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Archived Electrum Wallet 2nd Attempt


Active Pivian
This is a Carbon copy of the Electrum Wallet proposal launched in April,

Previously this proposal was passed but not funded as the entire budget was taken up.

I am re-proposing this again. EXACTLY AS BEFORE :

This is a proposal to have a PIVX-Electrum Light wallet built by a NON-Core dev.
PIVX still has NO open source light wallet.
Now that we have no Zerocoin, any light wallet will have almost all features of core wallet except for staking.

What is Electrum?

Electrum is a well known Bitcoin Light wallet.

Electrum was created by Thomas Voegtlin in November 2011.
Since then, various developers have contributed to its source code.

Full documentation on the features of Electrum for Bitcoin (most of which will be available for PIVX-Electrum) can be found here:

It has already been modified to be used with Dash -

From a PRIVACY perspective there is one MAJOR ISSUE with Electrum, which has been highlighted by Core dev Furszy:
Electrum wallets are feeded directly from an electrum server, every address and transaction from the user' wallet are shared in the connection. You trust 100% on the server to know how many PIVs you have in your wallet and to broadcast your transactions.

Despite this being a large and legitimate concern, I still feel that we stand to gain more from building this wallet and Privacy can still be sampled in full on the Full wallet and also Furszys official PIVX litewallet.
We will have a pop-up that lets users know of the privacy trade off they are making when using this wallet.

Here are the main specs for our PIVX Electrum wallet:

This Electrum Wallet will be built to the following specifications:

  • Compatibility with Windows, Linux, and MacOS operating systems.
  • The Wallet will support all features in Electrum that PIVX supports, including:
    • Simple Payment Verification
    • Seed Recovery
    • Cold Storage
    • Multisigs via P2SHure
Important Omissions

Zpiv/ZLNP (Zerocoin) - Will not be present in this wallet.

Staking - Will not be present in this wallet, yet can be added if PIVX adds cold staking

Governance tab - Will not be present in this wallet

Masternode tab - Will not be present in this wallet


  • Creation of a PIVX-Electrum client.
    • A wallet for end users to move PIVX around.

  • Setup of PIVX-Electrumx servers.
    • Servers to connect the clients to the blockchain.
    • This proposal will keep the servers running for 1 year.
Further details on the PIVX Electrum Proposal can be found here:


This Project will be completed within 8 weeks of funding be passed.


The total cost of Development will be 7K PIV Split across 2 cycles
I am also applying for mandatory 10% proposal creation fee
I have rounded up to 8k PIV total, with any excess to be used creating documentation, explainers or tutorials.

So in total 4K PIV per cycle for 2 cycles.

Development = 7k Piv
Cryptosi's Proposal fee = 700 Piv
Miscelleaneuos = 300 Piv

In the likely case that this proposal is passed but not funded, I have also set up a donation address on Tango Alpha Here: (website down)
You may also donate to this QR code : View attachment 3

Or this address : DU5MaCbGwoSebkg792y64XfPwZ93MZdpCg
follow funding progress here: RandonZebra explorer link

Here is the Voting information:


hash= 1cfc8ba23ff47b65d3b01e8e6702d0515d0b0696503a81420c978e6d1b9ca177

“mnbudgetvote 1cfc8ba23ff47b65d3b01e8e6702d0515d0b0696503a81420c978e6d1b9ca177 yes” to vote in favor

“mnbudgetvote 1cfc8ba23ff47b65d3b01e8e6702d0515d0b0696503a81420c978e6d1b9ca177 no” to vote against

"getbudgetinfo 1cfc8ba23ff47b65d3b01e8e6702d0515d0b0696503a81420c978e6d1b9ca177” to check the status

Here is some information about my past proposals:

PIVX Tutorials (PASSED)

QT Frontend Development (PASSED)

Alliance Funding (Passed)

Tango governance portal - test site - (PASSED)

Last edited:
you should update the voting commands to use `mnbudgetvote` and `getbudgetinfo`.

Also, I don't see any consideration given to running/maintaining the required (and centralized) ElectrumX server(s) that would be needed for the client wallets to even function. If this proposal is simply to "PIVXify" the Electrum client wallet...its a complete waste as there wouldn't be any servers to connect to. As an aside: due to the centralized nature of ElectrumX servers, they are highly vulnerable to DDoS attacks, which has actually been at the root of some very serious recent problems (https://cointelegraph.com/news/elec...ck-users-reported-to-lose-millions-of-dollars)
you should update the voting commands to use `mnbudgetvote` and `getbudgetinfo`.

Also, I don't see any consideration given to running/maintaining the required (and centralized) ElectrumX server(s) that would be needed for the client wallets to even function. If this proposal is simply to "PIVXify" the Electrum client wallet...its a complete waste as there wouldn't be any servers to connect to. As an aside: due to the centralized nature of ElectrumX servers, they are highly vulnerable to DDoS attacks, which has actually been at the root of some very serious recent problems (https://cointelegraph.com/news/elec...ck-users-reported-to-lose-millions-of-dollars)

I've updated the commands, thanks.

Electrum does require a server, and this proposal clearly specifies it allocates funding for an year of hosting.
Just like Electrum servers can be DDoSed, so can the top PIVX nodes. Any server can be. That said, we acknowledge DDoSs are major problems, and will be sure to protect any servers we setup. If our protections are insufficient because we're targeted by a massive DDoS, the community can always spin up their own Electrum servers and connect to them. It should be noted the Secure PIVX Masternode Tool also connects to centralized servers, and has the same exact risks.

The main GET here is that we will finally have an open source light wallet, that anyone can contribute to and we can start to push towards making it unique with new features.
I have a Standard Electrum Wallet that shows me the available Balance in bottom left.
Now I want to send some Bitcoin but it says something like "no funds available" even I can see my funds bottom left. When I click on send all, it turns to 0.
When I restore from seed, it shows my balance bottom left as 0.
Why isn't it sending when it shows my balance?
I made a test with a tiny amount last week and it worked fine.

Any help would be appreciated !
I have a Standard Electrum Wallet that shows me the available Balance in bottom left.
Now I want to send some Bitcoin but it says something like "no funds available" even I can see my funds bottom left. When I click on send all, it turns to 0.
When I restore from seed, it shows my balance bottom left as 0.
Why isn't it sending when it shows my balance?
I made a test with a tiny amount last week and it worked fine.

Any help would be appreciated !
Try getting help from the electrum bitcoin wallet people, this forum is for PIVX and currently does not have an electrum wallet.