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Search results

  1. Cryptosi

    Archived PIVX DAO Tutorials

    Title: PIVX DAO Tutorials Name: DAOTutorials Term: 1 Cycle Amount: 1,000 Total Amount: 1,000 Author: CryptoSI Receiver: CryptoSI Address: DL2qMJzBwpw67NTjUPncdJvaeYz1KjvcCV Status: Active Created: 01-08-2023 Vote Hash: 4f51685f0d73303148638529ac7d8233d2b3ef3779df91ff8b73f6b7237d9fd2...
  2. Cryptosi

    Awaiting Feedback PIVX Proposal creation tutorial suite

    Title: PIVX DAO Tutorials Name: DAOTutorials Term: 1 Cycle Amount: 1,000 Total Amount: 1,000 Author: CryptoSI Receiver: CryptoSI Address: DL2qMJzBwpw67NTjUPncdJvaeYz1KjvcCV Status: Draft Proposal Name PIVX DAO Tutorials Overview In this proposal I wish to get paid to produce a suite...
  3. Cryptosi

    DAOs; The Next Best Thing in Crypto.

    📣 Attention PIVX Community! 📣 We've got an exciting new video for you, featuring our very own Hans Koning in conversation with the knowledgeable Cryptosi. They dive deep into the world of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and explore their impact on projects like PIVX. 🎯 Key...
  4. Cryptosi

    Support for a new DAO focused Youtube show - DAOWatch.blog - Features PIVX Bi-weekly

    Hi guys I'm CryptoSI, long time crypto OG (since 2012 - PIVX 2016-2020) and current owner of SmartReach youtube Channel, I've been creating content for some years now, with a very small viewership and 0 promotion dollars spent, I usually create content in my spare time just for fun. Currently...
  5. Cryptosi

    Archived Zenzo Alliance Year 2

    Title: AllianceZNZ2 Name: AllianceZNZ2 Term: 1 Cycle Amnt: 50 Total Amnt: 50 Author: Cryptosi Receiver: Cryptosi Address: DUCGQ3GTTa3SviQ8GeNMwdivVfCR8Mn9iC Created: 19th September 2020 Status: Proposal PIVX alliance recently expired and we have discussed adding a second year to alliance and...
  6. Cryptosi

    Archived Zephyr x In-wallet exchanger

    Title: ZephyrPhase2 Name: ZephyrPhase2 Term: 3 Cycle Amnt: 2500 Total Amnt: 7500 Author: Cryptosi Receiver: Cryptosi Address: DGnUteoATVFiHTHEjHPp3YodceXhbf8RGY Created: 24th September 2019 Status: Proposal Zephyr was released as 0.9.1 on Tuesday the 10th september 2019 and we intend to move...
  7. Cryptosi

    Zephyr x In-wallet exchanger

    This is the start of a discussion around adding An in-wallet exchanger to Zephyr light wallet. The Idea is that aquiring PIVX becomes even easier for people ALL around the world, so on top of not having to download the entire blockchain to store, send and receive PIVX, This proposal will allow...
  8. Cryptosi

    Zephyr x Sentinel DVPN

    This is the start of a proposal to include Sentinel within the Zephyr Light wallet. Zephyr already uses optional TOR routing, however TOR does have some Known issues. Sentinel is a Distributed VPN which has a governance layer to mitigate bad actors, this does come at a price however. The plan...
  9. Cryptosi

    Archived [Alliance] AllianceAllnodes [/Alliance]

    Title: PIVX Alliance with Allnodes Masternode hosting provider Name: AllianceAllnodes Term: 1 Cycle Amnt: 50 Total Amnt: 50 Author: MainKoon, Cryptosi Receiver: Mainkoon Address: DEY789sVbKAjJ1m2r9T9hpRMRJikoCNWSd Created: 21st August 2019 Status: proposal Overview: Recently there has been...
  10. Cryptosi

    Archived [Alliance] PIVX x Merge [/Alliance]

