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Active Content Strategist

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Staff member
Name: CSJune24
Term: 3 cycle
Cycle Amount: 5631
Total Amount: 16,893
Author: @LeacyMcK
Receiver: @LeacyMcK
Address: DHzpnPSSzCppeNJ6BLs8rB2yq2t2Xw7Qn3
Created: June 11, 2024

Status: Active

Let me introduce myself incase there are new readers in the forum. My name is leacymck and I have been with PIVX for 7 years. The first year I started I created a Pinterest board of all things, [insert laugh here] so that I could pin any information I learnt in regards to Crypto and PIVX. Slowly I took on different roles within PIVX Discord and worked my way through them until I became PIVX's Content Strategist, Social Media Lead, and part of the admin/core team. I am thankful that during this journey there have always been mentors and supporters I could reach out to when I needed help, which is why I try to pay it forward by being one myself. Like a lot of the active core members here, I wear different hats so that we can all keep PIVX running smoothly. My main purpose is to make sure the world knows what is going on within the PIVX ecosystem via socials. That is done with the content ideas I come up with and which Meerkat brings to life for me when she creates the graphics. We are fortunate to now have Marketing also which is adding more content and ideas for all to see.
My last proposal can be found here: https://forum.pivx.org/threads/content-strategist.2032/

Weekly tasks
- Lead for PIVX official, PIVXcommunity, Medium and Instagram.
- All weekly tasks can be found here. https://forum.pivx.org/threads/pivx-social-media-lead-content-creator-exchange-liaison.1468/

Monthly tasks
Complete and submit Binance report. [Please note, Binance's June '24 new request to fill out a 6-12 month report will be completed in the next 1-2 weeks.]
- Update PIVX.org when needed at times. eg. Edit roles, add articles/blogs
- Update Discord Monitor auto-mod and support when needed.
- Monthly PIVX Masternode updates
- Contact privacy advocates aka team members involved in privacy projects and invite them to participate as guests in a privacy roundtable discussion. I collaborate with Reuben, CryptoGuard, yenechar and Joskey to address current and trending privacy-related subjects for the show.
- I provide ongoing mentoring and support to social team members and Global community members who manage social platforms. For example, I give source files to translators and PIVX social leads ahead of time so that they are not rushed when translating them for scheduled posts. (I mostly remember to ahead of time.) :)

April and May 2024 Highlights/Updates Can Be Found Here:

What's Coming Up in June/July:

Privacy Roundtable June 5th with special guest Wownero. (Even with Twitter glitches event went well.)
- Privacy Roundtable planned for July with new privacy advocate guest speaker. Giveaway to occur afterwards. .
- Working on gathering all Privacy Roundtable recordings to post in the cloud then will link in with an article.
- New ideas/content worked on presently for July in which I will work with Meerkat on getting them created.
- 2-3 Medium articles
- Continue working with the 2 new possible writers, as well as others that reach out.
- April/May community contests held as both PIVXMarketing and PIVXLabs were hosting some. Plans for PIVX Privacy Quote contest to be held in July instead.
- 2-3 PIVX Perspective Interviews of notable PIVX Members will be published, questions have been submitted and some answered to be reviewed.
- Plans to increase Social team will be implemented in July with posts encouraging community growth and giveaways.
- Continue to work with Liquid, Jeffrey, Meerkat and Hawtch. social team managers and our incredible social team.
- Will be following up about Coinbureau creating an updated article.
- Working with Bouilla towards creating a proposal in having PIVX set up a booth at the world renowned Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal. More details to follow as we gather all information together.
- Working on finding new space events and/or pod casts for PIVX to be a guest speaker in, similar to the Pilots podcast in which I asked Hans Koning to speak in, and the recent Privacy space event in which yenechar spoke in.
- Cross-marketing with MEXC and other future listings. We create our own graphics and posts, as well as re-post the exchanges posts so that we attain more views.

Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal, I truly appreciate it.

