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Archived PIVX Social Media Lead/Content Creator, Exchange Liaison.


Staff member
Name: Ofcl-SocialJul2023
Term: 1 cycle
Cycle Amount: 6624
Total Amount: 6624
Author: @LeacyMcK
Receiver: @LeacyMcK
Address: DGegoWfoeDwRkCCnBAo1YxHqwxqG7ZuGuh
Created: June 4th/2023
Status: Active

This proposal is new and submitted for 1 cycle only. Breakdown of paid hours and volunteer hours can be found here in my original proposal at the top of the page.

Please find my last proposal which covered 3 cycles and which includes work completed/documented here:

Repeat Work Each Cycle:
Replying to messages on Twitter/Instagram/Discord, PIVX.org contact emails, and [email protected].
-Requesting articles from writer(s) when events or need of new material arises. Proof reading articles and all blogs prior to then publishing them on PIVX.org and pushing them out on socials.
-Planning content for each day of the week for PIVX official social accounts while keeping a watch on trends, like-minded crypto topics, analytics etc.
-Working with Shorn, PIVX's official graphic designer on new graphics for PIVX events, AMAs, updates and announcements
-Gathering our amazing social team together to help with PIVX promotions/announcements and having graphics ready for them should they choose to do their own posts. -Creating new Discord roles for social team members that have shown great support on socials
-Complete monthly update form for Binance.
-Check in with other team and community members on a regular basis to keep updated so that promotions and articles are planned ahead of time should they have any.
-Help keep PIVX.org and Discord updated.
-Content creating for official social accounts. (Research trends on socials and other like minded accounts. Content creating consists of coming up with ideas for graphics, and creating relevant copy, to accompany marketing promotions.
-Social Media Lead to PIVX official Twitter, PIVXcommunity Twitter, PIVX official IG and official Medium account. Please note that the 3 separate accounts have different ways to provide content thus one can't just copy and paste between the 3.
-Retweeting/reposting and supporting followers on social media.
-Being a PIVX Aunty to over 2k nephews around the world.
-Mentor to PIVX's core members and PIVX's community members.

Past Cycle's work includes: Please find work in link below, scroll to the bottom of the page.

This Cycle’s work will include:
- Finish planning and promoting the Privacy Twitter Space Event with Firo, Particl, BasicSwapDEX and PIVX. Scheduled for June 20th at 8 pm EDT!
- Updating Medium account so that moving forward SEO metrics can be done with every published piece. Many thanks to Shorn for his help with this. Increase postings to this account.
- Creating a YouTube short video with the 3 PIVX integrated videos created by achainofblocks to release and publish on PIVX's YouTube, Twitter, FB and Instagram.
- Reaching out to 2- 3 exchanges in which PIVX is listed on to cross-promote on socials.
- Organize with the intent on publishing and promoting, 2 new articles for PIVX.org
- Assist with creating a marketing series/promotion for MPW v1.0 alongside JSKitty and Shorn.
- Plan and implement new PIVXcommunity contest where followers on socials will have to enter Discord.PIVX.org to participate. This is to encourage engagement in both areas and to help build Discord's community again.
- Promoting of Let's Exchange AMA with Hans Koning on June 9th, and StealthEX AMA on June 7th.
- Arranging another AMA this month for the end of June/ beginning of July.
- Reaching out to DAO projects for our next DAO Twitter space event with hosts Hans Koning and CryptoSi host/founder of DAO Watch. Goal is to get another co-host to join our group to discuss DAOs.

Thank you for taking the time to read. Though it appears that my proposals are the same each month, I would like to add that every 2 cycles I push myself out of my comfort level and add a new skill. These past 2 months I have taken on planning PIVX events which though at times can be time consuming, are fun and result in PIVX being viewed by new groups. eg. YouTube XMR fans, privacy advocates, etc.
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So as we have now almost voted out and I believe Jim draper who has been doing tik tok maybe stepping up. @qtez is there, @sh_rn In some marketing channel with graphics I believe? This maybe transition if it continues how votes are should run as smoothly as possible .

