Name: Ofcl-SocialAug2023
Term: 1 cycle
Cycle Amount: 9667
Total Amount: 9667
Author: @LeacyMcK
Receiver: @LeacyMcK
Address: DCjgz4QGKBJUipBsLNzfb9zLzLaEpSnKhB
Created: August 12th, 2023
Status: Active
This proposal builds upon my previous submission, which contains examples of past work, notable achievements, and successfully accomplished goals. For a detailed overview please refer to the following link:
Completed Work and Accomplishments:
Weekly tasks
All weekly tasks can be found in my prior proposal, link above.
Monthly tasks
- Complete and submit Binance report.
- Update if needed. (Edit roles.)
- Update Discord roles.
Monthly privacy events. (Back story and future plans.)
- I successfully organized and created the 3rd and 4th Privacy event. PIVX served as a co-host, along with Firo (Reuben Yap), and co-hosts Basic Swap and Partcl (Dr. Kap and CryptoGuard). I approached the Zano project to request their presence in the 4th event, which resulted in Pavel joining us as a guest speaker. Unfortunately there wasn’t a recording but the prior 3 were. Plans are to share these on PIVX YouTube.
When I came up with the idea of the Privacy events in early 2023, I visualized a group of like-minded privacy advocates discussing trending news that pertained to crypto and privacy, along with discussions about each project. I approached yenachar (PIVX core tech advisor and community writer) if he would be interested in representing PIVX during the events, along with Basic Swap and Particl. Reuben Yap was asked to join our group during the 2nd event.
As I grow these events, the 4 projects will continue to alternate being hosts. Plans to create a Twitter account so we can post trending news, along with each project’s updates will happen once we’ve come up with a name. Zano will be asked to return as a guest along with new speakers. The plan is to continue to grow these events and that in time this group will be recognized as the leaders in tech and financial privacy. PIVX playing a big part of this.
Goal: PIVX will be recognized as part of 'The BIG Privacy Coin' players.
Other work completed:
- Created and organized a successful community contest, Are you the next PIVX Pizza Chef? (Please see description below PIVX Community Growth: Discord.)
- Worked with Jeffrey, Hans and WhiteBIT in helping organize a Q&A via telegram which was held on Twitter.
- Worked with Shorn, JSKitty, and the social team in planning MPW’s v1.0 and v1.1.0 release.
- Ongoing mentoring of PIVX community lead ambassadors and new social team members. eg. Working with Miguel, lead for PIVX Portuguese community as he grows his community with the aids of graphics, PIVX branding, contests, etc.
- Weekly Twitter polls. Random contests.
- Commenced adding 1-3 reels to Instagram a week.
- Completed promoting the last of achainofblocks YouTube shorts to an Instagram reel.
- All posted material to PIVXcommunity is of content I created, including the graphics I thought of and had created.
- Re-posting to Twitter has increased significantly due to our growing, amazing social team.
- Over the past two months, we have witnessed the exciting addition of PIVXPortugal (Miguel) and PIVXCanada (Sylvain) to our community. While PIVXSweden (Vampryun), Germany , and most recently PIVXEspanol (OneZetty/Instagram, ElenaCC/Twitter) have experienced a revitalization, infusing new energy into PIVX's ecosystem. I have been working closely with PIVXPortugal and more recently PIVXEspanol.
- Commissioned graphics to be created for @Cryptosi's PIVX video tutorials which will be placed as a banner for the YouTube videos, and used to promote on socials.
Upcoming work planned:
- Moving forward I will complete 2 - 4 posts to weekly.
- Privacy Event slated for early September. Tentative plan to have a new guest speaker along with the Zano project that I KNOW everyone will be interested in learning more about.
- DAO Event TBA later in September. With Hosts CryptoSi and Hans Koning and tentative guest speaker from another DAO project.
- New promotions with the exchanges PIVX has been listed on for awhile will be created to acknowledge their efforts and further grow our working relationship with them. All exchanges I have reached out to in the past
- Working to get a new article written for
- Continue to work with Shorn and Jeffrey in creating promotions for new listings.
PIVX Community Growth
In collaboration with Sh__, JSKitty, and lately PIVXPortuguese led by Miguel, we have been actively supporting community growth on Discord through various initiatives. We promoted the use of PIVi, PIVXLabs' AI genius, and actively seek community feedback to foster collaborative efforts in expanding PIVX. With Sh__'s innovative Discord welcome banners, dedicated discussion channels, PIVi integration, and random tipping, we strive to engage and involve community members more.
1) In order to add to the vibrancy and active participation within our Discord community that other core and community members have been creating, I came up with the idea of a contest called "Are you the next PIVX Pizza Chef?". The premise of this contest revolved around participants showcasing their culinary skills by crafting pizzas adorned with a prominent 'P' made out of delicious toppings. To facilitate this engaging two-week-long event, I created a dedicated channel where contestants and community members could post photos of their pizza creations and interact through comments. To ensure maximum visibility and engagement, I diligently promoted the contest on Twitter for a duration of two weeks, engaging daily with comments.
We were fortunate to have a seasoned pizza maker, PIVX’s very own Alessandro, as our esteemed judge. The winning entry was rewarded with a generous prize of 1000 PIV, while a second prize of 250 PIV was also awarded. To further acknowledge the efforts of all participants, each entrant received a token of appreciation in the form of 50 PIV. The contest brought immense enjoyment to both our core members and the wider community.
2) I established a dedicated channel for community graphics on Discord, featuring a mix of branded and nearly branded images. The purpose was to enable the members of our PIVX community to freely utilize any graphic they desired for crafting their own social media posts. The results have been highly promising, evident from the notable surge in tweets and posts over the past month. Our community appreciates the dedicated space I made for their creative needs, you can tell this by their posts on socials. It is fun to watch what as they take a graphic and create a story around it for Twitter.
3) Presently working on the new onboarding process for Discord to welcome new users in a more personal way. Hoping to get it done before 2024. (joke)
- Weekly Polls to increase engagement.
- With the readily available graphics for the community in Discord, increase in tweets and posts to Instagram by community members has increased. Ongoing support is given to them on socials which then encourages them to post/tweet more.
Examples of work:
Privacy event:
Q&A with Hans Koning and WhiteBit:
New listings:
Supporting well known crypto privacy advocates: (Naomi Brockwell replied!)
PIVXcommunity Pizza contest:

("A Twitter engagement rate of 0.5% is considered outstanding for brand engagement. It will mean that your tweets have a good acceptance rate among your followers. Smaller businesses should aim for an engagement rate that’s more higher than 1% with an engaged following." ) Source As you will see, the Twitter accounts I run are always above the acceptable aka good engagement rate.

PIVX Official

Fee breakdown: 25 hours a week paid + 10 - 20 hours a week volunteer.
My previous proposal was tarnished by rumours, false accusations, personal attacks, and insinuations aimed at undermining my character and work. I even faced threats of termination from a single masternode owner who openly expressed their dislike for me. I can only hope that this time, my work will be evaluated objectively rather than emotionally, and that those who are unfamiliar with my work take the time to review the supportive comments from my successful teammates. Or better yet, ask them yourself. After all, who better to assess my performance than active core members who work closely with me, rather than those who do not.
Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal.
Term: 1 cycle
Cycle Amount: 9667
Total Amount: 9667
Author: @LeacyMcK
Receiver: @LeacyMcK
Address: DCjgz4QGKBJUipBsLNzfb9zLzLaEpSnKhB
Created: August 12th, 2023
Status: Active
This proposal builds upon my previous submission, which contains examples of past work, notable achievements, and successfully accomplished goals. For a detailed overview please refer to the following link:
Completed Work and Accomplishments:
Weekly tasks
All weekly tasks can be found in my prior proposal, link above.
Monthly tasks
- Complete and submit Binance report.
- Update if needed. (Edit roles.)
- Update Discord roles.
Monthly privacy events. (Back story and future plans.)
- I successfully organized and created the 3rd and 4th Privacy event. PIVX served as a co-host, along with Firo (Reuben Yap), and co-hosts Basic Swap and Partcl (Dr. Kap and CryptoGuard). I approached the Zano project to request their presence in the 4th event, which resulted in Pavel joining us as a guest speaker. Unfortunately there wasn’t a recording but the prior 3 were. Plans are to share these on PIVX YouTube.
When I came up with the idea of the Privacy events in early 2023, I visualized a group of like-minded privacy advocates discussing trending news that pertained to crypto and privacy, along with discussions about each project. I approached yenachar (PIVX core tech advisor and community writer) if he would be interested in representing PIVX during the events, along with Basic Swap and Particl. Reuben Yap was asked to join our group during the 2nd event.
As I grow these events, the 4 projects will continue to alternate being hosts. Plans to create a Twitter account so we can post trending news, along with each project’s updates will happen once we’ve come up with a name. Zano will be asked to return as a guest along with new speakers. The plan is to continue to grow these events and that in time this group will be recognized as the leaders in tech and financial privacy. PIVX playing a big part of this.
Goal: PIVX will be recognized as part of 'The BIG Privacy Coin' players.
Other work completed:
- Created and organized a successful community contest, Are you the next PIVX Pizza Chef? (Please see description below PIVX Community Growth: Discord.)
- Worked with Jeffrey, Hans and WhiteBIT in helping organize a Q&A via telegram which was held on Twitter.
- Worked with Shorn, JSKitty, and the social team in planning MPW’s v1.0 and v1.1.0 release.
- Ongoing mentoring of PIVX community lead ambassadors and new social team members. eg. Working with Miguel, lead for PIVX Portuguese community as he grows his community with the aids of graphics, PIVX branding, contests, etc.
- Weekly Twitter polls. Random contests.
- Commenced adding 1-3 reels to Instagram a week.
- Completed promoting the last of achainofblocks YouTube shorts to an Instagram reel.
- All posted material to PIVXcommunity is of content I created, including the graphics I thought of and had created.
- Re-posting to Twitter has increased significantly due to our growing, amazing social team.
- Over the past two months, we have witnessed the exciting addition of PIVXPortugal (Miguel) and PIVXCanada (Sylvain) to our community. While PIVXSweden (Vampryun), Germany , and most recently PIVXEspanol (OneZetty/Instagram, ElenaCC/Twitter) have experienced a revitalization, infusing new energy into PIVX's ecosystem. I have been working closely with PIVXPortugal and more recently PIVXEspanol.
- Commissioned graphics to be created for @Cryptosi's PIVX video tutorials which will be placed as a banner for the YouTube videos, and used to promote on socials.
Upcoming work planned:
- Moving forward I will complete 2 - 4 posts to weekly.
- Privacy Event slated for early September. Tentative plan to have a new guest speaker along with the Zano project that I KNOW everyone will be interested in learning more about.
- DAO Event TBA later in September. With Hosts CryptoSi and Hans Koning and tentative guest speaker from another DAO project.
- New promotions with the exchanges PIVX has been listed on for awhile will be created to acknowledge their efforts and further grow our working relationship with them. All exchanges I have reached out to in the past
- Working to get a new article written for
- Continue to work with Shorn and Jeffrey in creating promotions for new listings.
PIVX Community Growth
In collaboration with Sh__, JSKitty, and lately PIVXPortuguese led by Miguel, we have been actively supporting community growth on Discord through various initiatives. We promoted the use of PIVi, PIVXLabs' AI genius, and actively seek community feedback to foster collaborative efforts in expanding PIVX. With Sh__'s innovative Discord welcome banners, dedicated discussion channels, PIVi integration, and random tipping, we strive to engage and involve community members more.
1) In order to add to the vibrancy and active participation within our Discord community that other core and community members have been creating, I came up with the idea of a contest called "Are you the next PIVX Pizza Chef?". The premise of this contest revolved around participants showcasing their culinary skills by crafting pizzas adorned with a prominent 'P' made out of delicious toppings. To facilitate this engaging two-week-long event, I created a dedicated channel where contestants and community members could post photos of their pizza creations and interact through comments. To ensure maximum visibility and engagement, I diligently promoted the contest on Twitter for a duration of two weeks, engaging daily with comments.
We were fortunate to have a seasoned pizza maker, PIVX’s very own Alessandro, as our esteemed judge. The winning entry was rewarded with a generous prize of 1000 PIV, while a second prize of 250 PIV was also awarded. To further acknowledge the efforts of all participants, each entrant received a token of appreciation in the form of 50 PIV. The contest brought immense enjoyment to both our core members and the wider community.
2) I established a dedicated channel for community graphics on Discord, featuring a mix of branded and nearly branded images. The purpose was to enable the members of our PIVX community to freely utilize any graphic they desired for crafting their own social media posts. The results have been highly promising, evident from the notable surge in tweets and posts over the past month. Our community appreciates the dedicated space I made for their creative needs, you can tell this by their posts on socials. It is fun to watch what as they take a graphic and create a story around it for Twitter.
3) Presently working on the new onboarding process for Discord to welcome new users in a more personal way. Hoping to get it done before 2024. (joke)
- Weekly Polls to increase engagement.
- With the readily available graphics for the community in Discord, increase in tweets and posts to Instagram by community members has increased. Ongoing support is given to them on socials which then encourages them to post/tweet more.
Examples of work:
Privacy event:
Q&A with Hans Koning and WhiteBit:
New listings:
Supporting well known crypto privacy advocates: (Naomi Brockwell replied!)
PIVXcommunity Pizza contest:

("A Twitter engagement rate of 0.5% is considered outstanding for brand engagement. It will mean that your tweets have a good acceptance rate among your followers. Smaller businesses should aim for an engagement rate that’s more higher than 1% with an engaged following." ) Source As you will see, the Twitter accounts I run are always above the acceptable aka good engagement rate.

PIVX Official

Fee breakdown: 25 hours a week paid + 10 - 20 hours a week volunteer.
My previous proposal was tarnished by rumours, false accusations, personal attacks, and insinuations aimed at undermining my character and work. I even faced threats of termination from a single masternode owner who openly expressed their dislike for me. I can only hope that this time, my work will be evaluated objectively rather than emotionally, and that those who are unfamiliar with my work take the time to review the supportive comments from my successful teammates. Or better yet, ask them yourself. After all, who better to assess my performance than active core members who work closely with me, rather than those who do not.
Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal.
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