Unfortunately once again I am forced to disallow comments due to my ongoing policy of zero tolerance for anything other than constructive comments. The ongoing and non-stop harassments here in the forum each time I submit a proposal have been exhausting, they take time away from the hours I put into PIVX. Not to mention the constant under minding of my work drains the energy I need, to work and to support our community with. Being told I am about to be replaced isn't constructive criticism.
Neither is creating a forum post in which others talked over me and about me as if I wasn't here at all. https://forum.pivx.org/threads/content-strategist-problems.2060/ Regardless of all of this going on I haven't stopped working. :)
All I want to do is work, and work I do.
Fun fact: I have only missed 1 day in the 4-5 years I have been lead of socials and even then a scheduled post went out. This is due to the fact that no matter what is going on in the PIVX ecosystem, posts need to get out so our followers and community can see we are going strong.
Last edited:
Wanted to add this now because we are very excited about this latest news.
It has taken over 6 months of sending persistent, annoying the heck out of them emails, applications, TG texts and even Tweets tagging CMC to get PIVX verified, but it finally paid off!
Many thanks to @Jeffrey and @LeacyMcK for their stubbornness and not taking no replies as their answer.
Please follow if you can.
I goofed up and asked for the CAD equivalent of PIV instead of USD as I always do, thus resulting in me losing approximately 1/4 of my usual pay. After talking to @Jeffrey and @Liquid369 I have decided instead of submitting a new proposal and having this one voted down, I will ask for the difference on top of my usual pay in 3 cycles time.
Highlights of July: (Apologies on lateness of update.)

Please note that June's update was written here: https://forum.pivx.org/threads/content-strategist.2032/post-5610

- Privacy Roundtable with planned guest from Zcash was unfortunately cancelled last-minute last week, due to a last-minute conflicting engagement of one of our hosts. Will resume end of August or early September.
Considering the roles of the Privacy Roundtable hosts (founders/co-founders of busy projects) and IRL hectic professions, I have done well in getting them together each month over the last 1 1/2 years to co-host this growing event, and yes, it does take a little bit of time to set a date, topic and guest speaker but well worth it when we see more followers attending each event. Privacy coins are being looked at more and more each day, which is why we are now making it a point to discuss one privacy project each Xspace. Trying to change the narrative that privacy is for criminals only. (Very excited about another guest we now have lined up, well known amongst the crypto and privacy groups.)

- The 2nd part of the series of PIVX Perspective Interviews of 3 PIVX core members are ready to be published but being put on hold again until the Fall. Metrics over the years show that during the Summer time, people's attention is better focused on enjoying time away from computers vs in the Fall and Winter.

- The 2 writers that joined Discord and reached out to me in the public general channel numerous times to write for PIVX have gone awol. I was hopeful this time but I suspect that once I let them know about the DAO, and that they won't be paid without putting in a proposal, they leave. I have thought about getting a larger slush fund to pay contract writers but even with this idea, 9/10 that approach me about writing via socials or on Discord, are scammers.

- Had a meeting with @RedByrd updated her on a few PIVX things as we have changed a bit since she was last with us. We discussed RedByrd's and Hawtch's plans for Marketing. I suggested that we get some graphics or short videos created with important facts about PIVX that can be shared in posts and also in comments of other posts. I have recently asked @Meerkat to update 2 older graphics that show highlights of PIVX. Meerkat continues to weave her magic creating graphics that I send her the ideas and copy for, very thankful.

-Had a meeting with @Liquid369 and @guapic in regards to listings, liquidity and promotions on socials, and our joint efforts on Telegram with exchanges.

- Cross-marketed listings with MEXC, Armoursolutionsuk, Koinbx, XeggeX and Swapter.io.
- Planned event with Travala for a giveaway in the Fall. Will be putting in a new Slush fund proposal to cover the PIV being given to the winners.
- Worked with ChangeHero for an event they are planning.
- Worked with Changelly on their listing of PIVX.
- Working on updating the information to give to CoinBureau so they can update the PIVX page. They asked "let us know what needs to be updated and the information you want added instead" You'd think for the fee that they would do this themselves, but no. I will have this done in the next 10 days.
- Working with Turkish and Brazil Ambassadors to help promote their work and give encouragement.
- Created more posts that create engagement with our followers. - I added 3 new social team members from Twitter who have been supporting PIVX accounts for awhile. They were introduced to the community and team, and a new role and badges were given.
- Replying to messages via PIVX official Twitter and PIVX.org. I vetted 4 accounts that looked promising with their requests to write, and to participate in an AMA by reaching out to the exchanges/magazines to verify them. The writers turned out to be scammers and the AMA request wanted to be paid to have PIVX on their show, they were new and unknown so I said no.
- Ongoing Posting to Instagram. Still working on creating more reels.

