX and even my work. But no, you go to my work space and you spam with your comments in public instead. Oh and your comment about PIVX not being a DAO... look in the mirror. You make the easy task of being a responsible masternode owner a joke, you sir are centralization personified. "Either do what I say or I will take you down."

Borris, Do better... Just for once, DO BETTER.
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To followers that don't know what Grok is, it's Twitter's version of ChatGPT. It scans through multiple tweets at one time and finds patterns of similarity. I asked Grok if Twitter has been experiencing more complaints from their users about poor metrics then they normally do. See image below for results.

I have changed the professional category of PIVX official from Blockchain back to Science and Technology to see if that helps the posts go further. I didn't see positive results when I had trialled using Blockchain as the category a few weeks ago.

Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 4.32.26 PM.png
Update: Work Completed During May 2024: Part 1

Some Notable PIVX Official posts:

May 1st ~ PIVX Perspectives with Hans Koning.
Created questions for Hans in which he answered, then placed the Q&A in a Medium article.
Twitter post: Medium Article: https://medium.com/@leacymck/pivx-p...-dao-specialist-and-pivx-advisor-56cdbeccc796

May 3rd- “Privacy is Normal” New hashtag among privacy projects on Twitter. Worked with Meerkat on creating the graphic for it.

Monthly Masternode Updates and Votes. I requested updated grqphics a few months ago. Along with using different copy, this is resulting in higher metrics then previous posts.

May 4th - Cross-marketing with CoinEx re: $PIVX AMM

May 6th - Development update. Worked with Liquid making sure tech information was accurate.

May 9th - Requested updated graphics from Meerkat. “HODL” “BYOB”

May 10th - Crypto Polls.

May 10th- 13th. Our Crypto Talk reached out via Twitter after listerning to a Privacy Roundtable event wanting to have PIVX co-host on their New Privacy event. Working with them I was able to get yenechar to be PIVX’s rep, Firo and Zano also participated. 195 people attended this well planned event. CryptoTalk has now become a supporter of PIVX and post to their 67 k followers.
CryptoTalk Posts including PIVX

May 13th - “It takes energy to make money work.”

May 17th - PIVX Educational posts.

StealthEx Cross-Marketing post

Don’t trust them, trust yourself.

May 19th - Re-Using a graphic I thought of and had Hawtch create over a year ago to encourage community members to share their ideas with the team.

May 24th - PIVX listed on BitcoinTry, cross-marketing with them.

Random “SOON” MEXC note for hype. Teaser.

May 22 - Coinstore Cross-Marketing Pizza Event in which we received new followers.

May 24 - Cross-marketing with PIVX Marketing on their new PIVX Paladin YouTube series

I requested graphics from Hawtch for YouTube announcement.

PIVXLabs promotion

Trialing shorter tweets vs Tweets with graphics to see which one receives the best metrics.

Privacy Roundtable post for June’s show. We didn’t hold an event in May due to cryptotalk’s privacy space event.
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Update: Work Completed During May 2024 Continued: Part 2

Some Notable PIVXcommunity Posts:

May 8th Community Created Video.

Supporting community by posting community member created tweets, posting PIVX Global Community Tweets, PIVXMarketing posts and tweets created with PIVX in mind.
- - - - -https://x.com/satoshinakaguap/status/1788653662476059136

Making fun of our metrics.



Reposting and creating Naomi Brockwell’s posts in hopes to slowly get her attention. (she is a well known privacy educator.). The slow and steady method worked for Ann Cavouklian another privacy expert, in that she now follows PIVX official twitter and has reposted our tweets.


Ongoing community contest ‘Taste the world with PIVX’ now running every month until December ’24.

Random Hal Finney post.

Community update.

Caption this image community contest

Keep it Purple People.

Update: Work Completed During May 2024 Continued: Part 3

The following work was completed as well as my normal monthly work noted above in proposal.

- Cancelled Premium from the PIVX official Twitter account due to too many issues, and because our metrics suffered greatly. These past 2 weeks I have worked hard at reposting and engaging more with positive results as seen in the metrics above.
- Answered numerous messages in regards to accounts and people wanting to work with PIVX via Twitter and email. This time consuming task can be frustrating as most that reach out are scammers but we do receive some good leads. One being 'OurCryptoTalk' account on Twitter in which they held a privacy space event with PIVX as a co-host, as well as they now support PIVX including them in their graphics and posts.
- Daily posts to Instagram
- Cross-marketing with CoinStore for their Pizza contest.
-Privacy Roundtable didn't occur in May due to having a similar privacy space event hosted by OurCryptoTalk along with Zano and Firo. Event planned for June with special guest Wownero.
-Cross marketed with BasicSwapDEX
-Monthly Binance report completed.
-Worked with Rigden on creating a contest for Bastyon which coincided with one PIVXcommunity held.
-Worked with 2 prospective writers, giving support when needed, both are hopefully going to write an article then submit a proposal.
-Created questions and gave them to 3 core members for future PIVX's Perspective articles, to be posted late June and in July.
Examples of some work done during June:

Please note I run PIVX official and PIVXcommunity Twitter accounts, PIVX Medium, and PIVX official Instagram accounts for PIVX only. None of the following accounts are run for personal use as commented about elsewhere in the forum. As mentioned more than once in previous proposals PIVXcommunity promotes all PIVX global community accounts, holds community contests, posts community related posts on privacy, crypto etc. It is also where we keep our community updated on events that they may be interested in. PIVX official with its larger following, posts more professional posts as mentioned below under the heading of Other.