I assume there is already a minimum of 2 weeks worth of tweets and posts already on auto post then it was just spur of the moment ones extra?

This cycle will be a mess and hopefully once the amount of work is estimated another proposal can come in next month.
So as we have now almost voted out and I believe Jim draper who has been doing tik tok maybe stepping up. @qtez is there, @sh_rn In some marketing channel with graphics I believe? This maybe transition if it continues how votes are should run as smoothly as possible .

I assume there is already a minimum of 2 weeks worth of tweets and posts already on auto post then it was just spur of the moment ones extra?

This cycle will be a mess and hopefully once the amount of work is estimated another proposal can come in next month.
LOL You are so very wrong on all of the above but I have jumped through your hoops for over 4 years now so I won't be jumping through them again. You stated that Jim Draper found work I hadn't completed, you state that I am not completing the work I do, well prove it. Show me the work I haven't been doing. Show me how I haven't been helping and growing PIVX. Show me how I have stopped building for PIVX. Also, Jim Draper is going to take over running the accounts is he? lol How do you think he will be doing that? You have never taken time to understand that I do much more than lead the social managers or run the official social accounts. Your hatred for me clouds all thoughts you have, you're willing to let PIVX suffer for it.

You come and without any warning or complaints of my work here, (not to mention you liked my proposal) vote me down because "we have never gotten along" and because you feel I am keeping you from the PIVX Discord. When in fact you and only you are responsible for being banned. You down vote Fuzz's and my proposals BECAUSE OF HURT FEELINGS? You down vote our proposals not because they're bad, not because we aren't trusted by most, not because we don't do our job... but just because you can.

I officially feel sorry for you, one has to be a messed-up, lost human to resort to unprofessional, relentless petty attacks of PIVX active core members for no reason other than out of control emotions you can't reign in.
So as we have now almost voted out and I believe Jim draper who has been doing tik tok maybe stepping up. @qtez is there, @sh_rn In some marketing channel with graphics I believe? This maybe transition if it continues how votes are should run as smoothly as possible .

I assume there is already a minimum of 2 weeks worth of tweets and posts already on auto post then it was just spur of the moment ones extra?

This cycle will be a mess and hopefully once the amount of work is estimated another proposal can come in next month.
Sorry. You have so much wrong. I don't know where to begin.

1. LeacyMcK may or may not get funded, but you can't stop anyone from volunteering, or force someone to volunteer.
2. Jim Draper said he was going to do TikTok, but hasn't.
3. You constantly demonstrate you have no clue about how social media works, let alone what effort LeacyMcK puts in each month.

For me, Trust is TOP priority. If someone needs more training, or more resources, that can be resolved. But, if trust is not there, nothing else matters.

I do not trust Jim Draper, or you Borris. Nothing you push forward, will get my support.
Hey all!

Just to add some feedback regarding the proposal. I feel that @LeacyMcK and the work she has done and dedicated to PIVX is greatly underplayed. Since I rejoined PIVX in an official role she mentioned me a few times online and even that impact is still seen today and I’m constantly getting new interactions and retweets on Twitter.

Organising AMA and any cooperation between projects is paramount to the success of PIVX. I’m in business development and I can tell you now how difficult it is to plan and establish that especially around various people, time zones and issues that occur such as the agreed questions being modified last minute as well as finding someone for the AMA or discussion. Somehow she always gets it done. I for one think that should even be paid extra in another proposal as it’s so beneficial to everyone right now.

I’m thankful for all the work you have done @LeacyMcK your love for PIVX shows in the work done and the growth PIVX has achieved. Having you here is of utmost benefit to every single PIVIAN.

This is my 4 pivs. It’s unfortunate that some harsh debates are going on but I just wanted to give a bit of feedback and say thank you
Let's work on this by the tweets and content peovided then. I've looked into how it all works with posting on all platforms, how to space posts out by setting publish times. There should be a minimum of one a day on all platforms. It doesn't take long.