Armour Solutions Listing

MEXC Listing

KoinBX Listing

Pecunia Platform



Random Privacy posts

Privacy Roundtable July 12th, hosted by Firo.
Recording: https://x.com/_PIVX/status/1815031477773726171

Promoting and supporting PIVX Turkey.

Promoting PIVX Marketing Videos

PIVXcommunity held 2 contests, 1 is ongoing until Christmas.

Re-Posting (ICYMI) a few past tweets that are still relevant today due to their awesome content, along with re-introducing exchanges that PIVX has been listed on for years.

Supporting PIVXLabs

Masternode Updates and knowing we were nearing 2000 MNs I asked Meerkat to create a celebratory graphic for this milestone.
https://x.com/_PIVX/status/1817557717877162255 (2000)

Trending topics, @Hawtch created an awesome graphic quickly to post to the Monero audience in regards to their comments about Bitcoin. I posted it when it was ready. (Fun Fact, people love graphics that are fun to look at with information that educates them.)

We jumped on the CrowdStrike band wagon and did pretty well. Group effort.
JSKitty ~ https://x.com/PIVX_Labs/status/1814226675690811726
Hawtch and friends ~ https://x.com/_PIVX/status/1815371220541747670

Olympics Trending ~ Worked with Meerkat on designing a graphic. We couldn't do my original thought due to copyright rules but we came up with one that did well.
Video: https://x.com/_PIVX/status/1817182977438134467

Ongoing search for C++ Developer, created a poll per request.

Medium Articles/Announcements (I did not create enough articles/announcments for Medium this month but I have done better for August.)
- https://medium.com/pivx/pivx-momentum-continues-another-summer-listing-joins-the-roster-f7407bc30e87

Plans for August will be updated in the next day or two.

I find that my work is hard to check at times due to some of the jobs I do but I am sure @Jeffrey, @Liquid, and anyone else on the team can verify that I am active.
Thank you for taking the time to read my update.
August Plans:

Forgot to mention above that I also completed the requested 6 month report for Binance in early July, and just submitted the 1 month report.

- Working with Changelly and ChangeHero on cross-marketing and planned events. eg. Yesterday I gave ChangeHero a PIVX trading advice comment per their request of which they then promoted on socials.
- Cross-promotion with BitMart when PIVX is listed sometime this month.
- Will finalize plans with Travala on co-hosting a contest with them which will be implemented in September.
- Reached out to Hawtch and RedByrd in regards to wanting to report out to each other about what we are individually doing so that we can make sure the media and posts going out don't overlap each other but instead form a continuous flow.
- Continue to provide ideas and content to Meerkat so she can create the accompanying graphics. (which are always on point!)
- Need to finalize WebSummit plans in November with Boullia who attends them yearly on behalf of PIVX, and who engages with others attending to talk to them about PIVX. Goal is to have a booth set up for November 2025. Due to WebSummit wanting verification earlier in the year if you wish to host a booth, we couldn't make it work for 2024. He and Buer (who usually attends these with Bouilla) will be attending this year.
- Finish listing all recordings of the Privacy Roundtable together in the cloud and promote on socials. Will create a medium post to accompany so its only one click to access all links.
-Reaching out to CakeWallet to see about getting PIVX added to it. I have been engaging on Twitter with the founder and their new hire who is well known privacy advocate.
- 2 new posts to Medium
- Olympic scavenger hunt via PIVXcommunity that I have been working on to increase engagement and follows will start on Friday August 15th. Fun Fact: 90% of the winners stick around and start to support PIVX on socials. then after a while become part of the social team.
- Ongoing one on one support to new team members while they go through the PIVX learning curve.
-Working on and finishing updating all PIVX information to be sent to CoinBureau. This will be done and shared in August.

Side Note - Due to the truly awesome and knowledgable co-hosts I gathered together to lead the Privacy Roundtable events that I founded, (Isn't yenechar the absolute best?) I am being introduced to amazing privacy advocates of which I am slowly growing relationships with on behalf of PIVX. A few of these projects had negative views of PIVX due to issues that occurred in the past, Firo being one of them. Due to this I am stubbornly working on trying to change the old narrative of theirs to a newer one of "we are all in this together." An example of this working is Firo. Regardless of who was in the wrong or what happened, we need to join forces and support each other.

