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Search results

  1. ONeZetty

    Nuevo concurso de la comunidad PIVX en Español: "PIVX Halloween"

    🎃👻¡Halloween se acerca y queremos ver tu creatividad! 🎃👻 Participa en nuestro espeluznante concurso de GIFs y Memes PIVX 1️⃣Crea un Meme o GIF 2️⃣Publica tu creación con el hashtag #PIVXHalloween 3️⃣ ¡Síguenos! Tenemos 500 PIV para 5 ganadores🧟🎃🧛 Finaliza el 03 noviembre.
  2. ONeZetty

    Nuevo concurso de la comunidad PIVX en Español: "¿Qué tan PIVX estás hoy?"

    Participa en el nuevo concurso de la comunidad PIVX en Español, "¿Qué tan PIVX estás hoy?" La comunidad de PIVX en Español te invita a participar en este nuevo concurso, para ser parte de la dinámica, debes escribir un microcuento, historia o reflexión de máximo 500 caracteres, acerca de la...
  3. ONeZetty

    PIVX Momentum Continues — Another Summer Listing Joins the Roster.

    PIVX is happy to announce that it is now listed on BITStorage Finance. bitstorage.finance a “Secure & Efficient Crypto Trading Platform” offers PIVX/USDT pair.
  4. ONeZetty

    I pleased to announce that PIVX has joined the Fediverse!

    Hello PIVians!! I've taken the initiative to open the PIVX Mastodon account. Furthermore, I think it's a good idea to have the community present on as many social networks as possible, especially since Mastodon is free, open source, and decentralized, the same founding pillars of PIVX. If...
  5. ONeZetty

    Archived PIVX Spanish Boost 24

    Title: PIVX Spanish Boost 24 Name: PSB24 Term: 3 cycles Cycle Amount: 4000 Total Amount: 12000 Author: ONeZetty Receiver: ONeZetty Address: DELY6LdSbHpzpAa4GmUscwgJoqZCXDoGis Status: Active Vote Hash: 1b3bba7407941584f9ddd854f98efdab0ca3135e02faf41a9bad2514b2d4de2f Donations...
  6. ONeZetty

    ¡PIVX se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de Core Wallet v5.6.1 de PIVX!

    ¡La PIVX Core Wallet v5.6.1 ha sido lanzada y ya está disponible para descargar! Esta actualización obligatoria, es una actualización crucial requerida para todos los usuarios, incluidos los exchanges y los proveedores de servicios, mejora la experiencia general del usuario con varias mejoras...
  7. ONeZetty

    Archived Discord Server Boosting

    Title: Discord Server Boosting Name: DSB-1 Term: 1 Cycles Cycle Amount: 2000 Total Amount: 2000 Author: ONeZetty Receiver: ONeZetty Address: Status: Draft PIVX Foundation: Able to KYC to receive I would like to discuss boost the PIVX Discord Server. With Server Boosts, the community will be...
  8. ONeZetty

    PIVX Talk with CryptoempresariosVE Community

    I was invited by the CryptoempresariosVE community to give a talk about PIVX, they are a community from Venezuela and were very interested in learning more about PIVX. The talk was last April 28, at 9:00 pm local time in Caracas, Venezuela in their Telegram Group. The talk was in Spanish, of...
  9. ONeZetty

    Archived Micro Business PIVX Community Project

    My proposal, it was fully funded, Please vote NO in this cycle. mnbudgetvote many 0c17d03fb401023870f435efcd4303ef6fbfdb65a2d16403b78a5a1fc847a9de no Thanks to the MNO and the PIVX community for all the support!! Title: Micro Business PIVX Community Project Name: MBPCP-1 Term: 1 Cycles Cycle...
  10. ONeZetty

    PIVX Binance AMA en Español

    Hace unos días participé en un "preguntame lo que sea" (AMA) para la comunidad de Binance Latinoamérica les comparto el video de la plática.
  11. ONeZetty

    Ended PIVX Spanish Social Media 2021-1

    Title: PIVX Spanish Social Media 2021-1 Name: PSSM-21-1 Term: 3 Cycles Cycle Amount: 1000 Total Amount: 3000 Author: ONeZetty Receiver: ONeZetty Address: DLXxfRwQn1cNe22Dr9LQt1G8PtKoJEvNiB Status: Draft PIVX Foundation: Able to KYC to receive Hola I'm the Zetty, ONeZetty! This is a new...
  12. ONeZetty

    ¡La comunidad PIVX se enorgullece en presentar la nueva página de PIVX totalmente traducida al Español!