Shorn and qtez have been doing the images so there is only the tags which I hope are all copy and paste (pick as you want tags). These are now shared with Jim draper which has been asking leacy for the images for awhile apparently.

Finding out about upcoming events pivx is involved in and any other sort of thing to prepare a post/tweet.

Speaking to image creators about what your after for each of these.

Apart from replying every now and then replying to posts and the odd spur of the thing/competition that has been taken out of treasury to pay this should all be automated and a good sit down you could plan everything week's in advance which I assume/hope are so there should be a good few weeks of posts/tweets already automated? Correct me if I am wrong.
You are wrong.

It is possible to automate the effort to click the 'POST' button at a specific time, but the 'automation' does nothing to minimize the amount of work to prepare the Tweet. In the perfect world, you would just do the same work ahead of time. The automation doesn't reduce the effort at all. In fact, it lowers efficiency, because this is not the perfect world. Things change fast in Twitter. Tags decided a week in advance are not the right ones the day the Tweet is to be published. Also, some of the best Tweets can't always be planned because they are a reaction to other Tweets. Further, a DAO is like 'herding cats' and it is hard enough to get things ready when needed, let alone in advance.

Who do you think is organizing those 'upcoming events pivx is involved in'? You think they magically appear and PIVX gets invited? The recent Twitter Space Event took DAYS to organize. The AMAs are huge effort to organize too. In your plan, who is doing that effort?

Jim Draper can get the images from Twitter etc just like everyone else. He simply needs to follow PIVX on Twitter. This has been explained many times. He is making excuses. There is nothing stopping him from proving his value first, like everyone else has done. It is not for LeacyMcK to push Jim Draper. The effort needs to come from him. He needs to show initiative. He has shown the opposite.
@Gerrald the images I’ve shared today with Jim are for TikTok and have already been posted on Twitter and Instagram by Leacy. As I told Jim, he could have asked me at any point before now for the images but he didn’t realise it was me who created them (despite the fact I’ve been putting design proposals in for 4 months now??!)

Once the graphics have been shared on our official channels then I believe anyone should be free to share them on their own social accounts.
So as we have now almost voted out and I believe Jim draper who has been doing tik tok maybe stepping up. @qtez is there, @sh_rn In some marketing channel with graphics I believe? This maybe transition if it continues how votes are should run as smoothly as possible .

I assume there is already a minimum of 2 weeks worth of tweets and posts already on auto post then it was just spur of the moment ones extra?

This cycle will be a mess and hopefully once the amount of work is estimated another proposal can come in next month.

FYI, I create 80% of the content/ideas for the graphics that @sh_rn and @qtez create, you can ask them seeing as you aren't believing my reports.
The events that you think are easy to promote, have to be thought of and planned first, who do you think does that? Recently Hans Koning and I participated in an AMA with LetsExchange which in total took approx 11 hours of my time to get done. This wasn't due to me being bad at my job but instead shows how I pay attention and want the best.

I am great at documenting the work I do of which socials are only a part of. I am proud that I have kept PIVX going a few times in the past on socials, while PIVX was suffering internally so that outsiders could feel good in knowing we were still moving forward. My professionalism shines through even when I am being threatened in an extortion attempt of not being paid for my work by you, sorry but the tweets and posts will go on regardless of your threats. I know I am trusted and respected by most around here, as I have had 5 years behind me showing everyone that I can be.

Borris, @Gerrald Here you had hoped I would slither away and you'd have someone running the accounts in a day, but in reality you have shown me that I am worth so much more. So much so that I will be asking for a higher fee in my proposals moving forward. You helped show me that I do so much more than just socials and events. I am fortunate in that I love what I do, I adore my team mates and the community, and no matter how hard you try to destroy this feeling for me, it won't change. 💜 Crazy that all of your toxicity and threats actually helped me. Thank you.

