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  1. Snappy

    Archived Additional Marketing Fund Oct-Dec 2020

    Please see here ( for all updates.
  2. Snappy

    Archived Marketing BizDEV Blitzkrieg Fund Oct-Dec 2020

    **EVERYONE!!! MARKETING AND BIZ DEV UPDATE** A lot has been put into place over the past 2 weeks. @Ambassador#2984 myself and @jakiman#8633 have been working/building, and this was only recently augmented by the MN voting yes to entrust PIV to an escrowed address to be used for the sole...
  3. Snappy

    Budget Proposals Reports

    Transparency is great. Monthly reports would be great, ESPECIALLY in a "dashboard" type of manner because put here, they get lost. If it's organized into a "governance/budget" dashboard, then IF you have a proposal, you must make an account on that dashboard system You must provide reports and...
  4. Snappy

    Archived Website Development (PIVX.ORG 2.0) Final Sprint & Ongoing Support

    If you don't recollect (but if you care to DYOR in discord public chats) back in February and March of 2020, there was nearly an entire month of individuals including myself garnering support from the community to build a new website. Consistent pings asking the community who wanted to be...
  5. Snappy

    Archived SENTINEL Alliance Year 1

    ** This replaces the AllianceSENTy1 proposal, which had erroneously been submitted for 12 budget cycles (instead of 1). PLEASE DOWNVOTE HASH 839412adb1b55434dbc51a3c4363fca0103ba52ba8804416bc7f34e5b816f080 (for proposal AllianceSentyr1) Abstract This document outlines a new proposed...
  6. Snappy

    Archived Additional Marketing Fund Oct-Dec 2020

    Abstract This proposal is virtually identical to the main proposal - Marketing BizDEV Blitzkrieg Oct-Dec 2020. After receiving numerous positive and supportive comments and feedback from the community, we decided to come out with an additional Marketing Fund proposal. The main intention for...
  7. Snappy

    Archived Marketing BizDEV Blitzkrieg Fund Oct-Dec 2020

    Abstract This document outlines the funding for a new proposed PIVX Marketing & Biz Development Direction. This proposal will NOT be used to pay the submitters, or those stewarding the amounts. This proposal is the first of its kind proposal for PIVX that aims to solely put aside 100% of the...
  8. Snappy

    Archived Website Development (PIVX.ORG 2.0) Final Sprint & Ongoing Support

    Update on development: The site is in the final testing/data entry mode. All functionality for the site (v1) has been coded, and all the design elements (That have been provided) have been implemented. Copy for the site is completed, built-in, and proofed once (there will be at least 2 more...
  9. Snappy


    Hey All, Earlier today @vampyren requested a donation address to start to put together funds for promotion work pertaining to PIVX. Having fluid funds to do more pinpointed, acupressure targeted work, article publishing, and the like, is something PIVX has never had or excelled in. For...
  10. Snappy


    Many of you know @Ambassador#2984 - and if you do not, you should. He's an awesome PIVIAN, and someone who did massive work for us on REDDIT not to long ago. His proposals didn't pass/get funded, so we're doing this old school. I'm looking to crowdfund for him to get back in the saddle, and...
  11. Snappy

    Archived Support-Marketing-Testing Ambassador Q3

    To me: your value to the project is barely reflected in the "current" value of what you are asking. Thank you for submitting this - and I do hope the MN voters recognize a valued/critical role you play in being someone who knows deeper aspects of the codebase (than say myself, who is often...
  12. Snappy

    Archived Website Development (PIVX.ORG 2.0) Final Sprint & Ongoing Support

    Title: Website Development (PIVX.ORG 2.0) Final Sprint & Ongoing Support Name: WebDevSprint1 Term: 1 Cycle Amnt: 4,400 PIV Total Amnt: 4,400 PIV Author: Snappy Receiver: Snappy Address: DTAgUBVH9mYikPUqJcBFKmYUczfgYxNwj3 Created: 2020-06-27 This proposal is to help fund the current...
  13. Snappy

    Archived PIVX SPORTS AMBASSADOR: Leading Australian Female Triathlete (And World Champion Contender) - Maighan Brown

    mnbudgetvote many 7d9c4e580316cd594128d52bd8b8c1175708d3f07ee90947acc2b55906214262 yes mnbudgetvote many 7d9c4e580316cd594128d52bd8b8c1175708d3f07ee90947acc2b55906214262 no
  14. Snappy

    Archived PIVXsports -Maighan Brown 2

    Title: Maighan Brown 2 (Oct-Dec 2019) Name: MaighanBrownOctDec19 Term: 3 Cycle Amnt: 1500 Total Amnt: 4500 Author: Bryan “Snappy” Receiver: Maighan Brown Address: TBA Created: 10.04.2019 Status: Budget Proposal Abstract This document outlines the next cycle of funding for a Sports Ambassador...
  15. Snappy

    Archived Business Development Proposal (Jul-Sept 19): Snappy

    As a Recap of this proposal: Maighan Brown has now been representing PIVX as a PIVXsports Ambassador - Female Triathlete. She's ordered and raced in her PIVX gear, and just this past weekend took 1st place in the olympic distance Tri. She's putting in a follow up proposal now to continue the...
  16. Snappy

    Archived Business Development Proposal (Jul-Sept 19): Snappy

    UPDATES AS OF AUGUST 12th: - Successfully brought Maighan Brown into PIVX (she's now representing PIVX as a PIVXsports Ambassador - Female Triathlete). We should be seeing her in PIVX gear soon (was ordered). The race season starts soon down in Australia as well - so competition, coverage, etc...
  17. Snappy

    Archived PIVX Dev Servers (Aug - Oct 2019)

    Thank you @fuzzbawls for this, for being you, and your work. 100% - and I think having a tip to (more prominent) for funding of this is something to explore and/or have more public. "little" things (this isn't little of course) add up, and make the difference.
  18. Snappy

    Archived Breakthrough Blockchain Foundation + PIVX Alliance

    Hey @Gordon1770! Thanks for the feedback! Would love to chat! I have a feeling we can explore the possibility of leveraging BBF and the alliances and partnerships with universities here in the States with those Down Under!