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Active Content Strategist

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Staff member
Name: CSJune24
Term: 3 cycle
Cycle Amount: 5631
Total Amount: 16,893
Author: @LeacyMcK
Receiver: @LeacyMcK
Address: DHzpnPSSzCppeNJ6BLs8rB2yq2t2Xw7Qn3
Created: June 11, 2024

Status: Active

Let me introduce myself incase there are new readers in the forum. My name is leacymck and I have been with PIVX for 7 years. The first year I started I created a Pinterest board of all things, [insert laugh here] so that I could pin any information I learnt in regards to Crypto and PIVX. Slowly I took on different roles within PIVX Discord and worked my way through them until I became PIVX's Content Strategist, Social Media Lead, and part of the admin/core team. I am thankful that during this journey there have always been mentors and supporters I could reach out to when I needed help, which is why I try to pay it forward by being one myself. Like a lot of the active core members here, I wear different hats so that we can all keep PIVX running smoothly. My main purpose is to make sure the world knows what is going on within the PIVX ecosystem via socials. That is done with the content ideas I come up with and which Meerkat brings to life for me when she creates the graphics. We are fortunate to now have Marketing also which is adding more content and ideas for all to see.
My last proposal can be found here: https://forum.pivx.org/threads/content-strategist.2032/

Weekly tasks
- Lead for PIVX official, PIVXcommunity, Medium and Instagram.
- All weekly tasks can be found here. https://forum.pivx.org/threads/pivx-social-media-lead-content-creator-exchange-liaison.1468/

Monthly tasks
Complete and submit Binance report. [Please note, Binance's June '24 new request to fill out a 6-12 month report will be completed in the next 1-2 weeks.]
- Update PIVX.org when needed at times. eg. Edit roles, add articles/blogs
- Update Discord Monitor auto-mod and support when needed.
- Monthly PIVX Masternode updates
- Contact privacy advocates aka team members involved in privacy projects and invite them to participate as guests in a privacy roundtable discussion. I collaborate with Reuben, CryptoGuard, yenechar and Joskey to address current and trending privacy-related subjects for the show.
- I provide ongoing mentoring and support to social team members and Global community members who manage social platforms. For example, I give source files to translators and PIVX social leads ahead of time so that they are not rushed when translating them for scheduled posts. (I mostly remember to ahead of time.) :)

April and May 2024 Highlights/Updates Can Be Found Here:

What's Coming Up in June/July:

Privacy Roundtable June 5th with special guest Wownero. (Even with Twitter glitches event went well.)
- Privacy Roundtable planned for July with new privacy advocate guest speaker. Giveaway to occur afterwards. .
- Working on gathering all Privacy Roundtable recordings to post in the cloud then will link in with an article.
- New ideas/content worked on presently for July in which I will work with Meerkat on getting them created.
- 2-3 Medium articles
- Continue working with the 2 new possible writers, as well as others that reach out.
- April/May community contests held as both PIVXMarketing and PIVXLabs were hosting some. Plans for PIVX Privacy Quote contest to be held in July instead.
- 2-3 PIVX Perspective Interviews of notable PIVX Members will be published, questions have been submitted and some answered to be reviewed.
- Plans to increase Social team will be implemented in July with posts encouraging community growth and giveaways.
- Continue to work with Liquid, Jeffrey, Meerkat and Hawtch. social team managers and our incredible social team.
- Will be following up about Coinbureau creating an updated article.
- Working with Bouilla towards creating a proposal in having PIVX set up a booth at the world renowned Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal. More details to follow as we gather all information together.
- Working on finding new space events and/or pod casts for PIVX to be a guest speaker in, similar to the Pilots podcast in which I asked Hans Koning to speak in, and the recent Privacy space event in which yenechar spoke in.
- Cross-marketing with MEXC and other future listings. We create our own graphics and posts, as well as re-post the exchanges posts so that we attain more views.

Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal, I truly appreciate it.

Unfortunately once again I am forced to disallow comments due to my ongoing policy of zero tolerance for anything other than constructive comments. The ongoing and non-stop harassments here in the forum each time I submit a proposal have been exhausting, they take time away from the hours I put into PIVX. Not to mention the constant under minding of my work drains the energy I need, to work and to support our community with. Being told I am about to be replaced isn't constructive criticism.
Neither is creating a forum post in which others talked over me and about me as if I wasn't here at all. https://forum.pivx.org/threads/content-strategist-problems.2060/ Regardless of all of this going on I haven't stopped working. :)
All I want to do is work, and work I do.
Fun fact: I have only missed 1 day in the 4-5 years I have been lead of socials and even then a scheduled post went out. This is due to the fact that no matter what is going on in the PIVX ecosystem, posts need to get out so our followers and community can see we are going strong.
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Wanted to add this now because we are very excited about this latest news.
It has taken over 6 months of sending persistent, annoying the heck out of them emails, applications, TG texts and even Tweets tagging CMC to get PIVX verified, but it finally paid off!
Many thanks to @Jeffrey and @LeacyMcK for their stubbornness and not taking no replies as their answer.
Please follow if you can.
I goofed up and asked for the CAD equivalent of PIV instead of USD as I always do, thus resulting in me losing approximately 1/4 of my usual pay. After talking to @Jeffrey and @Liquid369 I have decided instead of submitting a new proposal and having this one voted down, I will ask for the difference on top of my usual pay in 3 cycles time.
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