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Archived Marketing BizDEV Jan-Jun 2021


Title: Marketing BizDEV Jan-Jun 2021
Name: PIVX-MBD-JanJun2021
Term: 6 Cycles
Cycle Amount: 5000 PIV
Total Amount: 30000 PIV
Author: Jakiman, Ambassador, SnappySnap
Receiver: Ambassador
Address: DPL4keBbxcWvzRd8Mw53kC4mcnh7hDJNSj
Created: 2020-12-29
Status: Active


This is a second proposal of the recently formed PIVX Marketing & Biz Development Team. This proposal will NOT be used to pay the submitters, or those stewarding the amounts. This type of proposal which was first introduced in October 2020 was the first of its kind proposal for PIVX that aims to solely put aside 100% of the amount towards PIVX Promotions & Business Development, which may be used to cover such costs as the exchange listing fees, paid promotions and articles, payments for PIVX’s co-operations with well-known cryptocurrency influencers, establish the important alliances and partnerships, trading competitions, supporting the liquidity and trading volume in occasions when there’s a risk of delisting from an important exchange due to low volume, and more. To reiterate, no member of this team will be paid from these amounts. We are strictly volunteers who will give our time and energy to promote, marketing, and integrate PIVX as effectively, efficiently, and loudly as we can while stewarding and consciously directing any required funds as needed for maximal impact.

Previous work reports​

Previous proposal was successfully completed. Detailed report what was accomplished can be found below in the comments:

Term and Format Commitment​

As this proposal can be looked at as more of a sinking fund (in that, funds MUST be used as needed for marketing business development purposes, but without any predetermined outflow). This proposal is planned for a fixed amount of PIV (5000), no matter if USD value per PIV goes up or down. In case of the large USD value growth, funds will allow realizing more opportunities.

The format for these proposals will be as follows:
  • Each member of the MBDB team will be listed
  • Their roles and responsibilities will be listed
  • Any member notes, changes, exceptions will be listed
  • Extra funds (if any) will be rationalized
MBDB team members will not be reporting hours worked, and task specifics will NOT be listed in monthly reports so as to not burden the volunteers with unnecessary busywork. However, macro-level reporting of:

  • Funds Available
  • Funds Used
  • Initiatives Started (if allowable, as some may require elements or privacy until their release. In these cases, the MBDB team will provide a high level redacted summary of any of these initiatives)


All MBDB Team members are expected to participate in the general work of marketing and Biz Dev, as well as participate in weekly internal team meetings with reliable frequency.

The following initiatives fall under the care and responsibility of the PIVX MBDB:

Brand Warmth Enhancement3rd Party reviews (unpaid) of PIVX, positive media and chatter feedback of PIVX
Website (new) Marketing
Privacy (v5) Marketing
Exchange listings
Partnership / Alliances
Exchange Volume Boost

PIVX MBDB Allotment​

The PIVX MBDB Team is receiving 0 PIV for their work from the DAO’s budget:
  • SnappySnap - BizDev, copy, articles (0 PIV)
  • Ambassador - Marketing, articles (0 PIV)
  • Jakiman - BizDev, copy, articles (0 PIV)
IMPORTANT NOTE: By mentioning “copy, articles”, it doesn’t mean an obligation for any of the MBDB team members to provide copy to the marketing team, it's up to the individual's desire to assist in such activities outside of this proposal. Copy/articles are intended to be written among MBDB team members for business development purposes within the scope of this proposal.

Before any funds may be released for Marketing or Biz Dev purposes, a member of the MBDB Team must propose (internally) the use of funds, the purpose, and amount. Only a unanimous vote of 3 (the MBDB must be in agreement) will be sufficient for subsequent dispersal of funds.
A ledger and record of these requests and outflows will be made available to the public and may contain redacted information based on any NDAs or time/market-sensitive uses.

Total Per Cycle: 5000 PIV

Donations and Receiving of Additional Funds​

Any funds received by the proposal payout address from any source other than the PIVX network’s in-built budget distribution system will be considered as donations to be stewarded in the same fashion as explained above.

For complete transparency, a receiving address for donations is the same as the proposal’s receiving address, and it is the following address: DPL4keBbxcWvzRd8Mw53kC4mcnh7hDJNSj

IMPORTANT NOTE: We DO encourage the PIVX community to additionally donate to this Marketing Fund even if it gets funded from the PIVX budget. Be assured that every single additional PIV donated to this fund will be used in the best possible way to increase the PIVX price. The larger Marketing Fund gets, the more quality possibilities in all mentioned areas above are coming into consideration, which brings endless opportunities.