Created content for events and social posts:

-Planned and promoted Privacy Roundtable with special guest Wownero. 5 June '24

- 6 June 24 Community post created in hopes of getting PIVX added as a payment to Spritz Finance. Said post created twice and reposted a few times.

- 7 June 24 -Reposting or creating posts to showcase PIVXmarketing YouTube shorts "Paladin Education series".

- 9 June 24 Masternode count. (Posts done twice during each month of late to brag about increasing MN count and to encourage MN owners to vote.)

- 10 June 24 Taking advantage of other account posts to promote PIVX; Random Binance tweet.

- Worked with SimpleSwap on cross-marketing.
- CoinEX; AMM program. (Ongoing marketing of Exchanges and 3rd party sites increases awareness by reminding users of PIVX's partnerships.

- With news of MEXC listing PIVX earlier and knowing it was happening within a timeframe, time was spent in getting the community on socials pumped up about the partnership and on its actual promotion.

-Reposting and engaging with partner posts that promote PIVX.
FinchPay: https://x.com/FinchPay_io/status/1805904986599018601
Komodo: https://x.com/KomodoPlatform/status/1803499805445882353

PIVX Events:
-Working with Travala.com, Changelly, BinanceCoprDev
-Working with Bouilla towards PIVX attending and hosting a booth for the well attended WebSummit in Lisbon, Portugal which will be held in November. Surprise co-host along with Bouilla from PIVX's past will be attending. Pre-proposal will be submitted before July 14th.

Medium articles:
-Promoting PIVX YouTube account being active again for PIVX Marketing/Hawtch.

-Promoting PIVX Educational Paladin series for PIVX Marketing/Hawtch.

- Created idea for graphic and wrote article to push PIVX's privacy narrative. Using Naomi Brockwell's (popular privacy advocate) quote and reposting a few of her tweets in support of her work.

- PIVX Official Premium subscription ended. This idea will now be put on hold until we can see if Twitter is going to fix a lot of the issues that occurred to many accounts which affected metrics detrimentally.

-Continue to work alongside Jeffrey in regards to New Listings, new promotions of an older listings, reports, and working with projects in Telegram creating new cross-marketing opportunities. -Continue to work with Liquid in updating the community on socials with development news when needed.

- Along with the monthly Binance report, a couple days were committed to completing 2/3rd of the newly requested 6-12 month Binance report in which JSKitty and Liquid completed the development side; Roadmap, GitHub PRs for PIVXLabs and PIVX Core etc. I completed the rest on partnerships, marketing, etc.

-Too much time spent analyzing Twitter's metrics:
Over the course of the past 2 months of which 1 month PIVX official had premium and 1 month being without, I trialled different types of posts to see what was being engaged with the most. Twitter algos change weekly it appears so that the old way of looking at metrics isn't accurate as it has been. I decided to then spend time looking at every post over the course of the past few months and found that the ones that were engaged with the most were that of New listings, development work, privacy comments, PIVX events such as the Privacy Roundtable, AMAs. Whereas most community posts, videos, links to articles etc did not fair as well. Moving forward I will be sticking to the posts documented above that gain more views only.

-I have been working with 2 new prospective writers who hopefully will be creating a article for PIVX to promote and if successful, creating a proposal so we can have more articles for Medium and PIVX.org.

Plans for July:

-Planned and came up with the topic for the July 12th Privacy Roundtable spaces. "What makes a privacy coin, private?"
Usual host and co-hosts to lead from PIVX, Firo, Particl and BasicSwapDEX.

-Part of the Privacy Roundtable team attended Monerokon in which they succeeded at gaining the attention of 2 notable privacy crypto personalities of whom have agreed to be a host in August. 🎉 Stay tuned.

-Reached out to Travala.com in June with a new cross-marketing idea in which Travala will promote using PIVX to book a trip with for a chance to win some PIV. They are interested, this will be worked on more this month with hopes of contest going live in Late August or early September.

- Continue to work with Changelly regarding announcement and cross-marketing on TG.
- Pre-Proposal created prior for CoinBureau, Proposal to be now created to get funds so they can rewrite and update PIVX's bio on their website.

-Continue to focus on growing PIVX official Instagram while Twitter continues to play its games.
-Post more to Medium.

-Continue to give support and work alongside social team, social managers and PIVX Ambassadors.
-Continue to work with all exchanges in cross-promoting our partnerships.

- Monthly Binance Report

(Please note: Re: Metrics, as Twitter continues to play games with their platform, eg: Likes don't show now, and I see that other proposals aren't showing metrics, I have decided to not post any as they aren't accurate anyway.) I went through a group of about 10 well known Twitter accounts with large followings and looked at their posts, they too are receiving much less attention. It is documented by other accounts and also articles are being written on how Twitter is failing its users. All one has to do is research this topic online to see for themselves. This is why we need to focus on other social platforms to get PIVX news out. Hawtch taking over YouTube is a great start as I use the videos on Instagram which are liked.
Please note, the PIVX interviews I have been doing this past year and promoting on Medium were put on hold due to it being a poor time of year in gaining interest, I do have a few interviews to publish but will wait until August to promote.

Thank you for your continued support.
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- Submitted CoinBureau's Proposal to have their bio on PIVX be updated to reflect current information. I will be reaching out to them by email sharing that PIVX wants to hire them to update our information this week.
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