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Archived Migrate More Legacy News to PIVX.org


Title: Migrate More Legacy News to PIVX.org
Name: MigrateLegacyNews2
Term: 2 Cycles
Cycle Amount: 840 PIV
Total Amount: 1680 PIV
Author: Kyeno
Receiver: Meerkat & Alex
Address: DRSht8DFArNa4oNErD9fs3evPZVcXGcSL7
Created: 2021-03-09
Status: Pre-proposal
Vote Hash: 895e46e459b6fe54c03b0fe56c2c5397b41f4e01385d97b4b6670b607e14aa11


Migrate all the historical news articles from old PIVX.org website to current one to both make them accessible for indexing search bots and people.
This adds a tremendous value for both SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which feeds on content and careful researchers writing new articles or official works on PIVX' history.
Such cases has been seen on official Discord quite a few times.
NOTE: Since this is NOT just a simple copy/paste job, the process of inserting articles will be called "processing" in the text below.


This proposal was once already submitted and won the masternode voting, yet it did not get paid due to heavy budget competition of that time.
The task was then crowd-sourced and received 600 PIVs total, which was 1/5th of which the original proposal asked at it's current PIV value.

Work done so far

Alex, who was the receiver of the donated PIVs, have processed and inserted over 65 articles (which can now be found at the bottom of PIVX.org's news section).
The work included:
- copying/pasting the articles from old site (we still have a hidden copy running)
- syntactic fixes to match differences between old and current news engines
- organizing images within our current Media Library backend, some image reworking/cropping/resizing
- reporting all troublesome cases in a separate XLS file
- troubleshooting and consulting with me or Meerkat

Work to be covered by this proposal (both cycles)

- processing all the remaining articles in English (Alex)
- redacting/fixing the articles that could not be inserted due syntactic problems or unavailable functionalities (Alex under Meerkat's supervision)
- fixing SEO-breaking HTML semantics of all existing articles; f.e., multiple H1 tags (Alex)
- additional CSS styling for some of the missing news functionalities like "blockquote", "code", image floats (Meerkat)
- preparing simple custom header images for articles missing them (Meerkat)

Work that will likely not be covered by this proposal, unless...

This proposal was calculated at PIVX being around $1.25. If we will see a SIGNIFICANT price jump during the period of this proposal's activity, some of the below mentioned features might actually get incorporated. Otherwise they will be moved to next proposal, beyond this one's scope.
- processing article translations (Alex)
- improving article's SEO by manually editing HTML Meta tags and JSON-LD linked-data tags for each article (Kyeno, Alex, Ambassador(?))


@AlexData processing1,280 PIV (~90 hrs)
@MeerkatPowerSupervision, CSS styling, photoshopping300 PIV
@KyenoCoordination, support50 PIV proposal refund


To vote yes:
mnbudgetvote many 895e46e459b6fe54c03b0fe56c2c5397b41f4e01385d97b4b6670b607e14aa11 yes

To vote no:
mnbudgetvote many 895e46e459b6fe54c03b0fe56c2c5397b41f4e01385d97b4b6670b607e14aa11 no

Thank you! 💜
Last edited:
Looks good.

A suggestion that i cant see why it wouldn't pass could be to expand both your roles? Maybe full time pivx web dev without eric involved with control of the site and daily maintenance. You should be paid for you work. There are 3 stupid pot proposals that are getting pushed through which I believe should be distributed to people where they have a set role. @Eric_Stanek has been wanting to move the website addresses over to someone for a while now. Maybe the web dev is in control of that? so the address follows the web dev proposal? just an idea.
Hey, thanks. :)

This isn't exactly about a web-dev as a whole, rather just filling the site with missing News entries. I have close to no work in this, thus I don't want to rip off the budget for it either. The girls will be working on it mostly, so let them have the PIVs. :)

With my work and my proposal, Eric is actually very much needed to keep track of all things when we're "in the zone" and not really looking at communications much. Also his experience in project management and "get things done" attitude is something that truly helps us push forward without being overwhelmed. So honestly - I don't see a reason to move Eric away; I'm rather thankful that he is with us.
Status update after pretty much 2 cycles:

- Vast majority of the news have been entered and properly redacted (down to Feb 2017). You can see them at https://pivx.org/news (scroll to bottom)
- Some more fancy functionalities are yet to be added, hence some articles were stripped down of them

Precise timeline of Alex' work can be seen here:

→ working together with Meerkat,
→ checked and edited: 19 articles,

→ editing some photos from several articles,
→ checked and edited: 10 articles,

→ checked and edited: 10 articles,

→ checked and edited: 11 articles;

→ checked and edited: 12 articles;

→ checked and edited: 9 articles;
→ checked and edited new articles put by other users: 14;

→ checked and edited new articles added by other users: 12 articles;

→  checked and edited the latest articles added by other users: 8 articles;
→ filled in a documetary (list of articles) on Google drive: 20 fields;
→ downloaded some photos from articles;

→ filled in a documentary (list of articles) on Google drive:  about 60 fields;
→ downloaded some photos from articles;

→ filled in a documentary (list of articles) on Google drive: 21 fields;

→ put on the page, checked and edited: 9 articles;
→ downloaded some photos and applied to media in Sonata;
→ added new tags on Sonata;
→ edited image in Photoshop;

→ put on the page, checked and edited: 9 articles;
→ downloaded some photos and contained to media in Sonata;
→ added new tags on Sonata;
→ edited images in Photoshop;

→ edited 1 article added by another user;
→ put on the page and edited: 9 articles;
→ added new tags on Sonata;
→ downloaded some photos and contained to media in Sonata;

→ put on the page and edited 6 articles;

→put on the page and edited 10 articles;
→ added the new tags and photos in Sonata;
→ made and edited some images in Photoshop;

→put on the page and edited 4 articles;

→ put on the page and edited 6 articles;
→ downolad some photos and applied to media in Sonata;

→ put on the page and edited 3 articles;

→ edited (added) 4 articles put by another users;
→ put on the page and edited 10 articles;

→ put on the page and edited 8 articles;

→ put on the page and edited 6 articles;

→ put on the page and edited 7 articles;
→ zrobic odstep (margin górny I dolny od list ol I ul)
→ created image in Photoshop

→ put on the page and edited 6 articles;

Sorry for potential grammar and/or syntactic errors, but this is a direct copy/paste from Alex' report file.
A more precise report will follow. 💜