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  1. Ambassador

    Archived Additional Marketing Fund Jan-Jun 2021

    Abstract This proposal is virtually identical to the main proposal - Marketing BizDEV Jan-Jun 2021. The main intention for creating this additional proposal is to collect as much funds as possible in the Marketing Fund for all the huge potential achievements and partnerships that can be...
  2. Ambassador

    Archived PIVX Reddit Promotion Nov-Feb

    Thank you for the support @ONeZetty !!
  3. Ambassador

    Archived PIVX Reddit Promotion Nov-Feb

    Thank you so much for your kind words @LeacyMcK ! There will be TONS of marketing activities and promotions on Reddit through the entire January, as it will be the biggest month in PIVX history in terms of development achievements and reached milestones! I'm very excited, and thank you a lot for...
  4. Ambassador

    Archived Marketing BizDEV Jan-Jun 2021

    Abstract This is a second proposal of the recently formed PIVX Marketing & Biz Development Team. This proposal will NOT be used to pay the submitters, or those stewarding the amounts. This type of proposal which was first introduced in October 2020 was the first of its kind proposal for PIVX...
  5. Ambassador

    Archived Additional Marketing Fund Oct-Dec 2020

    New update on the progress of this proposal has been published: LINK HERE
  6. Ambassador

    Final reminder to convert remaining zPIV to PIV

    FINAL REMINDER TO CONVERT REMAINING zPIV TO PIV PIVX is coming very close to the long awaited v5.0 wallet release, so the support for the zPIV (zerocoin PIV) is coming to an end on December 1st, 2020. This is a final reminder to...
  7. Ambassador

    Archived PIVX Reddit Promotion Nov-Feb

    Title: PIVX Reddit Promotion Nov-Feb Name: RedditProm2020 Term: 4 cycles Cycle Amnt: 2400 PIV Total Amnt: 9600 PIV Author: Ambassador Receiver: Ambassador Address: DKWRQtA4e9R6HqyYgCqZzsQYb2LaUA99HG Created: November 1st, 2020 Status: Active Proposal Details Hey everyone! This is a new...
  8. Ambassador


    Hey everyone, I'm writing this to all anonymous highly appreciated donors to this crowdfunding. Funds were partially collected, so I want to let you know that your donations will NOT be wasted, they will just be used much wiser and for strictly targeted major actions, starting from the next...
  9. Ambassador

    PIVX Reddit Promotion Oct-Nov

    Hey everyone, I'm writing this to all anonymous highly appreciated donors to this crowdfunding. Funds were partially collected, so I want to let you know that your donations will NOT be wasted, they will just be used much wiser and for strictly targeted major actions, starting from the next...
  10. Ambassador

    PIVX Reddit Promotion Oct-Nov

    Hey everyone, Many of you know that I was successfully crowdfunded last month to do PIVX promotions on reddit on top cryptocurrency related subreddits. Many of these crypto subreddits have 50k, 100k or even more than a million subscribers, so promoting PIVX there brought a lot of eyes on us and...
  11. Ambassador

    PIVX Promotional Fund by jakiman

    Absolutely supporting the idea! Big YES from me for the proposal and for you as a fund keeper. As you said, it's something that PIVX lacks of, which is highly needed to support the development achievements and other major milestones that needs to get out.
  12. Ambassador

    Archived Creative Marketing 2020

    Nice to see your proposal again, hope Chris and you can make PIVX great again! Good luck!
  13. Ambassador

    Archived Support-Marketing-Testing Ambassador Q3

    Thank you very much Snappy for your kind words, highly appreciate your support!
  14. Ambassador

    Archived Support-Marketing-Testing Ambassador Q3

    I've replied to Borris in detail in DM. To all other MNOs, please do approach me here or on Discord, I'm glad to explain everything in detail, especially the Social Team Lead part.
  15. Ambassador

    Archived Support-Marketing-Testing Ambassador Q3

    Hello PIVians, it's Ambassador from Discord. NOTE: This proposal details are edited and expanded with much more details, as the MNOs weren't exactly aware about the details behind this proposal. (25th July 2020) After my first proposal that passed in March, after a more than a month break, I...
  16. Ambassador

    Archived Support-Marketing-Testing Ambassador Q2

    Hello PIVians, it's Ambassador from Discord. After taking into consideration a valuable feedback from my pre-proposal (, I decided to continue with the proposal submission. I decided to cut down initial...
  17. Ambassador

    Support-Marketing-Testing Ambassador Q2

    Hello PIVians, it's Ambassador from Discord. Title: Support Marketing Testing Ambassador Q2 Name: Support-Marketing-Testing Ambassador Q2 Term: 3 cycles Cycle Amnt: 4500 PIV Total Amnt: 13500 PIV Author: Ambassador Receiver: Ambassador Created: 6th April 2020 Status: Pre-Proposed Introduction...