Title: PIVX Spanish Social Media 2021-1
Name: PSSM-21-1
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amount: 1000
Total Amount: 3000
Author: ONeZetty
Receiver: ONeZetty
Address: DLXxfRwQn1cNe22Dr9LQt1G8PtKoJEvNiB
Status: Draft
PIVX Foundation: Able to KYC to receive
Hola I'm the Zetty, ONeZetty!
This is a new proposal for the Social Media management of the PIVX Spanish accounts, Twitter, and Instagram in 2021, both are the most active communications channels for the Spanish Community, is important to keep sharing all the news of the PIVX Comunity. This proposal will cover the part of February, March, and April. I'm asking for 1000 PIV monthly for 3 cycles, starting the next February superblock cycle.
We are making a significant effort and we starting to putting PIVX on the radar, last time we had an AMA for the Binance Spanish Community and soon we will have more interviews.
250 PIV for Twitter management (posting and respond)
250 PIV for Instagram management (posting and respond)
250 PIV for a graphic designer (translation of the English material)
200 PIV for translation services (Tweets and Media)
50 PIV for proposal submission
mnbudgetvote many 15355fd2c8ee72b3bff5c18b3348d9d5e2a5a900cbaa17f13a79a0a3dc119d8b yes
mnbudgetvote many 15355fd2c8ee72b3bff5c18b3348d9d5e2a5a900cbaa17f13a79a0a3dc119d8b no
This PIV will help to pay the cellphone bills, power, internet service, and the time we invest in the community. The report will include the number of followers and post every month. Feel free to make your comments.
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