I know everyone likes a good update and explanation so this discussion has been happening to break down the proposal.

replying to messages on discord twitter and instagram = discord only if you tag her, twitter only people she likes from the breafest club shes not reaching out to new audiences
planning content for each day = what a fucking joke it dosent take hours to think about making 1 post LOL

she also dosent keep track of ANY TRENDS , she still talking about zk snark and privacy that nobody gives a fuck about
shes not talking about bitcoin etf , blackrock , EDX exchange or anything
gathering our amazing social team = shes not gathering anybody she refuses to send me graphics to post on tiktok

contet creating for social accounts = she dosent do any content creation shorn does about 80% of her job , and she still is not researching trends
retweeting / reposting on social = once again barely maybe 1 or 2 a day that she repost and its from the same breakfest club people alot of siggie crap
so this is me tearing up her first part LOL

more then 80% of the work she does is done by someone else in marketing especially shorn

lets look at the twitter now


1 or 2 post a day AT MOST some days she dosent even post



if we look at the replies table we see that
if we go to the * LIKES * table

we can see she likes 5-6 stuff a day ( takes 1 second to click ) and its mostly pivx users within the pivx breakfest club circle

she is NOT reaaching ANY NEW AUDIENCE

there is NO GROWTH

everybody can see it this is all public

https://www.instagram.com/pivxcrypto/ her work on instagram is ever more crappy and minimal


alot of big words , alot of stuff that makes it look very hard once again all smoke

planning a twitter space event is not hard just pick a date and go live LOL

updating medium account = shorn does most of it for her all she does is copy and paste

creating youtube shorts video = not her that create anything she just click and post

creating articles on pivx.org = nobody cares useless

assisting MPW works = shorn again does most of it

discord contest = nobody cares she is not reaching any new people online and too many people are banned once again only the inner circle gets the rewards

arranging another AMA = just ask hans and cryptosi what day they are free and as shorn to make graphic no work needed here really

reaching out to other projects = finally something she really does on her own lol

so why are you guys paying her 1000$+ a month for a long time for nothing ?

her proposals should be cut by half if not more and SHORN should have a bigger piece of the pie

hes the one doing the real work and creating the content


$1300 for these figures.
Perhaps change her role?

I'm looking at the data objectively and the actual socials part is not worth the PIV. Or at least not economical.

You guys can't shut borris up forever. This will all be seen as a personal attack while PIVX isnt being reached as far as it pays for. If I do the work above can I be a social manager too? It would be worth it to download the apps
It seems a few people commenting here have absolutely no clue what the role of a Social Media Manager is.

I don’t even know where to start 🤪

Leacy’s role is as SMM, and as you can see from this job description, it’s exactly what she is doing:

…oversees a company’s interactions with the public through implementing content strategies on social media platforms. Their duties include analyzing engagement data, identifying trends in customer interactions and planning digital campaigns to build community online.

A full time SMM for crypto DAOs can expect a salary of $75k on average. Leacy is part time (but puts in a lot of hours extra) and is asking for $1300 / month, and a lost less in the past.

There is always room to improve but instead of putting someone down on a public forum, how about trying to offer constructive criticism?

One other important point: I DO NOT CREATE 80% OF OUR SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT! That is factually incorrect and I don’t know where anyone got that information from. I create the graphics that work with the text content that leacy writes and we work together on social posts. But the bulk of social media marketing is coming up with the ideas, the strategy, the coordination, the research and the content writing. And nearly all of that is done by leacy.


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DID I miss the PARTY ?!

-- THANK U [COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)]LeacyMcK[/COLOR] and [COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)]Eric_Stanek[/COLOR]
for leting me join PIVX Community as a SOCIAL MEDIA VISUAL Creator as a paid and volunteered role. Without those 2 nice people NON like me might think of joining. GOOD JOB so far!. It is good to mention though that my various posts - before becoming a member - made it easy for them to pick me. THANK U AGAIN.

-- Isn't it a time and mind effort consuming to think about what to do next! [COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)]LeacyMcK[/COLOR] does just fine. She should be paid for that.

-- YES, I feel disappointed that for example we have more than 10K members on reddit that do not engage in what we post.