Funds are being received to the active staking wallet, in order to increase the Marketing Budget further while funds are waiting for deployment.

The PIVX MBDB Team reserves the right to decide for ourselves the area(s) of focus that may or may not be added due to an increase in funds received, as well as the priority of any such added areas of focus.

Notable Changes​


To vote yes:

mnbudgetvote many 150d2ba75bead60bfba343378aeaea5f475427fcf6450d145368fadb30169252 yes

To vote no:

mnbudgetvote many 150d2ba75bead60bfba343378aeaea5f475427fcf6450d145368fadb30169252 no
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Hi All!

Here is an updated report on the use/utilization of funds and all activities (some redacted) pertaining to the BizDev/Marketing Fund proposals.

We have additionally provided insights into the "biz dev" activities to provide clarity into the volunteer work of @Ambassador @jakiman and myself (@Snappy).

This list is NOT comprehensive but should give some insight into what "we" have done collectively.





Recap of some of the work/activities (since 1/1/2021).

** PLEASE NOTE: The below is not all-encompassing. There are additional activities that we’ve engaged in, contributed to, supported, and accomplished that are NOT reported on below. Some of them (due to the nature of the engagements, etc) we are not permitted to disclose. Some are still in the works, and revealing them would not be advantageous to those relationships, or for the benefit of PIVX.**


  • 5 weekly market reports were curated and pushed to PIVX.org blog

  • SHIELD Campaign work
    • Storyboarding, prep, planning, and timing of the campaign schedule (also working hand in hand with LeacyMck for social coordination)
    • 2 full-length press releases created, reviewed, and distributed
    • Coordinating with web-dev team for messaging and campaign synergy
    • Multiple blog posts created for the campaign and releases
  • Jan 14th network attack attempt response
    • Rapid response coordinating with exchanges to stop trading
    • Crafting memos, tweets
    • Creation of official recap of the attack attempt pushed to PIVX.org blog
  • Website Updates Blog post creation

  • Cold Stake Maintenance Mode
    • Crafting messaging, responses
    • Coordinating with developers about timing and release, and messaging
  • Custom 8 page ETH, XTZ, and PIVX summary and comparison article (3 Musketeers of PIVX) written and published
    • used in multiple reddit campaigns
  • Wikipedia PIVX page
    • Working on getting a PIVX wiki page up
  • For all news above:
    • Responsible for distribution to
      • Blockfolio Signal
      • Xangle
      • Telegram channels

  • Reddit
    • User acquisition and growth on reddit has compounded
    • r/PIVX now consistently has 80+ active Redditors daily, with the content being generated throughout the day on reddit
    • PIVX news and posts are consistently at the top of multiple subreddits including
      • r/SatoshiStreetBets
      • r/cryptocurrency
    • Many of these Redditors have since joined the PIVX discord and are HIGHLY active participants in community building and support already.
  • Volumes
    • Helped to keep PIVX pairs on exchanges listed by volume creation/market making
  • Social Influence
    • Snappy (through his relationship building) was able to coordinate another interview with Nuggets News

  • Other crypto influencers have been in conversation with covering PIVX as a result of our outreach + timed groundswell of media / news.

  • Discord
    • Ongoing community building and support
    • Interfacing with social, devs, and others to continue to network and flow
  • Ongoing work
    • Network building in other regions for large PIVX media coverage and adoption
    • Exchange Listings (2 currently in progress)
    • Platform integration (one in progress)
    • Alliances (1 new submitted, 1 in pre-phases)

While we don’t log hours, the three of us can attest that we’ve dedicated and committed significantly more time these past 30-40 days to PIVX. If you don’t believe this, go ask around in discord (or look at the timestamps of all our conversations). And that’s just what you can see. In some cases, 8-16+ hours by each person a day were volunteered to ensure that PIVX continues to receive the awareness it deserves.

Again, we aren’t receiving any funds for our time or efforts.


  • Increase in active reddit posts and redditors
  • The positive sentiment of PIVX rising online
  • Positive sentiment in PIVX discord is growing
  • Search queries for PIVX are rising (which, this factor alone is not just because “BTC is rising in value”). This means the efforts combined of getting the PIVX name (and details) out are working. In fact, search queries are the highest they’ve been in 3+ months




Please note distributions for Paid work reflect an invoice for Press Release Services.
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Can you provide more of a breakdown. 18100 used. What price was that sold at? How was it used?

Same for distribution for promotion 16350. These are large figures and should be broke down more.

Where does the 2920 for paid work go?

