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Search results

  1. Snappy

    Archived PIVX + ARK.IO Alliance

    Title: AllianceARK21 Name: AllianceARK21 Term: 1 Cycle Amnt: 50 Total Amnt: 50 Author: Snappy Receiver: Snappy Address: D5A6AcuADKEuTAdtu672utU6ZaVf32dLE3 Created: 19th Feb 2021 Status: Proposal Abstract This document outlines a new proposed Alliance between PIVX and ARK. The overall goal is...
  2. Snappy


    Hey Folks, PLEASE consider supporting @Ambassador in his epic work on reddit. He's helped push/drive reddit traffic for PIVX getting us to the top of 1mil+ crypto groups, and is vital to the up and coming marketing work/pushes (to capitalize on reddit). He's looking for 2.5k PIV...
  3. Snappy

    Fiat - PIVX listing

    Hey everyone, We have the opportunity to open up a USD and EUR - PIVX trade pairing. This would be through us getting listed on a larger European / asian focused exchange (that we are currently not listed on). On top of this, the platform offers no KYC deposits and withdraws for < 2BTC a day...
  4. Snappy

    Archived SENTINEL Alliance Year 1

    ** This replaces the AllianceSENTy1 proposal, which had erroneously been submitted for 12 budget cycles (instead of 1). PLEASE DOWNVOTE HASH 839412adb1b55434dbc51a3c4363fca0103ba52ba8804416bc7f34e5b816f080 (for proposal AllianceSentyr1) Abstract This document outlines a new proposed...
  5. Snappy

    Archived Additional Marketing Fund Oct-Dec 2020

    Abstract This proposal is virtually identical to the main proposal - Marketing BizDEV Blitzkrieg Oct-Dec 2020. After receiving numerous positive and supportive comments and feedback from the community, we decided to come out with an additional Marketing Fund proposal. The main intention for...
  6. Snappy

    Archived Marketing BizDEV Blitzkrieg Fund Oct-Dec 2020

    Abstract This document outlines the funding for a new proposed PIVX Marketing & Biz Development Direction. This proposal will NOT be used to pay the submitters, or those stewarding the amounts. This proposal is the first of its kind proposal for PIVX that aims to solely put aside 100% of the...
  7. Snappy


    Hey All, Earlier today @vampyren requested a donation address to start to put together funds for promotion work pertaining to PIVX. Having fluid funds to do more pinpointed, acupressure targeted work, article publishing, and the like, is something PIVX has never had or excelled in. For...
  8. Snappy


    Many of you know @Ambassador#2984 - and if you do not, you should. He's an awesome PIVIAN, and someone who did massive work for us on REDDIT not to long ago. His proposals didn't pass/get funded, so we're doing this old school. I'm looking to crowdfund for him to get back in the saddle, and...
  9. Snappy

    Archived Website Development (PIVX.ORG 2.0) Final Sprint & Ongoing Support

    Title: Website Development (PIVX.ORG 2.0) Final Sprint & Ongoing Support Name: WebDevSprint1 Term: 1 Cycle Amnt: 4,400 PIV Total Amnt: 4,400 PIV Author: Snappy Receiver: Snappy Address: DTAgUBVH9mYikPUqJcBFKmYUczfgYxNwj3 Created: 2020-06-27 This proposal is to help fund the current...
  10. Snappy

    Archived PIVXsports -Maighan Brown 2

    Title: Maighan Brown 2 (Oct-Dec 2019) Name: MaighanBrownOctDec19 Term: 3 Cycle Amnt: 1500 Total Amnt: 4500 Author: Bryan “Snappy” Receiver: Maighan Brown Address: TBA Created: 10.04.2019 Status: Budget Proposal Abstract This document outlines the next cycle of funding for a Sports Ambassador...
  11. Snappy

    Archived PIVX SPORTS AMBASSADOR: Leading Australian Female Triathlete (And Olympic Contender) - Maighan Brown

    Title: Maighan Brown Sports Ambassador: Pre-Olympic Triathlete (July-Sept 2019) Name: MaighanBrownSportsAmbassadorJulSep19 Term: 3 Cycle Amnt: 1200 Total Amnt: 3600 Author: Bryan “Snappy” Receiver: Maighan Brown Address: TBA Created: 06.24.2019 Status: Budget Proposal Abstract This document...
  12. Snappy

    Archived Business Development Proposal (Jul-Sept 19): Snappy

    Title: Bryan “Snappy” PIVX Business Dev & Global Ambassador (July-Sept 2019) Name: BizDev_Snappy_JulySept19 Term: 3 Cycle Amnt: 6000 Total Amnt: 18,000 Author: Bryan “Snappy” Receiver: Bryan “Snappy” Address: TBA Created: 06.24.2019 Status: Budget Proposal Abstract This document outlines the...
  13. Snappy

    Archived Breakthrough Blockchain Foundation + PIVX Alliance

    This is a proposal for funding and an alliance between PIVX and the Breakthrough Blockchain Foundation. It is being posted by SnappySnap on behalf of Dan Neal (of the Breakthrough Blockchain Foundation - more about Dan below). At a high level - the Breakthrough Blockchain Foundation is a...
  14. Snappy

    Archived Breakthrough Blockchain Pre-Proposal - PIVX Alliance, Penn State, ASU, & More University Inroad

    This is a pre-proposal to garner feedback around the proposed potential alliance between PIVX and the Breakthrough Blockchain Foundation. It is being posted by SnappySnap on behalf of Dan Neal (of the Breakthrough Blockchain Foundation - more about Dan below). At a high level - the...