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Guide How to create your own blockchain snapshot


Staff member
Hi everyone.

Ever want to speed up sync times or move your blockchain over to another PC so you don't have to resync from scratch? Well then you need to make a blockchain snapshot.


1.) Press the Windows Key + R
2.) Type the following and press enter to access your blockchain directory:


3.) Take a backup of the following folders:
  • Blocks
  • Chainstate
  • Sporks
  • Zerocoin
4.) Zip these folders and keep them safe. Should you ever need to restore your blockchain simply copying over these folders to the same data directory mentioned above will allow your PIVX wallet to resume from where this snapshot was taken in terms of block height synced.



1.) Access your PIVX data directory, By default this is located in :

Take a backup of the following folders:
  • Blocks
  • Chainstate
  • Sporks
  • Zerocoin
3.) Zip these folders and keep them safe. Should you ever need to restore your blockchain simply copying over these folders to the same data directory mentioned above will allow your PIVX wallet to resume from where this snapshot was taken in terms of block height synced.


Mac OS:

1.) Open a finder window, then select the "Go" dropdown menu. In this menu press the "Go to Folder..." option. In the window that opens type:
~/Library/Application Support/PIVX

Take a backup of the following folders:
  • Blocks
  • Chainstate
  • Sporks
  • Zerocoin
3.) Zip these folders and keep them safe. Should you ever need to restore your blockchain simply copying over these folders to the same data directory mentioned above will allow your PIVX wallet to resume from where this snapshot was taken in terms of block height synced.
THANK I wish if you can help too, HOW to move PIVX files from drive C to let's say --- D\PIVX ???
You would need to run the official Pivx QT with the “--datadir=“ flag. After the = sign you would put the full directory for where you want the wallet to place the blockchain files.
Great question though. I will make a tutorial of this once I return from my roadtrip
You would need to run the official Pivx QT with the “--datadir=“ flag. After the = sign you would put the full directory for where you want the wallet to place the blockchain files.
Great question though. I will make a tutorial of this once I return from my roadtrip
I wish a detailed guide for newbies like me, I want my drive C only for my Win OS :) - THANX in advanced.