    Title: Alliance between PIVX and Merge Name: Alliance_Merge Term: 1 Cycle Amnt: 50 Total Amnt: 50 Author: Cryptosi & Sparrow Receiver: Cryptosi Address: DHj685YVZHK87iReB2unZfQJ5zkPgod9g9 Created: 21st August 2019 Status: Proposal Overview The ultimate goal and focus on establishing an...
  11. Cryptosi

    Archived [Alliance] Allnodes Discord/Telegram bot and exclusive social group [/Alliance]

    Title: PIVX Alliance with Allnodes Masternode hosting provider Name: Alliance_Allnodes Term: 1 Cycle Amnt: 0 Total Amnt: 0 Author: MainKoon, Cryptosi Receiver: Mainkoon Address: not created yet Created: July 30th 2019 Status: Pre-proposal Overview: Recently there has been plenty of interest...
  12. Cryptosi

    Archived [Alliance] PIVX x Merge [/Alliance]

    Title: Alliance between PIVX and Merge Name: Alliance_Merge Term: 1 Cycle Amnt: 50 Total Amnt: 50 Author: Cryptosi & Sparrow Receiver: Cryptosi Address: Not created yet Created: 29th July 2019 Status: Pre-proposal Overview The ultimate goal and focus on establishing an alliance between PIVX...
  13. Cryptosi

    Archived PIVXStore Report - July 2019

    The PIVXStore Report for July 2019 has been released in Discord : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/598984499644203008/602093550527840256/PIVXStore_report_July_2019.pdf You can also view it in Google docs here ...
  14. Cryptosi

    Pick a Name for PIVX Electrum....... VOTING NOW OPEN

    Vote on the PIVX Electrum light wallet name PIVX will soon have another Light wallet offering, this time a fork of Dash Electrum . However I'm not that keen on the name PIVX Electrum, especially as it should technically be called PIVX Dash Electrum, I feel that this type of naming convention is...
  15. Cryptosi

    Archived PIVX Integration on INDACOIN

    Title: Integrating PIVX with INDACOIN Name: AllianceIndacoin Term: 2 cycles Cycle Amnt: 1,000 PIV Total Amnt: 2,000 PIV Author: Cryptosi Receiver: Cryptosi Address: Not created yet Created: 10th June 2019 Status: Pre-proposed Further info on Indacoin : https://indacoin.com/ Overview: I'm...
  16. Cryptosi

    Archived Alliance Funding 3

    This proposal is for 1000 Piv to support Alliances for the next month at least. Alliances is PIVX's Version of partnerships and are completed in a truly decentralised manner. To my knowledge this is the only initiative of its kind in all of crypto. So far we have Allied with Particl, Numo and...
  17. Cryptosi

    Fix of Ram Issue #764 -- Pre-proposal discussion, Dev attention needed if possible

    This is the First effort to have an external developer fix an issue and have his/her work funded by the PIVX budget. This pre-proposal is to discuss developer VThomas fixing Issue #764 in PIVX Github. please read this google doc for more information...
  18. Cryptosi

    Archived PIVX Store - Official merchandise store for PIVX

    This proposal is to Build an official PIVX Merch online store. If you cannot be bothered to read the entire Proposal here is the summary: Store will sell 5 items initially, T-shirt, hoodie, socks, cap, mug Store will be handled by Cryptowardrobe.com dropshipping service. Proposal is asking...
  19. Cryptosi

    PIVX Proposal Guide - How to put in a Proposal on debug console

    This entire process is completed in the Debug Console. STEP 1 preparebudget < name of proposal > < info link > < how many payments > < starting block > < payment address > < Amount per payment > INFO To obtain the next superblock (starting block) go to the Debug Console, and type...
  20. Cryptosi

    Archived Electrum Wallet 2nd Attempt

    This is a Carbon copy of the Electrum Wallet proposal launched in April, Previously this proposal was passed but not funded as the entire budget was taken up. I am re-proposing this again. EXACTLY AS BEFORE : This is a proposal to have a PIVX-Electrum Light wallet built by a NON-Core dev...