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Not so Perfect News Idea

Why would crypto panic turn it down if it's crypto news? Medium is sometimes picked up recently but not all of them. Is this to do with how articles are wrote?
No idea why, deceiving to go there anyway as price is always wrong.
Why would crypto panic turn it down if it's crypto news? Medium is sometimes picked up recently but not all of them. Is this to do with how articles are wrote?
Based on my experience, the site is yet to be populated. It'll take some time to build authority. At that point, we may not even have to ask them to syndicate the news.

Secondly, the articles are primarily PIVX -related, sometimes technical. It may not resonate with their audience for now.

Bottom line is we have our work cut of for us building content and rep.
I'm quite new to a nostr key and things like that. I've created an account and have my nostr pub key.
Where would I post things? How does that side of things work?

Apologies if this seems quite noobish haha I still got lots to learn.

Nostr key is:
I am in the same boat as you, rookie learning. lol Thank goodness for our @palmtree, who is a pro at it.
the idea using NostrSites is cool. While it’s creative, why not leveraging even further the existing PIVX forum to achieve similar results efficiently.

PIVX forum runs on XenForo, and it has an insane built-in feature to import RSS feeds.
The new News website, which now has an RSS feed, has been added to the forum in General Discussions. Here is a sample from the feed - https://forum.pivx.org/threads/wen-polo.2690/.