Feels like a report but we're not getting all the info which is needed to scrutinies.

A full breakdown of the costs and monies spent is the only way this proposal can be commented on.
Can you provide more of a breakdown. 18100 used. What price was that sold at? How was it used?

Same for distribution for promotion 16350. These are large figures and should be broke down more.

Where does the 2920 for paid work go?

Feels like a report but we're not getting all the info which is needed to scrutinies.

A full breakdown of the costs and monies spent is the only way this proposal can be commented on.
Please do read the report in detail, and thoroughly.

Perhaps you missed some elements and thus could answer your own question(s).

For example - see screenshot.

I'll just say this: if an amount isn't "broken down" it's for good reason. There are agreements, NDAs, and other elements that preclude any sort of public disclosure. Thanks for understanding the amount of work/effort/labor that goes into making elements happen for PIVX!


  • Screen Shot 2021-03-10 at 4.05.51 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2021-03-10 at 4.05.51 PM.png
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Please do read the report in detail, and thoroughly.

Perhaps you missed some elements and thus could answer your own question(s).

For example - see screenshot.

I'll just say this: if an amount isn't "broken down" it's for good reason. There are agreements, NDAs, and other elements that preclude any sort of public disclosure. Thanks for understanding the amount of work/effort/labor that goes into making elements happen for PIVX!
Ye I see that and understand nda you can only say what's allowed. But how does anyone know? There's 3 people who control that fund and must agree. But how does anyone know those funds were used to their best if its just a figure? How about this amount provided x amount of articles as a starting point. It was sold for $ at a price of Xcent which gave us this much funds which we used for x. Then those articles we see can be scrutinised against the rough dollar $ value it cost that cycle for x amount of articles.
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let me help you. below is all of the outgoings. with a remaining balance of 286.99397565piv. now how does this relate to how much has been provided? this is roughly 55950piv spent on?

from the information you have provided in your 'report'

5 weekly market reports made by snappy? surely no nda on that? how much have you been paying yourself?
same for Multiple blog posts created for the campaign and releases. this is information you can provide.
2 full-length press releases created, reviewed, and distributed. can you link me to them? any numbers for them also?
reddit has been a seperate proposal and is still being funded so that should not of been taking any funds. if it was why was it?
alot of social media stuff you mention. does that mean this fund is for that as well now?

from your own 'report' the only nda fees would be those 2 articles which if you could link and provide some numbers on their reach that would be great. other than that there is no reason why you cant provide the information asked.

2021-03-01 18:16 -500.00
2021-02-20 04:06 -986.99399825
2021-02-18 03:18 -19086.99447865
2021-02-18 03:10 -1000.40
2021-02-18 03:07 -1008.33333333
2021-02-12 21:40 -7111.96666666
2021-02-09 01:10 -1002.40
2021-02-01 17:43 -3664.59471815
2021-01-22 03:54 -3212.89828138
2020-12-11 18:58 -1132.99828139
2020-12-03 13:23 -3268.50
2020-12-03 13:16 -5016.49496525
2020-11-24 17:50 -7513.49503665
2020-11-24 01:29 -1.49508975
2020-11-18 13:06 -1000.50
2020-11-01 16:19 -1351.49518275
All the non-cost activities (all human labor and time spent by us three) were done for free. Zero cost to the budget. Not a single PIV is paid to ourselves.
All the cost-bearing activities (articles, listings, liquidity, promotions etc) were paid for using the budget + donations.
It's actually not possible to list out many of the paid stuff in detail as they are not supposed to be known as paid work by the ones who posted them.
All the non-cost activities (all human labor and time spent by us three) were done for free. Zero cost to the budget. Not a single PIV is paid to ourselves.
All the cost-bearing activities (articles, listings, liquidity, promotions etc) were paid for using the budget + donations.
It's actually not possible to list out many of the paid stuff in detail as they are not supposed to be known as paid work by the ones who posted them.
Obviously there are funds exchanging hands between yourselves, pulling some out not as a direct payment but funding for articles wrote such as the weekly marketing, occasional blog posts. Just trying to find out how much each of these things costs as those things can be specific and allow everyone to see how much you think one is worth, because atm your setting that price between yourselves and not informing the masternode owners.

If we went off neither of you are pulling any funds out then 55950 has been spent on 2 articles.
More than half the stuff written in snappy's report are done for free. We just wrote what we did. But cost the budget nothing. Is that so hard to understand?

You are making zero sense on your calculations. Please read above posts again as it's quite clearly laid out.