    ¡Muchas gracias a los PIVians que lo hicieron posible! Visita ya nuestra web: https://pivx.org para saber más sobre PIVX, Proof of Stake, Masternodes, Privacidad y las Recompensas de PIVX.
  13. ONeZetty

    Archived PIVX Spanish Social Media

    Title: PIVX Spanish Social Media Name: PSSMM-2020 Term: 3 Cycles Cycle Amount: 817 Total Amount: 2451 Author: ONeZetty Receiver: ONeZetty Address: DGRFwe6C3MwQRkKvjZTNLKzkZ95k1dRHVA Status: Active PIVX Foundation: Able to KYC to receive Hola I'm Zetty D.! This is a new proposal for the Social...
  14. ONeZetty

    Actualización de Privacidad en PIVX: ¡La Integración Sapling ya está Disponible!

    PIVians, estamos mucho más cerca de poseer nuestra propia tecnología de blindaje de PIVX, utilizando criptografía altamente probada. ¡5.0 va a ser genial! ¡El código (personalizado) para la integración específica de Sapling en la PIVX-blockchain acaba de ser publicado para su revisión y...
  15. ONeZetty

    Ended Pre-proposal PIVX Telegram Tip Bot

    Title: PIVX Telegram Tip Bot Proposal Name: telegram-tipbot Term: 2 Cycles Cycle Amnt: 825 Total Amnt: 1650 Author: Pablon & ONeZetty Receiver:ONeZetty Address: DMa29yHDpsksz6BUWsq6TSgRAqe2k2HuxX Status: Awaiting Feedback PIVX Foundation: Able to KYC to receive Dear PIVX Community, we are Zetty...
  16. ONeZetty

    Ended VOTE NO - PIVX Spanish Team 20 V3

    Hello everyone, I been informed that the Marketing Team is summiting a new proposal (Creative Marketing 2020), this new proposal is very important for the PIVX community, and I'm very excited about the new route the marketing team is taking. And because of the tight budget, I decided to drop...
  17. ONeZetty

    Archived PIVX Spanish Team 20 V2

    Title: PIVX Spanish Team 20 V2 Name: PIVX-Spanish-S2-V2 Term: 3 Cycles Cycle Amnt: 2017 Total Amnt: 6051 Author: ONeZetty Receiver:ONeZetty Address: DEProFkXen389DYaGCk7xCUgEKGZa12bNm Status: Awaiting Feedback PIVX Foundation: Able to KYC to receive Hello everyone, this is ONeZetty! This is...
  18. ONeZetty

    Archived PIVX Spanish Team 20 v1

    Title: PIVX Spanish Team 20 v1 Name: PIVX-Spanish-S2-V1 Term: 3 Cycles Cycle Amnt: 1667 Total Amnt: 5001 Author: ONeZetty Receiver:ONeZetty Address: DD3bhQdC8J7sEkWidtEDjcEzBTDju4ZnBm Status: Awaiting Feedback PIVX Foundation: Able to KYC to receive Hello everyone, this is ONeZetty! This is...
  19. ONeZetty

    Archived Blockchain Summit Latam 2020 (Panama City) -Ambassador ONeZetty

    Title: Blockchain Summit Latam 2020 (Panama City) -Ambassador ONeZetty Name: BSL-Panama-2020 Term: 2 Cycles Cycle Amnt: 3300 PIV Total Amnt: 6600 PIV Author: ONeZetty Receiver:ONeZetty Address: DReqruaQjoXCT6vFcmXvNWJ71ajQeTwdP1 Status: Awaiting Feedback PIVX Foundation: Able to KYC to receive...
  20. ONeZetty

    Archived Blockchain Summit Latam 2019 (Panama City) -Ambassador ONeZetty

    Title: Blockchain Summit Latam 2019 (Panama City) -Ambassador ONeZetty Name: BSL-Panama-ONeZetty Term: 1 Cycles Cycle Amnt: 5500 Total Amnt: 5500 Author: ONeZetty Receiver:ONeZetty Address: DReqruaQjoXCT6vFcmXvNWJ71ajQeTwdP1 Status: Active I need to inform the MNO and the community that the...