-- Even PIVX official has over 60K followers but still PIVX hashtag not even counted on twitter, this is not LEACYMCK fault. BUT PIVX Community in general lost loialty for some reason.

-- PIVX Developer and core team need to do even more to compete against other larger cap PRIVACY Coins so COMMUNITY gets better engagement.

-- If any one wants to do AMA or graphics or video or anything for PIVX just reach out LEACYMCK and share with her the idea or work, if that helps PIVX why not posting it with credit to the new X creator and rewarded some PIVs for that.

FINALLY I hope I made my points short and understood.

Reddit is it's own special beast. Would be great if someone take the role of 'Reddit Champion' or whatever you want to call it, to help. Beauty of Reddit is that anyone can do that right now to prove themselves.
View attachment 959

I know everyone likes a good update and explanation so this discussion has been happening to break down the proposal.

replying to messages on discord twitter and instagram = discord only if you tag her, twitter only people she likes from the breafest club shes not reaching out to new audiences
planning content for each day = what a fucking joke it dosent take hours to think about making 1 post LOL

she also dosent keep track of ANY TRENDS , she still talking about zk snark and privacy that nobody gives a fuck about
shes not talking about bitcoin etf , blackrock , EDX exchange or anything
gathering our amazing social team = shes not gathering anybody she refuses to send me graphics to post on tiktok

contet creating for social accounts = she dosent do any content creation shorn does about 80% of her job , and she still is not researching trends
retweeting / reposting on social = once again barely maybe 1 or 2 a day that she repost and its from the same breakfest club people alot of siggie crap
so this is me tearing up her first part LOL

more then 80% of the work she does is done by someone else in marketing especially shorn

lets look at the twitter now

View attachment 960

1 or 2 post a day AT MOST some days she dosent even post

View attachment 961
View attachment 962

if we look at the replies table we see that
if we go to the * LIKES * table

we can see she likes 5-6 stuff a day ( takes 1 second to click ) and its mostly pivx users within the pivx breakfest club circle

she is NOT reaaching ANY NEW AUDIENCE

there is NO GROWTH

everybody can see it this is all public

https://www.instagram.com/pivxcrypto/ her work on instagram is ever more crappy and minimal

View attachment 963

alot of big words , alot of stuff that makes it look very hard once again all smoke

planning a twitter space event is not hard just pick a date and go live LOL

updating medium account = shorn does most of it for her all she does is copy and paste

creating youtube shorts video = not her that create anything she just click and post

creating articles on pivx.org = nobody cares useless

assisting MPW works = shorn again does most of it

discord contest = nobody cares she is not reaching any new people online and too many people are banned once again only the inner circle gets the rewards

arranging another AMA = just ask hans and cryptosi what day they are free and as shorn to make graphic no work needed here really

reaching out to other projects = finally something she really does on her own lol

so why are you guys paying her 1000$+ a month for a long time for nothing ?

her proposals should be cut by half if not more and SHORN should have a bigger piece of the pie

hes the one doing the real work and creating the content

View attachment 964

$1300 for these figures.


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If we work with the parts of the complaint that are sensible,

keeping up with trends and replying/joining conversations of other communities. Those are 2 things that certainly can be improved. Lets put things into perspective thats not reason to vote down this proposal. I'd say that Borris Vs Eric is becoming the new 7hacks vs Eric, and its all very 'middle school'.
One team talks of inner circles and the other of trust. Meanwhile the rest of us are just busy trying to bring financial privacy into the lives of everyday humans. Nitpicking about these proposals is a monumental waste of everyones time, especially considering the level of intelligence, ability and achievement that we have within this community.

Borris, honestly, you're better than this, I understand that Eric/fuzz and company have kicked you out of discord and you feel hurt by that, but honestly, I dont think it was the coolest club on the strip anyway. Picking at LeacyMCK will NOT make you feel better and I promise you that the moment I find another project for her to join and be paid properly I will sign her and PIVX will lose her. Eric also your comment about never supporting anything Borris puts forward is also beneath you, far far beneath you. Both of you boys need to wind your necks in and be more of a help to the project instead of consisntently and constantly allowing your hubris to dictate your actions and slow people down.