That's it for now. Thank you for reading.
Highlights of August:


- I still need to send the PIV to Jeffrey for the CoinBureau article, which he will change to USD. Updated information for the key points in CoinBureau's articles on PIVX have been completed. I will reach out to them to let them know everything is ready to be sent once I send the PIV to Jeffrey.
- I am continuing to work with the gifted Meerkat on detailed graphics creation, as well as now I have also teamed up with Robyn, who adds additional design elements and stages to the graphics, along with creating videos. The end results are amazing.
- I have been learning and utilizing the Instagram media tools which is showing to have a positive effect, need to up my game there more.
- More privacy advocates are noticing PIVX, engaging on Twitter has shown positive results with a few of them now following the official account over the past month. One being the founder of a wallet we want PIVX on, another one who is a well known Privacy- educator influencer. It's become a fun challenge for me. I have been networking more.
- Monthly call with Liquid and Jeffrey held. We discussed having team calls now which we miraculously planned and did have on Saturday Sept 21st.


- Completed cross-marketing/promoting ChangeHero, Changelly and BitMart listings for all socials. Announcement published on Medium. This and all cross-marketing work includes working with Meerkat in getting a graphic created, working with the exchanges on dates and copy (at times), sharing source graphics with the social team managers and ambassadors for translations, assessing best time/date. Marketing has commenced creating videos to enhance the promotional listings posts, which are published on all socials also.

- Completed plans with Travala on our next joint giveaway to be held next month in mid-October. The contest rules, graphics, dates, fees (slush fund ask) for winners are done. Looking forward to planning more events with them and other of PIVX use case partners.

- Plans for WebSummit have been finalized with Bouilla. He will be attending and representing PIVX in Lisbon along with OG retired member Buer. Bouilla loves to walk around the 3 day event and introduce PIVX to newer attendees, and follows up with others he has met in the past. This year though he will be going with the knowledge that next year PIVX will be hosting a booth at WebSummit which will give PIVX a fairer chance at attracting new investors and partners. To learn more about WebSummit please click on the link. https://websummit.com/

- 4 new posts/articles to Medium completed.

- PIVX Perspectives; interviews of notable PIVians is active again. Last week Fuzzbawls's interview was promoted and published, PalmTree's interview will be published next.

- Upping my game on socials I have spent more time on Instagram learning more about the media tools they offer to enhance posts. Completed and published more reels (videos) in August then at any other time over the years. With @Hawtch's and @Robin creating more videos that can be easily shared on Instagram.

- Large PIVX community scavenger hunt contest was promoted and held. Entrants were encouraged to go to Discord to find letters that they then had to reorganize into a word that represented PIVX. There were 27 participants, 7 of which actually completed the hunt. Though some participants felt this was a bit harder (the ones that didn't win) most stated they enjoyed it, everyone received PIV this time. And as always, we have picked up new PIVX fans, one of which will be joining the social team next month.

- Supporting PIVXLabs more while they are busy working on finishing MPW v2.0 by creating a few posts.

- Submitted a new slush-fund proposal to help pay for the Travala contest, Bouilla going to Web-Summit, writing contest, random contests and tips.
- Started to look for new AMAs we can join.

Links to social posts I created to follow.

Thank you.
Highlights of August, Con't:
Some Tweets.

- Privacy Roundtable Event

- $PIVX Listings reposts and newly created
https://x.com/_PIVX/status/1825880469642117607 (video)
Komodo wallet

-Supporting PIVXLabs with reposts & creating posts

-Reusing old graphics with new content

-Masternode updates (Proactively requested graphics from Meerkat to brag about the upcoming 2000 MNs. Ripple effect of this milestone was that Marketing then created a video. Medium post created also.)
https://x.com/_PIVX/status/1821198561641451829 (2000 MN Milestone post)
https://x.com/_PIVX/status/1829870916207329604 (Marketing video)

Asked @Meerkat to update 2018-2020 PIVX graphics for the community to share.



PIVXcommunity (Repost community posts, PIVX global accts, Posts that relate to PIVX fundamentals, commentary, etc.)

https://x.com/PIVXcommunity/status/1823411652445802583 (PIVX Turkey)
https://x.com/PIVXcommunity/status/1824431533093974376 (We're all winners community contest)
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