Also, many other MNOs understand. So don't try to pull other MNOs down to your level.
Still don't like these pots. This can be completely broken down e.g. you write weekly marketing reports and occasional blog post, my fee is x.

It's now by the looks of it the social media aswell and trying to include reddit stats in to the report which I can only describe as fattening the report up so it looks like more has been done. That has a seperate proposal already so no mention would be needed?
More than half the stuff written in snappy's report are done for free. We just wrote what we did. But cost the budget nothing. Is that so hard to understand?

You are making zero sense on your calculations. Please read above posts again as it's quite clearly laid out.

Also, many other MNOs understand. So don't try to pull other MNOs down to your level.
More deflection answer that is. If mns are here to scrutinise proposals then figures are needed. 55950+ piv have been used and you only mention 2 paid blogs which can you link to. So unless the 2 articles cost that much then the remaining funds have been distributed between yourselves.
I'm not saying that as a bad thing. I'm just following the funds. You should get paid for your time. But this can be documented if it was all broken down.
It is broken down already. You missed it? If you don't trust any of it, not much more we can do tbh.

Your missing what I'm saying. Going off that those 2 paid articles is where all the funds have gone if none of you have received any funds.
Huh? So you are basically ignoring the data provided and making your own assumptions?

Obviously there are funds exchanging hands between yourselves, pulling some out not as a direct payment but funding for articles wrote such as the weekly marketing, occasional blog posts.
Umm. No. Nothing gets paid to ourselves. Zero. Nada. Zilch. All that work was done for free and is technically not part of the budget, but more a bonus as a result.
Huh? So you are basically ignoring the data provided and making your own assumptions?

Umm. No. Nothing gets paid to ourselves. Zero. Nada. Zilch. All that work was done for free and is technically not part of the budget, but more a bonus as a result.
I'm going off what information you have given in the report. Pretty basic information that means nothing without numbers.

The whole report is basically stuff you lot do everyday plus 2 paid promotions. So if you are working for free as you say so then basically means the whole fund was spent on the 2 articles. As the rest is stuff you lot are doing. So all those marketing reports were free, the blog posts were free? See why I'm trying to get some numbers now? Like trying get blood from a stone getting information that you would need to see if it's worthwhile.

I'm not against any of you being paid but to try and hide it behind nda agreements as an argument is ridiculous. The only place there could be one where you couldn't say the price is the 2 paid promotions.
Well good luck trying to get more from us as we provided what we can without ruining public relations and potentially getting PIVX attacked.

Also, I still don't get how you think we spent it all on 2 articles? You must be reading some other coin's forum post and not ours.
We spent over 18k on articles and over 16k PIV on other third party promotions. It says so above which you clearly are ignoring.

Anyways, all this is a waste of my time that could be spent actually helping PIVX. Thanks.
Well good luck trying to get more from us as we provided what we can without ruining public relations and potentially getting PIVX attacked.

Also, I still don't get how you think we spent it all on 2 articles? You must be reading some other coin's forum post and not ours.
We spent over 18k on articles and over 16k PIV on other third party promotions. It says so above which you clearly are ignoring.

Anyways, all this is a waste of my time that could be spent actually helping PIVX. Thanks.
But it doesn't say that does it. If you've spent 18k on articles then list them. You don't have to include specific price. These articles cost 18k total. Then do the same for third party promotions. If these articles are you and the crew doing them then we can be specific with them.

A pot was never a good idea and still isn't. Especially when you won't let us scrutinise the price or actually where the funds are going. We've spent $18k! I only see 2 paid promotions listed, well kinda listed you've acknowledged there is 2 but not been specific or linked to it. So with basic reasoning the other articles must be ones you lot have been writing which you have set your own fee and have full control.
But it doesn't say that does it. If you've spent 18k on articles then list them. You don't have to include specific price. These articles cost 18k total. Then do the same for third party promotions. If these articles are you and the crew doing them then we can be specific with them.

A pot was never a good idea and still isn't. Especially when you won't let us scrutinise the price or actually where the funds are going. We've spent $18k! I only see 2 paid promotions listed, well kinda listed you've acknowledged there is 2 but not been specific or linked to it. So with basic reasoning the other articles must be ones you lot have been writing which you have set your own fee and have full control.
That's the issue. That you think it's a given that the prices negotiated by us to make that happen are something that needs to be made public for you to scrutinize over. It's not.

Also, as mentioned, they cannot be disclosed / linked. There's a good reason why they can't.

But you seem to not care how detrimental it can be to PIVX by revealing them. (or that it could benefit other coins. maybe that's your goal?)