Give LeacyMCK her criticisms, they are fair, allow her to continue to improve and innovate, the latest privacy focused discussion was WORLD CLASS and I bet neither of you bothered to listen to it or share it. Youre both becoming the useless and unwanted powerful figures that we despise who lurk in laziness and pull strings in government.

PIVX needs one PIV one Vote desperately because you guys are becoming utterly frustrating despots.

LeacyMCK continue to push forward, you're not perfect, you never claim to be, but none of us are. But youre certainly deserving of your post and your pay. Thankyou :)
"Eric also your comment about never supporting anything Borris puts forward is also beneath you, far far beneath you."

Nope. I stand by that. Borris has never shown any ability to think critically, or to support his arguments with logical rational thought or facts. He claims expertise where he has none, and he has flat out stated he wants to destroy PIVX.

On this issue, the only difference between me and everyone else knowledgeable of the topic, is that I choose to speak my mind, while others exercise their right to remain silent. Is that what is 'beneath' me? Am I to remain silent? Meh.
"Both of you boys need to wind your necks in and be more of a help to the project instead of consisntently and constantly allowing your hubris to dictate your actions and slow people down."

LOL. How am I slowing anyone down? (Other than Borris from hurting PIVX) Please provide examples. I have helped PIVX immensely over the years. What has Borris done?

Note, all I do now is vote. I have no special roles or privileges. I have stepped back dramatically. PIVX is a Meritocracy. Anyone can step forward to prove themselves. But, the 'Borris club' just criticizes and complains. I think they are afraid to attempt to prove themselves, because they know how telling the 'results' will be.

"PIVX needs one PIV one Vote desperately because you guys are becoming utterly frustrating despots."

How am I being cruel or oppressive? I'm not the one voting everyone down just because my feelings are hurt.

"I'd say that Borris Vs Eric is becoming the new 7hacks vs Eric, and its all very 'middle school'."

Clearly Borris and I have a difference in opinion on things. How is that 'middle school'?

I am totally cool with this being called the new '7hacks vs Eric'. We all know that PIVX would be dead by now if we allowed 7 to become dictator. I fought for the Community then, just as I do now. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Well I can't even be bothered to reply to Eric's comments @Cryptosi let's call that me being the bigger man although in real turns he's a giant compared to me.

Let's get back to the proposal. How can not having atleast 1 daily automated post/tweet be considered sufficient amount of work for the social channel? 22nd June was last one for twitter.

Binance has cancelled the delisting for some eu privacy coins. There's your extra spur of the moment tweet @LeacyMcK

How about some comments on the breakdown that has been provided above about your work? I don't think that's much to ask. @sh_rn Said to ask what your doing instead of assuming your doing nothing to warrant the fee.

Do you think expecting atleast 1 tweet/post a day over all platforms plus replies is to much to ask for??
"Eric also your comment about never supporting anything Borris puts forward is also beneath you, far far beneath you."

Nope. I stand by that. Borris has never shown any ability to think critically, or to support his arguments with logical rational thought or facts. He claims expertise where he has none, and he has flat out stated he wants to destroy PIVX.

On this issue, the only difference between me and everyone else knowledgeable of the topic, is that I choose to speak my mind, while others exercise their right to remain silent. Is that what is 'beneath' me? Am I to remain silent? Meh.

I'll reply to this one. I am not and have never been out to destroy pivx. I have as you know paid funds and supported pivx throughout the years.

The only disagreements have always originated from criticism of something that always seems to be linked to Eric in some way. Maybe it is you @Eric_Stanek who needs to think maybe I don't know everything and are not always correct? Great leaders surround themselves with people who aren't afraid to tell them when they are doing something wrong or to offer a different often opposite opinion. You've added a bunch of "core team" with yes people who go with what you say as you control a huge amount of votes. Piss you off they ain't getting voted in and everyone knows that.

Now get back to backing up why this proposal with not even 1 single post on all platforms happens each day and tell me why thats worth it?